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Deploying a Flutter Web Application to Google Computer Engine

Deploying a Flutter Web Application to Google Computer Engine

Based on the type of application that one wants to deploy, Google provides various web hosting options to a developer. Deciding on this depends on whether your application is dynamic or static. <!--more--> For static sites, Google offers Cloud storage and Firebase hosting.

However, dynamic applications have a different set of options, including Compute Engine, App Engine, and Cloud Run.

This article will focus on the deployment of a Flutter web app to the Google Compute Engine(GCE).

Table of contents

Creating a project on Google Cloud

Every Google cloud service API requires an API key. We have to create a new Google Cloud Platform project and enable the Google Compute Engine API to get started.

Make sure that you set up billing to use the Google Compute Engine API.

Google provides you with $300 free credit to use for 90 days as you try out different products.

However, make sure that you shut down your running instances if you do not want to incur extra charges after the 90 days.

After creating our project, we need to install the Google Cloud SDK using a command-line tool.

./google-cloud-sdk/bin/gcloud init

Lastly, update the Google cloud components.

gcloud components update

Setting up the virtual machine

Google Compute Engine(GCE) is a high-end compute service that allows developers to create and run virtual machines on Google's secure and reliable infrastructure.

GCE allows developers to take advantage of complex computing capabilities and thus, reduce heavy workload.

Next, we add the engine by creating a new instance using the following steps:

  • Go to the Navigation menu ⇾ Compute Engine ⇾ VM instance ⇾ Create Instance.
  • Choose a unique instance name, and for the rest of the fields, set them, as shown below:     - Machine family: General-purpose     - Machine type: e2-micro
  • If you have an existing domain name, click the Management, security, disks, networking, sole tenancy link to expand the available options.
  • Click on the Networking tab.
  • In the Hostname field, add your domain name.
  • On the sidebar, head over to the networking tab ⇾ VPC network ⇾ External IP addresses, then change the IP address type to static.

You will see the following running instance:

Running instance

Server stack deployment

Most of the popular open-source web applications are running the LAMP stack.

LAMP (Linux Apache MySQL and PHP) stack is a collection of open source software that facilitate hosting of dynamic applications.

We will use the LAMP stack for our deployment. First, we need to install it to the virtual machine we just created.

To install LAMP, launch a new terminal, then run the commands below:

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install apache2 php libapache2-mod-php

New terminal

We can test LAMP deployment by navigating to HTTP://[your-external-ip-address] url. You should see the default page of Apache2.

Next, install MariaDB on the running virtual machine instance, as highlighted below:

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install MariaDB-server PHP PHP-MySQL

Start the MariaDB service on the virtual machine instance.

sudo systemctl start MariaDB

The Flutter application

Our Flutter app entails a simple landing page built using the theme. It has a navigation bar, a landing page image, and a dummy button to request coffee.

Writing the code and describing every piece of the source code would make this tutorial quite long. So, I have created and uploaded the project files to an online repository. You can download it from

Deployment to the Google Compute Engine

The first thing to do after cloning the project is ensuring that it runs by executing the following Flutter command:

flutter run -d chrome

Next, build an uploadable web version of the project that we will deploy to GCE.

flutter build web

If the application compiles and runs well, you can proceed to the next step.

Compress the application folder, then obtain a file inside the build folder.

Head over to your virtual machine instance, then click SSH tools to upload the file.

Select upload file

Google's virtual machine provides the upload function to deploy the application to the VM.

Select the file, as shown below:

Web zip file

You can also use the gcloud command if you have installed Cloud SDK in your workstation.

gcloud compute scp [LOCAL_FILE_PATH] root@lamp-tutorial:/var/www/html

Next, we move the zip folder to the /var/www/html directory to be dynamically served by the LAMP stack.

sudo mv /var/www/html

At this moment, the application cannot run because it's still a zip file. Since our virtual machine is empty, we can't unzip the folder unless we install an application for that.

We will install unzip using the command below:

sudo apt-get install unzip

Theun nzip the web folder of the application:

sudo unzip

Navigate to the directory of your application using cd web, then execute the command below:

sudo mv * ../
cd ..
sudo rm -r web

Testing the deployment

Now, if you head over to your browser and navigate to http://your-external-ip. You should see your application running.

Application running on Google computer engine


In this article, we demonstrated how to deploy a Flutter web application on Google's compute engine.

It's so satisfying that we can use the GCE to explore the Google infrastructure in web applications.

Further reading

Peer Review Contributions by: Mercy Meave

Published on: Sep 16, 2021
Updated on: Jul 15, 2024

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