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App Layout Design using Matlab

App Layout Design using Matlab

An app layout consists of several components that contain the user interface (UI) elements. User interface elements fall into four main categories; input control elements, informational elements, navigation components, and containers. <!--more--> Matlab provides an interactive environment for developing UI-figure based application layouts programmatically using Matlab functions. Uifigure based apps are designed using user interface figures meant for app development.

The user interface elements perform different functions in the application. The behavior and appearance of a user interface element are added as the element's properties and functions.


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In this article, we will discuss the design of the following layout structures of UI-figure based apps:

  • Containers.
  • Components.
  • Dialog and notification boxes.


Containers are structures that hold the app components together. A default user interface container in Matlab is made using the function uifigure.

The title of the container is added using the syntax fig=uifigure('Name','figure title'); while the position is added using the function fig.position=[];.

The code snippet below demonstrates creation of a default container:

fig = uifigure('Name','Broadsheet 1);  % container title
fig.position = [580 550 360 280]; %figure position


Types of UIfigure container

Types of containers include:

  • Panel container.
  • Tab group container.

Panel container

Panel containers are used for grouping the user interface components together. Panel containers are made using the function uipanel();.

The properties of a panel container are specified using the function uipanel(Name, value);. The value is defined using one or more arguments.

The function parent creates a panel in a specified parent container. The syntax for parent container properties is shown below:


The code snippet below shows the creation of a figure containing two panels and a button. The main panel is labelled 'panel 1', the sub-panel is labelled 'panel 2', and the button is labelled 'Start':

fig = figure; % Main container
%Main panel properties
main_panel = uipanel('Title','Panel 1','FontSize',15,...
             'Position',[.25 .1 .67 .67]);
% sub panel properties
sub_panel = uipanel('Parent',main_panel,'Title','panel 2', 'FontSize',12,...
              'Position',[.4 .1 .5 .5]);
% button properties
c = uicontrol('Parent',sub_panel,'String','Start',...
              'Position',[18 18 72 36]);

Panel container

Tab group containers

A tab group container is created using the function uitabgroup(). It allows identification and navigation through different tabs.

Tab group container properties are added using the syntax uitabgroup(Name,value). The syntax for specifying parent container is uitabgroup(Parent,Name,value).

For demonstrations, we will create a tab group with two tabs. The first tab will have the title 'Tools' while the second tab will have the title 'View':

fig = figure;
tab_group = uitabgroup(fig,'Position',[.07 .05 .3 .8]); % tab group position in the main container
tab1 = uitab(tab_group,'Title','Tools'); % first tab properties
tab2=uitab(tab_group,'Title','View'); %second tab properties

Tab group containing two tabs

Tab group can also contain other components for option selection and input controls. Components like dropdown buttons are added using the function uidropdown(); while a checkbox is added using the function uicheckbox();.

The code snippet below shows how to design tab group containers holding components with specified properties. For example, the main tab will have the title 'Member gender', the dropdown button will contain two options; 'male' and 'female', while the button will be labelled 'Enter':

fig = uifigure; % main container
tab_group = uitabgroup(fig,'Position',[50 50 196 145]); % tab group properties
t = uitab(tab_group,'Title','Member gender'); % main tab properties
drop_down = uidropdown(t,'Position',[11 90 140 22],'Items',{'Male','Female'}); % drop down button properties
cb = uicheckbox(t,'Position',[11 65 140 22],'Text','Member'); %check box properties
b = uibutton(t,'Position',[11 40 140 22],'Text','Enter'); % button properties

Tab containing components


Components in an application enable a user to perform the following operations.

  • Navigate through the app.
  • Feed the app with information.
  • Share information with the user.

We will discuss the creation of the following app component:

  • Buttons.
  • Checkbox.
  • Drop down.


Buttons are created using the function uibutton();. A button may have a text or an icon on it.

A simple button layout is created using the code snippet below:

f = uifigure % main figure
b = uibutton(f);

Simple button

Button properties are added using the syntax uibutton(fig,'properties');. Such properties include position and the message content of the button.

For example, we will design a state button displaying the massage 'Reset' at a position [100,50,30,100]:

f=uifigure % Main container
btn = uibutton(f,'state','Text','Reset','Value',true,'Position',[60,110,110,25]); % button properties

State button

The main types of buttons are radio and toggle. Radio buttons are created using the function uiradiobutton() while toggle buttons are created using the function uitogglebutton();.


A checkbox allows the user to select or deselect items in the application. The selected items are marked with a tick or a dash.

In Matlab, a checkbox is created using the function uicheckbox(). The name and position of the checkbox can be added using the syntax uicheckbox('Name', 'value');.

The code snippet below demonstrates the creation of a checkbox. When the checkbox is clicked, it is automatically checked:

f = uifigure; % main container
check_box = uicheckbox(f); % checkbox function

Unmarked check box

Marked check box

Dropdown offers a list of options for a particular action. The function uidropdown(); is used to create a dropdown. Visible properties of dropdown is added using the syntax uidropdown(figure, 'value');:

f = uifigure;% main container
drop_down = uidropdown(f,'Items',{'Road','Air','Water','Pipeline','Railway'},'Value','Road'); % drop down properties

Drop down items

Dialog and notifications

Dialog and notifications elements enable the app to communicate warnings, alerts, the progress of particular activity, or instructions to the user.

Dialog and notification elements are usually accompanied by specific signs inform of icons. We will discuss the layout design of the following dialog and notification elements:

  • Alert dialog box.
  • Confirmation dialog box.

Alert dialog box

Alert dialog boxes are used to notify the app user with information that demands his attention. It is created using the function uialert(). The code snippet below shows the design of the alert dialog box layout with a massage 'Unsupported format':

f = uifigure; % main container
uialert(f,'Unsupported format','invalid file'); % alert box  messages

Alert dialog box

The code snippet below shows how to use the alert dialog box for a warning:

fig = uifigure; % main container
message = {'Too loud!','Consider reducing the volume.'}; % message to display
'Icon','warning'); % alert box properties

Warning dialog box

Confirmation dialog box

A confirmation dialog box is created using the function uiconfirm. It enables the user to instruct the app on handling certain activities. The instruction is chosen from options provided by the application.

A confirmation dialog box can have one or more options available for selection.

We will create a confirmation box with the title 'Quit' and a message 'Do you want to save this file.'. The available options will be 'save, do not save, and cancel'.'. The code below shows this process:

fig = uifigure; %main containerx
msg = 'Do you want to save this file.'; % confirmation dialog box massage
title ='Quit'; % box title
selections= uiconfirm(fig,msg,title, ...
           'Options',{'save','do not save','Cancel'}, ...
           'DefaultOption',2,'CancelOption',3); % options available for selection

Confirmation dialog box


App layout design is used in designing mobile applications or websites. In addition, apps are helpful in communication, data storage, and entertainment. This article demonstrated how Matlab provides an interactive environment for designing app layouts using Matlab functions.

Peer Review Contributions by: Jerim Kaura

Published on: Apr 11, 2022
Updated on: Jul 15, 2024

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