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How to Develop and Deploy Fast Applications With Vite JS

How to Develop and Deploy Fast Applications With Vite JS

Vite is a JavaScript development tool that greatly enhances front-end development. It was created to simplify, build, and speed up the development process. <!--more--> With the help of commands, Vite allows you to launch a development environment for frameworks such as Vue, React, and even vanilla.js applications.

Vite JS is the next-generation front-end tool. It has an instant server-start, a lighting fast Hot Module Replacement (HMR), rich features, an optimized build, server-side rendering, and more.

This guide will teach you what Vite is, how it works, and its features to help you understand why you need it. We will look at how easy it is getting Vite up and running.

We will also discover how quick Vite is, how to get started with it using React, Vue, vanilla.js, and how much it gets done while you're working with it.

Table of contents


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What is Vite JS

Vite is a JavaScript development server and bundler that delivers source files over ECMAScript 6 module (ESM). This makes it fast in things like starting and reloading. Evan You, the inventor of Vue.js, created it.

Vite comes in handy when old tools like Webpack and Rollup have started to feel slow. Vite tries to solve the feedback loop speed because of its very fast feature.

Vite aims to provide modern web projects with speedy apps and a seamless developer experience. This is done in three ways:

  • During development, code is not bundled like when using Webpack - Instead, it supports ECMAScript 6 module (ESM). ESM support allows browsers to fetch modules when importing them. Vite uses ESM to eliminate the build step while in development fully. This is because it is supported by all recent browsers such as Chrome, Edge and Firefox to ensure ESM support.
  • Code and libraries that need to be imported have to be compiled - Vite achieves this with the help of esbuild, a fast Go-based tool. ESbuild pre-bundles dependencies are faster than JavaScript bundles (WebPack).
  • Vite uses Rollup to bundle your project during production - The development process is much smoother since this compilation phase isn't necessary until the code is ready for production or testing.

How Vite works

Vite immediately launches the server. It uses esbuild to pre-bundle the dependencies that don't change frequently. Vite analyzes the code elements that ought to be processed via route-based code splitting. Everything does not have to be bundled.

Vite then delivers the code using native ESM support in modern browsers. This lets the browser take the job of bundling and development. But for production, Vite uses Rollup to bundle and implement other performance optimizations.

Features of Vite

Vite has features that help you know why you should use it and why you need it:

  • Vite is compatible with ECMAScript modules.
  • Vite offers Hot Module Replacement (HMR).
  • Legacy mode plugin enables support for browsers that don't support native ESM.
  • Vite has faster dependency pre-building - It uses esbuild instead of Rollup for dependency pre-building, and es-build is faster.
  • It has typescript support.
  • It has CSS pre-processor support.
  • Vite has automatic CSS code-splitting - This makes your site much faster as it only loads the CSS code needed for the specific part of the application.

Develop and deploy fast applications with Vite

So let's learn by doing. Let us develop and deploy a Vanilla.js Vite application.

Vite Installation

To get started with Vite, you need Node.js and npm installed on your computer. Open the terminal in your VS Code and run the command below:

$ npm init vite@latest

Project name

Afterwards, enter the project name and continue. We will then choose the JavaScript framework to use. We will use vanilla.js in this article. You'll see it has a scaffold in your project. Then follow the instructions below.


We will execute the instructions above by changing the directory of our project cd vite-project and running the npm install to install all the dependencies.


Before running the vite-project, the image below shows its structure after installing dependencies. We have a front-end structure with some node modules for our dependencies. We have a default index.html file and the CSS file gets imported at the main.js file.

Installed dependencies

The project structure is pretty simple. Let us look at what the package.json file contains. It has three scripts that we're going to use:

  • dev script - We use it to start our local folder.
  • build script - It is used to bundle our project for production.
  • preview script - It is used to look at the local build in our local environment.


Since we have installed the dependencies, let's run npm run dev. The command is executed to install Vite as a local development dependency in the project. Then open the project at localhost 3000, click the link, and it will open on your browser.

Congratulations! You now have Vanilla.js and Vite running on your local server. You will notice the hmr update running when you edit files and changes appear instantly on the browser.

Launch the project on the browser

Vite project

To begin building or developing the project, run npm run build. The project is compiled into a dist folder containing the JavaScript and CSS files when that command is executed. Both files appear to be hashed.


We execute the command npm run preview to preview the project. It will serve as a preview on localhost 4173. So, 3000 is our build server, and 4173 is the preview for our build.


Build a JavaScript app to learn more about Vite.

Let us create a simple JavaScript application to learn more about Vite. We will create a file in our project's folder named The markdown file will have some data for us to load.


Markdown file

One of the awesome features of Vite is that you can easily import data into your JavaScript application. We will need to install markdownIt using the command npm install markdown-it. This will let us process text into markdown directly in my application.


Now, we can import the library into our main.js file. We not only import modules but data as well. We use the command import markdown-it from 'markdown-it' to do this. Also, we use the command import copy from './' to import it as text.

The added question mark (?) with the value of raw helps to import the data as text. Afterwards, this code will render our data in the app markdownIt().render(copy).

This is our main.js file:

import "./style.css";
import markdownIt from "markdown-it";
import copy from "./"; // added a question mark with the value of raw to import it as text

document.querySelector("#app").innerHTML = markdownIt().render(copy); // This code render our data from the markdown to the app

Here is the output that shows the app rendered data from the markdown file:

Project output

The Vite project is extremely fast and does not require any loading. Vite uses HMR to import other JavaScript modules. Modules are updated individually without reloading other modules to speed up development.


Vite is a very fast tool that is easy to set up. Hopefully, you loved working with it as well as I did. In this tutorial, we have learned how to use Vite to create and deploy apps quickly.

This guide has gone through Vite, which is a fast build tool. It has also highlighted how it works and its features. You can apply the knowledge and skills you've gained from this tutorial to create fast applications with Vite.

Happy coding!

Peer Review Contributions by: Dawe Daniel

Published on: Apr 21, 2022
Updated on: Jul 12, 2024

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