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How to Build a Java GUI Calculator from Scratch using Box Layout

How to Build a Java GUI Calculator from Scratch using Box Layout

In this tutorial, we will build a calculator from scratch using the BoxLayout to align the components of the calculator correctly. This calculator will consist of the GUI and the logic part, which performs computations. We will also learn how real-life calculators work under the hood by incorporating functionalities like addition, subtraction, division, multiplication, etc. <!--more--> You have probably used a calculator at one point or the other to compute business transactions as an adult, solve high school math assignments as a teenager, or even toy with it as a kid. However, have you ever asked yourself how these calculators function under the hood? If you are curious to know more about that, you have come to the right place.

The tutorial will also show to the readers to the power of BoxLayout and how they can use it in other programs to convert their console apps into GUI apps.

Table of contents


To follow along, it is advisable to have the following:

  • Have basic knowledge and understanding of Java programming language.
  • Basic knowledge of using OOP principles in Java.
  • A suitable Integrated Development Environment (IDE). I recommend NetBeans.


By the end of this tutorial, the reader will:

  • Get comfortable using BoxLayout to build UIs in Java.
  • Get to know about the logic that runs on simple calculators.
  • Know how to build a simple calculator from scratch using Java.

Layout managers

Layout managers allow us to align components in any desired position on the panel. They position each GUI component on their panel or frame. Some layout managers Java provides out of the box are:

  • GridBag layout
  • Grid layout
  • Group layout
  • Flow layout
  • Border layout
  • Box layout

The Box layout

The BoxLayout is the simplest and easiest to implement next to the flow layout. It allows you to stack components on top of each other in a column as a vertical box. It also allows to 'lay out' components in a row as a horizontal box next to each other.

It can be accessed using the BoxLayout class provided by the Java Swing package. A new instance of this class is then passed into the setLayout() panel method to be worked on.

Below is an example of setting a panel's layout to BoxLayout:

JPanel mainPanel = new JPanel();
mainPanel.setLayout(new BoxLayout(mainPanel, BoxLayout.PAGE_AXIS));

BoxLayout constructor takes in two arguments. The first is the container you wish to apply the layout too, and the second argument is a constant provided by the BoxLayout class, which specifies the axis along which the components will be laid out.

Below is a list of the constants and their description:

public static final int X_AXISSpecifies that the components should be laid out from left to right. The value for this constant is 0
public static final int Y_AXISSpecifies that components be laid out from top to button. The value for this constant is 1
public static final int LINE_AXISSpecifies that components should be laid out toward a line as determined by the target container's ComponentOrientation property. The value of this constant is 2.
public static final int PAGE_AXISSpecifies that components should be laid out in the direction that lines flow across a page as determined by the target container's ComponentOrientation property. The value for this constant is 3.

Note that you can either use the constant variable or the value to set the components axis. For example, 0 instead of BoxLayout.X_AXIS, 1 instead of BoxLayout.Y_AXIS, and many others.

It is always advisable to use the PAGE_AXIS and LINE_AXIS for internationalization, which will enable components to be laid out correctly from either left to right or right to left based on the device's language orientation.

Though BoxLayout can be used alone, you can also take advantage of the Box class to add components to the panel. When the BoxLayout is used alone, the components stick together with no white space like padding; hence, the Box class plays.

The Box class provides static methods that can add invisible components to the panel, serving as spacing between components. Some of the static method provided by the Box class are:

  • createHorizontalBox()
  • createVerticalBox()
  • createRigidArea(Dimension d)
  • createHorizontalGlue()
  • createVerticalGlue()

All the methods listed above create invisible components, which can be white space between the components. Now that we have learned about the BoxLayout, let us dive into building the calculator.

Step One: Building the user interface (UI)

UI Overview

The image above is the final view of the calculator we will build in this tutorial.

We first have to create a calculator class that extends the JFrame class to get started. By extending the JFrame class, we are making our calculator class inherit all the properties of the JFrame class.

Note: JFrame is a class made available by the swing package. So we need to import the swing package as well.

import javax.swing.*;
public class CalculatorBox extends JFrame {


The next step is to create the components included in the calculator. These components include the buttons that will send input to the calculator and the text field to read the calculator output. We will use JButton and JTextField, made available by the swing package imported earlier.

Besides the components, we also need to create String variables that will hold the previous input, the current input, and the operator. Add the following code inside the class body as class variables.

JButton btnAdd, btnSubtract, btnDivide, btnMultiply, btnClear, btnDelete, btnEquals, btnDot;
JButton numBtn[];
JTextField output;
String previous, current, operator;

Now, let us create the constructor to initialize the components and variables. We will also create the main method inside the calculator class that will invoke the class once the program is executed.

Recall that a constructor is a method with the same name as the class. Therefore, we will use the same name as our class to create the constructor.

public CalculatorBox() {

public static void main(String[] args) {
    new CalculatorBox();

By now, we have created the basic structure of the calculator, and the program should look like this:

import javax.swing.*;

public class CalculatorBox extends JFrame {

JButton btnAdd, btnSubtract, btnDivide, btnMultiply, btnClear, btnDelete, btnEquals, btnDot;
JButton numBtn[];
JTextField output;
String previous, current, operator;

public CalculatorBox() {

public static void main(String[] args) {
    new CalculatorBox();

Now, let us focus on the constructor of the calculator class. We first have to set the calculator's title by passing the title into the superclass (JFrame) constructor. Here, we want to set the title to "Box Calculator". You can set it to any name of your choice. Add the following code inside the constructor:

Add the following code inside the constructor:

super("Box Calculator");

The next step is to create a panel named mainPanel that will house all other components in the calculator.

JPanel mainPanel = new JPanel();

Since the calculator has a BoxLayout, we can create rows and then group all the components of the calculator into these rows. The rows comprise five sub-panels situated inside the main panel. The panel hierarchy is to make the calculator design more precise.

After creating the rows, we also need to initialize the components declared earlier. These components include the output and other buttons, like operation and number buttons. The number buttons are already inside an array, so we append the dot button at the end of the array. We will have to loop through the array to initialize the buttons and add some styling, which is done to avoid repetition and achieve a cleaner code.

We will use the Font class to style the buttons. The Font class is made available by Java's Abstract Windows ToolKit (AWT) package. This package contains other functional classes we will use later in the project. Add an import statement at the top of our calculator program that imports all the classes in this package.

The code for the import statement is shown below. Add the code to the top of the program above the class declaration.

import java.awt.*;

Recall that JButton() takes in String as an argument, and the count variable used for the iteration is an integer. We will use the valueOf() static method of the String class to convert each int value in the array to a String. Then we will set the value of each button, respectively. Similar styling applies to the other buttons of the calculator as well.

Below is the complete code. Add the code inside the constructor immediately below the mainPanel variable.

        // Create sub panels inside main panel
        JPanel row1 = new JPanel();
        JPanel row2 = new JPanel();
        JPanel row3 = new JPanel();
        JPanel row4 = new JPanel();
        JPanel row5 = new JPanel();

 	      // Initialize components
        output = new JTextField(16);
        btnSubtract = new JButton("-");
        btnAdd = new JButton("+");
        btnDivide = new JButton("÷");
        btnMultiply = new JButton("*");
        btnDot = new JButton(".");
        btnEquals = new JButton("=");
        btnClear = new JButton("C");
        btnDelete = new JButton("D");

 	      // Initialize, style, and add action listeners to number buttons
        numBtn = new JButton[11];
        numBtn[10] = btnDot;
        for (int count = 0; count < numBtn.length - 1; count++) {
            numBtn[count] = new JButton(String.valueOf(count));
            numBtn[count].setFont(new Font("Monospaced", Font.BOLD, 22));

 	      // Style other buttons
        btnDot.setFont(new Font("Monospaced", Font.BOLD, 22));
        btnEquals.setFont(new Font("Monospaced", Font.BOLD, 22));
        btnAdd.setFont(new Font("Monospaced", Font.BOLD, 22));
        btnSubtract.setFont(new Font("Monospaced", Font.BOLD, 22));
        btnDivide.setFont(new Font("Monospaced", Font.BOLD, 22));
        btnMultiply.setFont(new Font("Monospaced", Font.BOLD, 22));
        btnClear.setFont(new Font("Monospaced", Font.BOLD, 20));
        btnDelete.setFont(new Font("Monospaced", Font.BOLD, 20));

Next, we will add some styling to the output display.

        // Style the output display
        output.setMaximumSize(new Dimension(185, 40));
        output.setFont(new Font("Monospaced", Font.BOLD, 27));
        output.setDisabledTextColor(new Color(0, 0, 0));
        output.setMargin(new Insets(0, 5, 0, 0));

So far, we have created and styled components displayed in the calculator. However, these components are not visible unless added to their respective panels and the main panel. The next step is to set the layout of each row of the calculator.

Each row is set to BoxLayout with a layout direction of LINE_AXIS. We will enable the buttons to flow from either left to right or right to left based on the language orientation of the device in use.

        // Set the layout of each row in the pane
        row1.setLayout(new BoxLayout(row1, BoxLayout.LINE_AXIS));
        row2.setLayout(new BoxLayout(row2, BoxLayout.LINE_AXIS));
        row3.setLayout(new BoxLayout(row3, BoxLayout.LINE_AXIS));
        row4.setLayout(new BoxLayout(row4, BoxLayout.LINE_AXIS));
        row5.setLayout(new BoxLayout(row5, BoxLayout.LINE_AXIS));

After setting the layout of each of the sub-panels, we now have to add the respective components to populate these sub-panels.

Note that this can be achieved using a loop as we did for the number buttons. But for the sake of simplicity, we just have to add the components sequentially.

        // Add components to each of the row

Notice that we created a horizontal glue and added it as the first component in row1. This horizontal glue pushes the C and D buttons as far as possible to the horizontal edge of the pane.

Horizontal Glue Demo

You can also use the createVerticalGlue() to achieve something similar. But instead of forcing its left and right components as far away from each other as possible, it forces the components above and below as far as possible from each other.

The second to last step before completing the UI is to set the layout of the main panel and then add all the respective rows to the main panel in accordance. Here, we will set the main layout direction to PAGE_AXIS, which arranges the components in the panel from top to bottom.

We will also add a space between the output display and the buttons to allow for proper spacing in the UI. This space is added using the createRigidArea() method of the Box class, which takes a Dimension. The Dimension takes in two arguments where the first argument is the width and the second is the height (in pixels). Here, we add 5 pixels between the output display and other buttons.

Below is the code that does all the above:

        // Add all rows to the main panel
        mainPanel.setLayout(new BoxLayout(mainPanel, BoxLayout.PAGE_AXIS));
        mainPanel.add(Box.createRigidArea(new Dimension(0, 5)));

The UI is complete. However, if you run the code, the frame will appear empty because we have not added the main panel. We can achieve this by using JFrame's add() method. We also need to set what happens when the user clicks on the close button. Here, it will exit the app.

In addition, we need to set the app's visibility to true; otherwise, it will be transparent and, therefore, invisible. To put the app in shape, we need to set the size using the setSize() method from JFrame. This method takes in two arguments: the first is the width, and the second is the height.

Below is the code that concludes the UI design:

        // final touch
        this.setSize(205, 280);

The UI of our calculator is complete and is ready to launch. Below is an image of the final view of the calculator.

UI Final View

Check here for the calculator source code at this point.

Step Two: Developing the calculator's logic

Now that we have entirely built the user interface of the calculator. The following steps are to add functionalities to the buttons and build the calculator's logic.

2.1 Creating the structure

First, we will create some utility methods that will define the various functionalities of the calculator. These methods are all defined inside the class but outside the constructor. And then, we will gradually build the functionalities of these methods as we proceed.

Below is the code for the utility methods:

public void delete() {

public void clear() {

public void updateOutput(){

public void appendToOutput(String num) {

public void selectOperator(String newOperator) {

public void calculate() {

The next step is to create ActionListeners for each of these buttons. These action listeners make the buttons listen to events such as when the user clicks on a button and then update the output and other necessary fields.

For the sake of this tutorial, we will use an inner class that implements the ActionListener interface. We will make all the classes private. The ActionListener interface is made available by Java's AWT event package. We will need other interfaces in the event package later in the tutorial, aside from the ActionListener.

Let us add an import statement at the top of the file that imports all the classes and interfaces in the event package.

import java.awt.event.*;

The next step is to create these anonymous classes that will handle the events within the calculator. We will create three classes that will handle all the click events in the calculator.

2.2 Creating the event handlers

  1. 'class NumberBtnHandler' The first class is the NumberBtnHandler which will handle events from all the number buttons, including the dot button. This class will implement the ActionListener interface to override the actionPerformed() abstract method in the ActionListener interface. This method takes in an ActionEvent parameter, which is made available by the event package imported earlier.

Below is the code for the NumberBtnHandler class. Add the code immediately below the utility methods.

    private class NumberBtnHandler implements ActionListener {

        public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {           

Next, we must decide what will happen when any of the "number buttons" get clicked, which can be achieved inside the actionPerformed() method, which takes in a parameter we named e. The parameter e can then access the Objects getSource() method to get the object where an event initially occurred, which is useful when checking for the clicked button.

Recall that the "number buttons" are inside an array. So we can easily loop through the array, comparing each button with the clicked button. If a match occurs, we get the text inside the button and append it to the output display. After which, we will call the updateDisplay() method to display the new appended number.

Note that we need to cast e.getSource() to a JButton to store it in a button variable with a more meaningful name, which can later be used for comparison inside the loop.

Below is the code for the implementation. Note that all the lines of code below are inside the actionPerformed() method of the NumberBtnHandler class.

	    JButton selectedBtn = (JButton) e.getSource();
        for (JButton btn : numBtn) {
            if (selectedBtn == btn) {
  1. 'class OperatorBtnHandler' The second class to be created is the OperatorBtnHandler which also implements the ActionListener interface. This class is similar to the NumberBtnHandler created above, but the significant difference lies inside the actionPerformed() method.

Inside this class's actionPerformed() method, we will compare each operator button with the button clicked to know which operator was selected. We can achieve this using if statements since the operator buttons are not inside an array, unlike the "number buttons".

When an operator button is selected, we get the button's text, pass it to the selectOperator() method, and update the output by calling the updateOutput() method. Below is the code implementation for the OperatorBtnHandler class.

    private class OperatorBtnHandler implements ActionListener {

        public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {
            JButton selectedBtn = (JButton) e.getSource();
            if (selectedBtn == btnMultiply) {
            } else if (selectedBtn == btnAdd) {
            } else if (selectedBtn == btnSubtract) {
            } else if (selectedBtn == btnDivide) {
  1. 'class OtherBtnHandler' The last action listener class to be created is the OtherBtnHandler class. This class will also implement the ActionListener interface and override the actionPerformed() method. Similar to the OperatorBtnHandler, OtherBtnHandler will compare the selected button to the other buttons in the calculator and execute their respective methods.

After the execution, we will also call the outputDisplay() method to update the UI. Below is the code implementation for the OtherBtnHandler class. Below is the full implementation of the OtherBtnHandler class.

    private class OtherBtnHandler implements ActionListener {

        public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e ) {
            JButton selectedBtn = (JButton) e.getSource();
            if (selectedBtn == btnDelete) {
            } else if (selectedBtn == btnClear) {
            } else if (selectedBtn == btnEquals) {

2.3 Adding ActionListeners to the buttons

We have just created all the action listeners that will handle all the events from all the calculator's buttons. Nevertheless, if you click on any button now, no event will occur because these action listeners have not been added to the respective buttons.

Now back to our constructor. The first step is to create objects of all the button handler classes which can then be passed as action listeners to each of the buttons. Add the following code immediately below, where we first initialize the components inside the constructor. Precisely immediately below where we initialized btnDelete.

  	    // Instantiate action listeners
        NumberBtnHandler numBtnHandler = new NumberBtnHandler();
        OtherBtnHandler otherBtnHandler = new OtherBtnHandler();
        OperatorBtnHandler opBtnHandler = new OperatorBtnHandler();

The next step is to add these action listeners to their respective buttons. Recall from the loop we used to style the number buttons above. You can directly add action listeners to each button within the loop, similar to how styling was added. You can achieve this by calling the addActionListener() method on each button and passing the respective action listener.

Update the entire body of the loop with the code below:

    for (int count = 0; count < numBtn.length - 1; count++) {
        numBtn[count] = new JButton(String.valueOf(count));
        numBtn[count].setFont(new Font("Monospaced", Font.BOLD, 22));

Similarly, as shown below, you can add action listeners to the operation and other buttons by passing in the respective action listener to each button's addActionListener() method.

        // Add action listeners to other buttons

        // Add action listeners to operation buttons

Add the above code immediately below the line where the output was styled.

This line precisely:


All the buttons in the calculator are now functional, but if you click on any of the buttons, you will not see output just yet. This is because the methods we will use to aid these functionalities are empty for now. Let us dive in and update these methods.

2.4 Updating the Utility Methods

  1. 'updateOutput()' The first method we will update is the updateOutput() method. This method updates the output display with the current operand's value. Add the line of code below inside the updateOutput() method.
  1. 'appendToOutput()' Next, we will update the appendToOutput() method. This method adds any number that the user clicks to the output variable. We will achieve this by concatenating the user input to the current value on the output and then updating the output afterward.

Add the line of code below inside the appendToOutput() method and run the program to see the output.

current += num;

The image below is the updated view of the calculator.

Output Display Inconsistencies

If studied carefully, you will notice two problems with the calculator. First, a null appears on the output display with other numbers trailing it. The second problem is adding more than a dot, which does not apply to standard calculators. Let us fix this real quick.

To fix the multiple dots in the output display, replace the code inside the appendToOutput() method with the code below.

    public void appendToOutput(String num) {
        // Prevents adding more than one dot on the output
        if (num.equals(".") && current.contains(".")) {
        current += num;

The code will first check for a dot on the current output. If one is already present, it will return without executing the function. Nevertheless, if none is present, it will add the incoming dot to the current display.

To fix the null appearing on the output display, recall that the default value for a String is null. So when we declare the current variable at the top of the program, the default variable gets assigned to it.

To solve this, we initialize the value of both current and previous to an empty string inside the constructor. This will initialize the value of the variables immediately after the program is executed.

Add the following code at the top of the program, immediately below where we created the mainPanel variable.

   	// Initializing the calculator operands
    current = "";
    previous = "";

Now that we have fixed the minor bug with the output display, we can update other calculator methods.

  1. 'clear()' and 'delete()' The next set of methods to update is the clear() and delete(). The clear() method clears all the content on the screen by setting both the previous and current operands to an empty string. It also sets the operator to null so that we cannot operate on an empty String.

The delete() method removes the element at the last index from the output display, which is achieved by using the substring() method to get from the first up till next to the last element in the string and then set it to the new current operand on the output display.

With only this implementation of the delete() method, if you click the delete button when the output is empty, you will get a StringIndexOutOfBoundsException because you are trying to chop off the last element from an empty string.

To solve this, we will set an if condition to let the delete method body run only when the string contains at least one element. Below is the code for the clear() and the delete() method.

   public void delete() {
        if (current.length() > 0) {
            current = current.substring(0, current.length() - 1);

    public void clear() {
        current = "";
        previous = "";
        operator = null;
  1. 'selectOperator()' Next, let us consider the selectOperator() method, which we will use to set the operator based on the user input. Before setting the operator, some checks need to be made. First, suppose the output is empty, and an operator is selected.

In that case, we will set the new operator to be the selected operator, writing off the previously entered operator and then exiting the method, which is useful when the user accidentally clicks a wrong operator. It can then be corrected by clicking on the correct operator next.

Another check is to see if the previous operand is not empty. If true, we will evaluate the previous operand with the current operand before selecting the next operator. Which is why the user can perform calculations continuously without pressing the equals button.

For example, when a user enters 1 + 2, instead of pressing the equals button, the user performs more operations, say + 3. The method will first evaluate the value of the first two operands and set the result to the current operand before selecting the next operator.

After all the checks are done, we will now set the new operator as the selected operator and pass the value of the current operand display on the output to the previous operand. We will also clear the screen by setting the current operand to an empty string to give new input.

Below is the code implementation for the selectOperator() method.

    public void selectOperator(String newOperator) {
        // if no number is entered yet
        if (current.isEmpty()) {
            operator = newOperator;
        if (!previous.isEmpty()) {
        operator = newOperator;
        previous = current;
        current = "";


The last method we will work on is the calculate() method, which will perform all computations in the calculator. We will confirm that both the previous and current operand value is not empty. If either or both operands are empty, the computation will not hold because we need the two operands to perform any arithmetic computation.

We will then create a named result floating-point variable and initialize it with 0.0. We need to initialize the result in case the compiler wants to parse the result back into a string. The value of the operator used inside a switch case statement to initialize the value of the result might not have been initialized. This leaves the result not initialized, which will throw an error when trying to parse it to a string.

The next step is to parse both the previous and current operand from string to double for computations. Now that we have gotten the previous and current operand and the operator used on them. The next step is to use a switch statement to compute the result of the previous and current operand based on the operator and then store the result.

The last step for the calculate() method is to convert the floating-point result to a string and pass its value to the current operand. Then set the value of the operator to null because the operator has been used to perform computation already. Then we can clear the previous operand so that its value will not be used to perform computations again since it has already been used.

Below is the final code implementation for the calculate() method.

    public void calculate() {
        if (previous.length() < 1 || current.length() < 1) {
        double result = 0.0;
        double num1 = Double.parseDouble(previous);
        double num2 = Double.parseDouble(current);
        switch (operator) {
            case "*":
                result = num1 * num2;
            case "+":
                result = num1 + num2;
            case "-":
                result = num1 - num2;
            case "÷":
                result = num1 / num2;
        current = String.valueOf(result);
        operator = null;
        previous = "";

You can now run the program, and the calculator works as expected. You can also perform any computations of your choice and get the correct results.

Check here for the code up to this point.

Step Three

By now, your calculator is fully functional and outputs the correct result. However, there is just one more fact that you might not like about the calculator, it does not correctly display integer numbers, just like the image below.

Test Output 1

The image above results from performing a random operation like 4 * 56. Since the result is an integer, we do not need the extra trailing zero.

processOutputNumber(): To fix this, we create a method called processOutputNumber() to process every number displayed on the output.

To avoid processing an empty output, we will first check if the current output is empty or not using an if statement. We will then split the output into two parts - the integer and the decimal parts. We can achieve this using the split() method of the String class and then pass in a regular expression that searches for a dot in the output.

Recall that the split() method returns an array to set the first element of the array to integerPart and the second element to decimalPart. We will then check if the decimal part is 0. We ignore it and set only the integer part to the current output if true.

Below is the final code for the processOutputNumber() method:

    public void processOutputNumber() {
        if (current.length() > 0) {
            String integerPart = current.split("\\.")[0];
            String decimalPart = current.split("\\.")[1];
            if (decimalPart.equals("0")) {
                current = integerPart;

The last step is to call the processOutputNumber() method at the last line of calculate() method because we want to process the number displayed on the output anytime a calculation is performed before displaying it.

processOutputNumber() location

The processOutputNumber() is at the same level as other utility methods.

You can now test the calculator with calculations involving integers and also decimal results.

Final output 1

Final output 2

The images above result from computing 4 * 56 and 24 ÷ 5, respectively.

That is it!

Congratulations on building a fully functional calculator using the BoxLayout in Java.

Check out this GitHub repository to get the final source code for the calculator.


The primary goal of this tutorial was to create a calculator that can perform basic arithmetic operations with some added functionalities, like delete and clear output using the BoxLayout. You can add more functionalities to the calculator, like scientific operations.

You can also explore the BoxLayout by converting our calculator UI to a more complex layout, similar to a scientific calculator UI. There are many things you can do with this knowledge. I hope to see the great things you will build out of it.

For further reference, check out the official Java documentation How to Use BoxLayout

Happy coding!

Peer Review Contributions by: Briana Nzivu

Published on: Feb 24, 2022
Updated on: Jul 1, 2024

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