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Abstractive Summarization Using Deep Learning

Abstractive Summarization Using Deep Learning

Abstractive summarization uses the Pegasus model by Google. The model uses Transformers Encoder-Decoder architecture. The encoder outputs masked tokens while the decoder generates Gap sentences. <!--more--> Abstractive summarization aims to take a body of text and turn it into a shorter version. Not only does abstractive summarization shorten the body of texts, but it also generates new sentences.

This is not the case for previous versions of text summarizations which only aim to generate accurate and concise summaries from input documents. It copies informative fragments from input sentences.

Abstractive summarization uses Google's Pegasus model. This is described in a research paper as PEGASUS: Pre-training with Extracted Gap-sentences for Abstractive Summarization.

This tutorial will walk you through how to use the Pegasus model to perform abstractive summarization from start to finish. We will perform abstractive summarization on some Wikipedia, News, and Scientific Journals and documents.

Table of contents


To understand this tutorial, You need to be familiar with:

  • Natural Language Processing.
  • Python programming language.
  • Machine learning modeling.
  • Google Colab or Jupyter Notebook.

Installing dependencies for transformers in Python

We will start by installing all our dependencies to be able to use the Pegasus model. Specifically, we'll use a library called HuggingFace Transformers, Pytorch, and a text tokenizer known as SentencePiece.

PyTorch will be the underlying framework that powers the Pegasus model.

To install PyTorch, navigate to PyTorch's main website. On the main webpage, you'll see an install option.

Here, you can choose your PyTorch build of choice, your OS, installation package, language, and compute platform. This will generate a code that you will use to install PyTorch. Please note that different selections generate different installation codes.

For our case, we'll choose the LTS (1.8.2) Pytorch build, Linux OS, the Pip package, Python programming language, and finally CUDA 10.2. If you don't have a GPU in your machine, you can still go ahead and choose the CPU option.

After the selection, the following installation command is generated:

!pip3 install torch==1.8.2+cu102 torchvision==0.9.2+cu102 torchaudio==0.8.2 -f

If you're using Jupyter notebook or Google Colab, make sure to add the ! before the command. Otherwise, it won't install.

The second dependency, we should install is the HuggingFace transformers library.

!pip3 install transformers

Our third dependency is SentencePiece. It is a text tokenizer and detokenizer that helps predetermine vocabulary sizes before the neural model training.

!pip3 install sentencepiece

Importing and configuring the Pegasus model

from transformers import PegasusForConditionalGeneration, PegasusTokenizer

The above command imports our main dependencies from transformers which we installed earlier. This imports two classes, the PegasusForConditionalGeneration, and PegasusTokenizer.

The PegasusTokenizer class will convert our sentences into tokens. This is a numbered representation of our sentences. This allows us to pass it to our deep learning model.

The PegasusForConditionalGeneration class will allow us to use our model.

We now need to create our tokenizer for the model.

tokenizer_model = PegasusTokenizer.from_pretrained("google/pegasus-xsum")

Our tokenizer is now imported. from_pretrained method allows us to import a pre-trained model. In our case, it's the google/pegasus-xsum. You can read more about the pre-trained model and its features here.

There are other Pegasus models available in the HuggingFace library. Some include google/pegasus-reddit_tifu, google/pegasus-newsroom, google/pegasus-pubmed, and google/pegasus-arxiv.

All these models are based on Pegasus and trained on different datasets. You can play around with them and see which suits you best.

To use other models, make sure to replace the google/pegasus-xsum model in the from_pretrained method in the command above with your preferred one.

This next step involves loading our model.

loaded_model = PegasusForConditionalGeneration.from_pretrained("google/pegasus-xsum")

We use the PegasusForConditionalGeneration class to perform this task. We also use the from_pretrained method to allow us to import a pre-trained model. All that's left to do is to perform abstractive summarization on some Wikipedia text.

Performing abstractive summarization

This last step involves taking a bunch of text, passing it through the Pegasus model, and seeing how the model performs abstractive summarization on the text.

To summarize text, let's create a variable called text and add some text to it.

text = """

Hugging Face is a great open-source library doing powerful work in the Natural Language Processing (NLP) space. The library has a bunch of pre-trained models which you can leverage or fine-tune.

The library has many models, including BERT and GPT-2 models that perform various tasks, but we’ll be leveraging the pre-trained language pipeline for our purpose. Rather than going ahead and training a huge language model such as GPT-2 with 1.5 billion parameters, one can leverage the ML pipeline instead."""

We've picked some text from this tutorial on Section's website. Using our tokenizer, let's convert our text into its token representation.

tokens = tokenizer_model(text, truncation=True, padding="longest", return_tensors="pt")

We've created a variable called tokens to store our token representation. We use our tokenizer tokenizer_model, which we created earlier, to tokenize our texts.

The truncation=True argument allows the model to truncate our texts into a size suitable for input into our model. The return_tensors argument tells the model to use tensors from PyTorch.

To view our tokens, we write:


It's time to summarize our text.

summary = loaded_model.generate(**tokens)

**tokens unpacks our tokens and passes them into our model. The asterisks in **tokens are simply adding the input_ids and attention_mask present in the results above.

To check our generated summary results in tokens, we type summary.


These results represent our output tensors. These may be just a bunch of numbers to humans, but not to machines. This is how they understand language. Decoding these values will help us make sense of these numbers.


The summary result above shows that the results are in a nested list. But we only need the first result, so that's why we've indexed [0].

Running the above command shows our summarized text. Isn't it impressive how that block of text has been summarized? If you go through the huge block of text, you'll find that this summarized version of the text doesn't exist.

It's novel and has been completely generated by the model. This is what abstractive summarization is all about! Please find the full code implementation of the tutorial here.

Wrapping up

This is abstractive summarization in a nutshell.

Sometimes the model won't give you an abstractive summary. Rather, a text summary. This might be because you're not using the fine-tuned pegasus model for that particular task.

Try and use the Pegasus model fine-tuned for that task for better results. For example, the pegasus-reddit_tifu would be most suited for abstractive summarization on Reddit posts as opposed to google/pegasus-xsum.

Happy coding!


Peer Review Contributions by: Collins Ayuya

Published on: Sep 24, 2021
Updated on: Jul 15, 2024

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