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Building a Reinforcement Learning Environment using OpenAI Gym

Building a Reinforcement Learning Environment using OpenAI Gym

If you have ever worked with Deep Learning (DL) or Machine Learning (ML), you know that supervised and unsupervised learning are the two crucial techniques used. <!--more--> Reinforcement Learning (RL) stands out because it is used to train models in a live environment.

Many standard OpenAI RL environments can enable you to build a project. They include CartPole-v0 and SpaceInvaders-v0.

However, they can be limiting as some of these environments are built to solve specific tasks.

This tutorial will show you how to build a custom RL environment using OpenAI Gym. Specifically, we will build an RL model to automatically regulate temperature and get it to an optimal range.

We will accomplish this task using OpenAI Gym, a reinforcement learning toolkit that enables you to develop and compare RL algorithms.


To follow along with this tutorial, you need to be familiar with:

Table of contents


There are a couple of things we need to note before we begin:

  • Firstly, we want our optimal temperature to be between 37 and 39 degrees Celcius.

  • The shower length will be 60 seconds. If you've worked with other standard RL environments, you know that they have an episode length. In this case, our episode length will be 60 seconds. This means that the model will try to get into that optimal temperature range within 60 seconds.

  • Our model will perform three actions; turn up, leave, and turn down. We can turn our temperature up, turn it down, or leave it as it is.

Let's begin by installing our dependencies.

Installing and importing required dependencies

We will be installing four crucial dependencies:

  • TensorFlow allows us to perform training and inference on deep learning models.
  • OpenAI Gym allows us to build our environment.
  • Keras is a high-level API that enables us to build deep learning models.
  • Keras-rl2 gives us several pre-defined agents to build RL models.
!pip install tensorflow==2.3.0
!pip install gym
!pip install keras
!pip install keras-rl2

The next step involves importing the dependencies into our notebook:

import numpy as np
from gym import Env
from gym.spaces import Box, Discrete
import random

In the code above, we've imported:

  • The Env class from OpenAI Gym. The placeholder class allows us to build our custom environment on top of it.
  • The Discrete and Box spaces from gym.spaces. They allow us to define the actions and the current state we can take on our environment.
  • numpy to help us with the math.
  • random to allow us to test out our random environment.

Building the custom RL environment with OpenAI Gym

We begin by creating a CustomEnv class. When we pass Env to the CustomEnv class, we inherit the methods and properties from the OpenAI Gym environment class.

class CustomEnv(Env):

We've gone ahead and implemented four different functions within the CustomEnv class. We created the __init__ function to initialize the actions, observations, and episode length.

Discrete spaces take in a fixed range of non-negative values. For our case, it takes three actions; down (0), stay(1), up (2).

The observation_space will hold an array of our current temperature. Next, we set our start temperature to 38 degrees plus a random integer. Finally, we've set the shower length to 60 seconds.

Unlike Discrete spaces, Box spaces are much more flexible and allow us to pass through multiple values between 0 and 100. In addition, you can use it to hold images, audio, and data frames.

    def __init__(self):
        self.action_space = Discrete(3)
        self.observation_space = Box(low=np.array([0]), high=np.array([100]))
        self.state = 38 + random.randint(-3,3)
        self.shower_length = 60

The step function defines what we do after we take action. We've set our action value to -1. Ideally, this means that:

  • If we apply action (0) together with -1, we get a -1 value. This action will lower the temperature by 1.
  • If we apply action (1) together with -1, we get a 0 value. This action will maintain the current temperature.
  • If we apply action (2) together with -1, we get a 1 value. This action will increase the temperature by 1.

We are also reducing the shower length by 1.

When calculating the reward, if the temperature is in its optimal range of 37, and 39, we give a reward of 1.

If the temperature is not in the optimal range, we give a reward of -1. Our model will always try to converge with this function so that the temperature is within the optimal range.

    def step(self, action):
        self.state += action -1 
        self.shower_length -= 1 
        # Calculating the reward
        if self.state >=37 and self.state <=39: 
            reward =1 
            reward = -1 
        # Checking if shower is done
        if self.shower_length <= 0: 
            done = True
            done = False
        # Setting the placeholder for info
        info = {}
        # Returning the step information
        return self.state, reward, done, info

We use the render function to visualize our results. However, we will not use it for this tutorial. But, this is where you write the visualization code:

    def render(self):
        # This is where you would write the visualization code

We use the reset function to reset our environment or update each episode. It resets the shower temperature and time.

    def reset(self):
        self.state = 38 + random.randint(-3,3)
        self.shower_length = 60 
        return self.state

Let's store our class inside a custom variable called env:

env = CustomEnv()

Let's play around with our environment.

episodes = 20 #20 shower episodes
for episode in range(1, episodes+1):
    state = env.reset()
    done = False
    score = 0 
    while not done:
        action = env.action_space.sample()
        n_state, reward, done, info = env.step(action)
    print('Episode:{} Score:{}'.format(episode, score))


Episode:1 Score:-44
Episode:2 Score:-58
Episode:3 Score:-26
Episode:4 Score:-56
Episode:5 Score:-28
Episode:6 Score:-60
Episode:7 Score:-38
Episode:8 Score:2
Episode:9 Score:-22
Episode:10 Score:-34
Episode:11 Score:-60
Episode:12 Score:-10
Episode:13 Score:-24
Episode:14 Score:-18
Episode:15 Score:22
Episode:16 Score:-12
Episode:17 Score:-28
Episode:18 Score:-40
Episode:19 Score:22
Episode:20 Score:-30

After running through 20 different showers, we get different reward values. Remember, if the shower is not within the optimal range of between 37 and 39 degrees, we get a reward of -1.

Most of the rewards indicate that we were way outside our optimal temperature range. The best reward is 22, which indicates that some of the steps that we took may have been within that optimal range.

Let's go ahead and use Keras to build a Deep Learning model.

Creating a Deep Learning model using Keras

We begin by importing all the necessary dependencies from TensorFlow.

import numpy as np
from tensorflow.keras.models import Sequential
from tensorflow.keras.layers import Dense, Flatten
from tensorflow.keras.optimizers import Adam

The next step involves defining our states and actions:

states = env.observation_space.shape
actions = env.action_space.n

When you run the code above, it gives you the shape of our states and the number of our actions. Let's now build our model.

def build_model(states, actions):
    model = Sequential()    
    model.add(Dense(24, activation='relu', input_shape=states))
    model.add(Dense(24, activation='relu'))
    model.add(Dense(actions, activation='linear'))
    return model

In the model, we are passing in the temperature (input_shape=states) to the input of our deep learning model and then returning three different actions.

model = build_model(states, actions)

When you run the code below, it will give us a summary of our model.


We can then pass this model to the Keras-RL model.

Building the agent with Keras-RL

We begin by importing the necessary dependencies from Keras-RL.

from rl.agents import DQNAgent
from rl.policy import BoltzmannQPolicy
from rl.memory import SequentialMemory

We then build a DQNagent using the model we created in the section above. We use the Boltzmann Q Policy.

It builds a probability law on q values and returns an action selected randomly according to this law.

The DQN agent uses the Sequential memory to store various states, actions, and rewards.

def build_agent(model, actions):
    policy = BoltzmannQPolicy()
    memory = SequentialMemory(limit=50000, window_length=1)
    dqn = DQNAgent(model=model, memory=memory, policy=policy, 
                  nb_actions=actions, nb_steps_warmup=10, target_model_update=1e-2)
    return dqn
dqn = build_agent(model, actions)
dqn.compile(Adam(lr=1e-3), metrics=['mae']), nb_steps=60000, visualize=False, verbose=1)

In the code above, our custom RL environment can now train our dqn model to set the correct optimal temperature.

We train the agent for 60000 steps, but you could train it for longer to produce better results. You can change it using the nb_steps parameter.

If you happen to encounter this attribute error, the Sequential object has no attribute _compile_time_distribution_strategy, make sure to include the del model after the build_model function, then you can rerun the cells.

After 60000 steps, we get a reward of -0.3908. In the initial 10000 steps, we begin with a reward of -0.6412. This decreased to -0.3908 at the end.

The model is not perfect but when we increase the number of training steps, you will get better results (positive rewards).

Positive values mean that the temperature is within its optimal temperature. You can try adding some random figures when creating the model and see how your agent will behave after training.

Testing our custom RL environment

After training our model, we can go ahead and test it out. Let's write the following code:

results = dqn.test(env, nb_episodes=150, visualize=False)

Upon testing, our average reward value is 59. It is a high reward. Our model is performing well. However, this might not be the case when you add some noise to your model.

This is an ideal example and might not represent a real-case scenario, i.e., where your friend randomly adjusts the shower temperature. Try experimenting and see what you get.

You can find the complete code for this tutorial in this GitHub repository.


In this tutorial, we built a custom RL environment using OpenAI Gym and Keras.

You can play around with this environment, change some parameters, or add noise to replicate real-life scenarios.

Further reading

Peer Review Contributions by: Willies Ogola

Published on: Feb 2, 2022
Updated on: Jul 15, 2024

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