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Simulating a Simple Epidemic Spreading Process on Graphs with Julia

Simulating a Simple Epidemic Spreading Process on Graphs with Julia

Graphs are structures that represent a set of objects and the relations between them. <!--more--> Formally, we say the objects are the vertices or nodes and the relations are the edges or links. We can often see graphs appearing around us.

For example:

  • vertices are cities and edges are roads that directly connect two cities;
  • vertices are pages on the Web and edges are links that connect two pages;
  • vertices are people and edges are the friendships between two individuals.

Those are just some of the applications of graphs — the list is huge.

We usually represent graphs visually drawing the vertices as circles and the edges as lines connecting two circles.

For example:

graph-example Source: Wikipedia

That is a graph with the vertices {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6} and the edges {(1, 2), (1, 5), (2, 5), (2, 3), (3, 4), (4, 5), (4, 6)}.

In this tutorial, we are going to use a Graph to model a epidemic spreading.

Table of Contents


For this tutorial, the reader will need:

  • To have Julia installed.
  • Have Jupyter-lab installed.
  • FFmpeg installed and added to Path (optional — only to generate the animations).
  • Basic programming knowledge.
  • Notions of Graphs.

It’s good if you also have some background in Julia, but if you don’t that’s not a problem! If you have some programming knowledge, you won’t have major difficulties understanding what the code snippets are doing.

The spreading dynamics

Thanks to the nature of graphs, that is, the representation of pairwise interactions/relations, they are good structures to model the spreading of an epidemic. We can represent the individuals (people or animals, for example) as the vertices, and the contact/exposure as the edges.

We are going to model the epidemic as follows:

  • Every vertex will be in one of the following states:
    • S — Susceptible
    • I — Infected
    • R — Recovered
  • At each time step:
    • Some exposed susceptible vertices (neighbors of the previously infected vertices) are going to be infected.
    • The previously infected vertices will recover and will no longer be susceptible or infectious.

That’s a simple model and it’s actually meant to be! But at the end of the tutorial, you will be able to make your own modifications and add new features or dynamics as you want.

Step 1: Setting things up

First things first, let’s install the modules we need. For this project, we are going to need the following packages:

Open your terminal and type:

> julia
> using Pkg
> Pkg.add("Graphs")
> Pkg.add("MetaGraphs")
> Pkg.add("Plots")
> Pkg.add("GraphPlot")
> Pkg.add("StatsBase")
> Pkg.add("Cairo")
> Pkg.add("Fontconfig")
> Pkg.add("Compose")
> exit()

After installing the packages, then open up Jupyter-lab:

> jupyter-lab

Create a new Julia notebook for this tutorial and let’s go to the next step!

Step 2: Creating and plotting a simple graph

If we needed to manipulate just simple graphs, the Graphs.jl package would be enough. But, as we saw earlier, each vertex needs some meta-data: its state. So we also need the MetaGraphs.jl package. Let’s import them:

using Graphs, MetaGraphs

Create your first graph:

G = MetaGraph()

You’ll see that this graph is a {0, 0} undirected Int64 metagraph. That means G has 0 vertices and 0 edges and it’s undirected — its edges aren’t “one-way”. Now let’s add some vertices and some edges:

# adding 6 new vertices
add_vertices!(G, 6)
# creating edges
add_edge!(G, 1, 2)
add_edge!(G, 1, 3)
add_edge!(G, 2, 3)
add_edge!(G, 3, 4)
add_edge!(G, 4, 5)
add_edge!(G, 5, 6)

Note the ! in front of the functions’ names. That’s a convention. We say the functions with a ! modify its arguments. In this case, add_vertices! and add_edge! are modifying the graph G by adding new vertices and new edges.

Let’s visualize our graph. Import GraphPlot:

using GraphPlot

To plot a Graph is very simple.

Just run:

# plotting the Graph

And you should see something (maybe not exactly) like that:

Our first graph!

Our first graph!

Step 3: Setting and getting the props

Until now, we only have a simple graph with no additional information. We add meta-data to a vertex v by passing a dictionary with the desired information to set_props!. Let’s write a function to set the state of all vertices in G to S (Susceptible).

function init_nodes_states!(G)
    for v in vertices(G)
        set_props!(G, v, Dict(:state=>"S", :color=>"yellow"))

With init_nodes_states! we set the state of all vertices of a graph G to S (susceptible).

Note that we are also adding the information color. That’s for visualization purposes. Let’s convention this way:

  • Yellow: susceptible
  • Red: infected
  • Blue: recovered

Let’s apply init_nodes_states! to G:


To check all the props for a given vertex, let’s say vertex 1, we can run:

# checking a prop for a vertex
MetaGraphs.props(G, 1)

This should return:

Dict{Symbol,Any} with 2 entries:
  :color => "yellow"
  :state => "S"

We can also get a specific prop, let’s say color, using get_prop:

get_prop(G, 1, :color)

This code returns the prop :color of the vertex 1 from the graph G.

Let’s plot our graph with the new colors:

function plot_graph(G)
    fillcolors = [get_prop(G, i, :color) for i in vertices(G)]
    return gplot(G, nodefillc=fillcolors, layout=spectral_layout)

In plot_graph we are computing the color prop for each vertex in G and passing the colors to the nodefillc parameter of gplot. We are also using the spectral_layout now. According to NetworkLayout.jl website, this is “an under-appreciated method of graph layouts; easier, simpler, and faster than the more common spring-based methods”. Besides, the standard (spring-based) layout method generates different graphs each time, and that’s not good for our visualizations.

Step 4: Programming the Dynamics

We now know how to create, manipulate, and plot graphs. Now we need to program the dynamics. Our dynamics will function in a steps manner. We already outlined what happens at each step (if you don’t remember, refer to The Spreading Dynamics section). So we know how our function would look like:

function update_nodes!()
    # compute the neighbors of the infected vertices that are susceptible
    # update the infected vertices (I -> R)
    # infect (S -> I) a subset of susceptible neighbors of infected vertices based on some rule

We can compute the state of the vertices (nodes) by looping through vertices(G):

function get_nodes_state(G)
    S = [] # susceptible
    I = [] # infected
    R = [] # recovered
    for v in vertices(G)
        state = get_prop(G, v, :state)
        if state=="S"
            push!(S, v)
        elseif state=="I"
            push!(I, v)
            push!(R, v)
    return S, I, R

In get_nodes_state we are looping through all vertices in G, getting their props and assigning them to a list S, I or R according to their :state.

First, update_nodes! will compute the susceptible neighbors of the infected nodes.

function update_nodes!(G, I)
    # looping through the infected vertices
    for v in I
        potential_infected_neighbors = []
        # looping through their neighbors
        for u in neighbors(G, v)
            if get_prop(G, u, :state)=="S"
                # a susceptible neighbor goes to potential_infected_neighbors
                push!(potential_infected_neighbors, u)

We pass the graph G and the list of infected vertices I we computed before to update_nodes!. It will loop through I, computing all the neighbors of the infected vertices and adding them to the list potential_infected_neighbors if they are susceptible.

Let’s create two functions to update the vertices state:

# (I -> R)
function set_node_recovered!(G, node)
    set_props!(G, node, Dict(:state=>"R", :color=>"blue"))
# (S -> I)
function set_node_infectious!(G, node)
    set_props!(G, node, Dict(:state=>"I", :color=>"red"))

The function set_nodes_recoreved! will change the props of a vertex to be recovered. In the same way, set_node_infectious will change the props of a vertex to infected.

As stated before, the infected nodes in the previous step recovers in the next. So, in update_nodes! we can already recover the infected nodes we have computed. Let’s add set_node_recovered!(G, v) in update_nodes!. This is how it should look like:

function update_nodes!(G, I)
    # looping through the infected vertices
    for v in I
        # updating the infected nodes
        set_node_recovered!(G, v)

        potential_infected_neighbors = []
        # looping through their neighbors
        for u in neighbors(G, v)
            if get_prop(G, u, :state)=="S"
                # a susceptible neighbor goes to potential_infected_neighbors
                push!(potential_infected_neighbors, u)

We are computing the infected nodes, recovering them and getting their susceptible neighbors.

Now we need to set a rule that will say how we should choose the neighbors that will be infected in the next step. Let’s keep it simple: each infected vertex will infect r random neighbors. If the vertex has less than r neighbors, it infects all its neighbors.

To select the r random neighbors, let’s use the sample function from StatsBase package. Import StatsBase:

using StatsBase

We can get a sample of size r using sample(potential_infected_neighbors, r). Let’s create a list to store the vertices that are going to be infected and pass the parameter r to update_nodes!:

function update_nodes!(G, I, r)
    next_infected_nodes = []

    # rest of function here...

Now we can add the potential_infected_neighbors sample to next_infected_nodes. This is how update_nodes! should be looking:

function update_nodes!(G, I, r)
    next_infected_nodes = []

    # looping through the infected vertices
    for v in I
        # updating the infected nodes
        set_node_recovered!(G, v)

        potential_infected_neighbors = []
        # looping through their neighbors
        for u in neighbors(G, v)
            if get_prop(G, u, :state)=="S"
                # a susceptible neighbor goes to potential_infected_neighbors
                push!(potential_infected_neighbors, u)

        # getting the samples
        l = length(potential_infected_neighbors)
        if r <= l
            # if there are more than r neighbors, we add the sample to next_infected_nodes
            union!(next_infected_nodes, sample(potential_infected_neighbors, r))
            # if there are less than r neighbors, all the neighbors will be infected
            union!(next_infected_nodes, potential_infected_neighbors)

We are getting a sample of potential_infected_neighbors of size r if there are more than r elements in potential_infected_neighbors. If not, then all the vertices in potential_infected_neighbors are infected. When we get the sample, we perform a union with next_infected_nodes to prevent two repeated vertices to be infected.

Then, we have to infect the next_infected_nodes using:

for v in next_infected_nodes
    set_node_infectious!(G, v)

In this snippet, we are looping through next_infected_nodes that we just computed applying set_node_infectious! to each vertex in next_infected_nodes. Now we already have the vertices and the infected vertices of the next step.

Now, we have the following update_nodes!:

function update_nodes!(G, I, r)
    next_infected_nodes = []

    # looping through the infected vertices
    for v in I
        # updating the infected nodes
        set_node_recovered!(G, v)

        potential_infected_neighbors = []
        # looping through their neighbors
        for u in neighbors(G, v)
            if get_prop(G, u, :state)=="S"
                # a susceptible neighbor goes to potential_infected_neighbors
                push!(potential_infected_neighbors, u)

        # getting the samples
        l = length(potential_infected_neighbors)
        if r <= l
            # if there are more than r neighbors, we add the sample to next_infected_nodes
            union!(next_infected_nodes, sample(potential_infected_neighbors, r))
            # if there are less than r neighbors, all the neighbors will be infected
            union!(next_infected_nodes, potential_infected_neighbors)

    for v in next_infected_nodes
        set_node_infectious!(G, v)

Now let’s create a function to compute the next step and plot the new graph:

function spreading_plot!(G, r)
    S, I, R = get_nodes_state(G)
    update_nodes!(G, I, r)
    return plot_graph(G)

In this function, we compute the state of the graph in the next step by running get_nodes_state and update_nodes!. Then we plot the new state using plot_graph.

Now you can infect some vertex, select a value for r, and run spreading_plot!! Try this:

set_node_infectious!(G, 1)
r = 1
spreading_plot!(G, r)

We infected the vertex 1 in G. We also set r = 1, meaning every vertex will infect 1 neighbor. Then we compute and plot the next state of the graph using spreading_plot.

You should be seeing something like this:


We infected the vertex 1 and ran the spreading process. It has two neighbors, but because r = 1, it infected only one of them: the vertex that is red in the figure. The vertex 1 also recovered because in the previous step it was infected. The rest of the vertices are still susceptible.

Step 5: Generating an animation

It would be nice if we could see the spreading process happening step by step and in a bigger graph, right? So, let’s make this now!

Import these packages:

using Plots, Cairo, Fontconfig, Compose, Printf

Create the animation object:

anim = Animation()

Let’s define a number of steps t. This is how many times we are going to run sreading_plot.

t = 10

Now we generate the frames for our animation — each frame is a step:

for i in 1:t
        # getting plot
    p = spreading_plot!(G, r)
    output = compose(p, (context(), Compose.rectangle(-10,-10,20,20), fill("white"), Compose.stroke("black")))

    # saving the frames
    tmpfilename=joinpath(anim.dir, @sprintf("%06d.png",i))

    # adding the frames to our animation
    push!(anim.frames, tmpfilename)

We run the code inside the for loop t times. In this code, we run spreading_plot advancing 1 time step of the simulation at each iteration. With compose we are adding a white rectangle on the background of the plot. We create a temporary path for the plot file and save the plot to this path. Then we add it to the frames of our animation anim in the last line.

To create a gif we do this:

gif(anim, "spreading_infection.gif", fps = 1)

Let’s make this a function! We just have to put everything together on the function make_anim:

function make_anim(G, r, t)
    anim = Animation()
    for i in 1:t
        p = spreading_plot!(G, r)
        output = compose(p, (context(), Compose.rectangle(-10,-10,20,20), fill("white"), Compose.stroke("black")))
        tmpfilename=joinpath(anim.dir, @sprintf("%06d.png",i))
        push!(anim.frames, tmpfilename)
    return gif(anim, "spreading_infection.gif", fps = 1)

Now let’s create a bigger graph and see all our work in this tutorial working! Generate a Watts-Strogatz graph with 100 vertices:

# Watts-Strogatz graph with 100 vertices, 
# expected degree 4 and edges randomized with probability 0.3
G = MetaGraph(watts_strogatz(100, 4, 0.3))

Init the vertices states and set the vertex 1 as infectious:

set_node_infectious!(G, 1)

Set t and r as you would like. For example:

t = 100
r = 2

Now just run:

make_anim(G, r, τ)

You should see something like this:

Look at how fast the infections grow!

Look at how fast the infections grow!


In this tutorial, we learned how to create graphs and manipulate them in Julia using the packages Graphs.jl and MetaGraphs.jl. We also viewed how graphs are a powerful tool for modelling, once it can be used to model relationships between objects or agents.

Taking advantage of this property of graphs, we created a simple epidemic spreading model. We also learned how to create visualizations of graphs using GraphPlot.jl. Finally, we put it all together creating an animation that shows the epidemic spreading step by step.

That’s it! It’s a really simple model but please take your time to play around with it and make your own modifications.

Here are some suggestions:

  • What if the vertices stayed infectious for more than one time step?
  • What happens if the r is bigger or smaller?
  • What if the contact network changes from time to time?
  • What if the infected nodes instead of recovering became susceptible again?
  • What if some vertices are immune (for example vaccinated)?

Make your own questions and create your own models!

Happy coding!


Peer Review Contributions by: Jethro Magaji

Published on: Feb 7, 2022
Updated on: Jul 15, 2024

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