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Angular Output and Input Decorators

Angular Output and Input Decorators

By the end of this tutorial, you should be able to create a link between the parent and child Angular components. As we will discuss shortly, you will be able to 'talk' to other components, bypassing the default behavior of Angular of single directional data flow. <!--more-->

Table of contents


  • Basics of Angular framework. This includes the data binding concept using the ngModel directive.
  • You should be well knowledgeable on the Angular components. How these components are created and interact with each other to build a full Angular application.

To follow along with examples, ensure you've got a working application or follow this link to install a new application.

What are Angular's @Output and @Input decorators

By default, Angular supports data flow in one direction. This limits interactions between the parent and child components to share data. Luckily, Angular has a solution to this problem, the use of @Output and @Input.

Let's use an example to understand this concept:


In the above example, we've both the parent (which acts as the child component context) and child component. For these two components to communicate to each other, we need both the @Ouput and @Input decorators provided by Angular.

Now, these two decorators have distinct functions:

  1. @Ouput - A decorator that lets the child component communicates with the parent component.
  2. @Input - A decorator that allows the parent to communicates with the child component.

Exploring child components

In this section, we're exploring how to create a link between the parent and the child component. Let's get started by following the instructions below:

1: Create a new component musicDetailsComponent by running the following command:

ng g component music-details


CREATE src/app/music-details/music-details.component.css (0 bytes)
CREATE src/app/music-details/music-details.component.html (28 bytes)
CREATE src/app/music-details/music-details.component.spec.ts (669 bytes)
CREATE src/app/music-details/music-details.component.ts (302 bytes)
UPDATE src/app/app.module.ts (422 bytes)

2: Update the music-details.component.ts with the following contents:

// we import the `Input` decorator from Angular Core first.
import { Component, Input, OnInit } from '@angular/core';

  selector: 'app-music-details',
  templateUrl: './music-details.component.html',
  styleUrls: ['./music-details.component.css']
export class MusicDetailsComponent implements OnInit {

  // in this line, we've a property MusiciaName declared as an Input.(refer to Input decorator role in the previous section)
  @Input () musicianName: string | undefined;
  constructor() { }

  ngOnInit(): void {

As shown above, the @Input decorator is applied to the musicianName property, consequently decorating it. This implies that the value of the musicianName will be derived from the parent component.

3: Display the musicianName in the template:

  The divide is the third studio album by the world-renown English singer, {{musicianName}}

4: Using parent component. Now that we've defined our musicianName property in the child component, let's see how we can pass it a value from the parent component.

In the app.component.html which is our parent component, add the following:

<!-- We're using the child selectors in the parent component -->

5: Assign musician a name in the parent component's app.component.ts:

export class AppComponent {
  name = 'Edward Christopher Sheeran';

Now that we've the musician name, the parent component passes this value to the child component as shown below using the @Output decorator:

<!-- update the app.component.ts file as shown below -->
<app-music-details [musicianName]="name"></app-music-details>

In the above example, we pass the value of the musicianName using the parent name property which we defined in the parent component and assigned the value to.

Serve the application by running the following command:

ng serve


Input decorator output

How does Angular's @Output work?

In the previous section, we explored the usage of the child component and how to use the @Input decorator. In this section, we look at the @Output decorator, which is the reverse of the @Input decorator.

This decorator allows for the sharing of data from the child component. It invokes an event that in turn notifies the parent component.

It's important to note that the @Output decorator uses EventEmitter from the angular/core to accomplish its task. We import it as shown below:

import { Component, Input, OnInit, Output, EventEmitter} from '@angular/core';

Edit the previous child component as shown below:

export class MusicDetailsComponent implements OnInit {

  @Input() musicianName: string | undefined;
  @Output() newMusicianEvent = new EventEmitter<string>();
  constructor() { }

  ngOnInit(): void {
   * add new musician
   * @param value
  addNewArtist(val: string) {
<label>Add a Musician: <input #newArtist ></label><button type="button" (click)="addNewArtist(newArtist.value)">Add to parent's  musician list</button>

In the above children component, we create an event to add new artists to our already existing list in the parent component.

In the template, we provide users with input to add artists.

In the parent component, add the following:

<app-music-details [musicianName]="name" (newMusicianEvent)="addArtists($event)"></app-music-details>
  <li *ngFor="let musician of musicians">{{musician}}</li>
export class AppComponent {
  musicians = ['Ed Sheeran', 'Prince Indah', 'Emma Jalamo'];
  name: string | undefined;
  addArtists(newMusician: any) { = newMusician;

Initial output

Initial Application

Output on adding a new artist

Initial Application

In this parent component, we define a method to add new artists while in the template we have an event handler that picks new musicians then loops the list to display.


In this tutorial, we've seen how we can use the @Input() and the @Output() decorators. We've worked with examples to see how we can share data between the child and the parent components. We also worked with the EventEmitter class to create events for the main component from the child component.

For more examples, visit my GitHub for complete code.

Happy coding!

Peer Review Contributions by: Adrian Murage

Published on: Jul 8, 2021
Updated on: Jul 15, 2024

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