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An Overview of Jina AI

An Overview of Jina AI

Searching for information on the web is not new. We search every day on Twitter, LinkedIn, Stack Overflow, and Amazon. The most common way we have all been searching for a long time now is with the Google Search platform. However, that's not what we will be discussing today. <!--more--> We will be discussing neural search and how it is different from the standard search that we are accustomed to. Besides, this tutorial will walk you through how to use the Jina AI framework to get your ML tasks done.


To follow along, you need to be familiar with:

  • Machine Learning.
  • Deep learning.

Table of contents

Before neural search, developers had to write every instruction to help an application retrieve information. This process is time-consuming and would give developers headaches as they try to develop these applications.

That is not the case with neural search. With the advent of neural networks, the way developers write rules changed. One could train a neural network to perform a task, and the network gets better with the more data it sees. It is the same case with neural search. In simple words, it is bringing neural networks to search.

Pre-trained neural networks are deployed to retrieve information. These networks are trained to retrieve information and get better at information retrieval when fed with a lot of data. Jina AI is a neural search framework that uses deep neural networks to perform the search.

What is Jina AI

Jina AI is an open-source, cloud-native neural search framework. It is used for building state-of-the-art and scalable deep learning search applications for any kind of modality. For example, videos, images, source code, long text, etc. The framework allows you to import a "lightweight" version of the Google search engine into your project.

It was first introduced in May 2020 by Dr. Han Xiao. He is also the creator of well-known open-source projects such as bert-as-a-service and the popular fashion-MNIST dataset. Currently, Jina AI, an open-source tech startup based in Berlin, Germany, maintains the framework.

How to install Jina AI

The Jina AI framework is easy to set up using a quick pip install, as shown below:

!pip install -U jina

Make sure to include -U if you want to download the latest version of Jina. Also, don't forget to include the exclamation ! before the pip. Otherwise, you'll get an error.

Fundamental concepts

The framework has three fundamental concepts:

  • Document
  • Executor
  • Flow


It is the basic data type in Jina. A document can be a text, image, video, or whatever data type that you have. You can learn more about it here.


It processes the data. In this case, our data comes from the Document. You can read more about it here.


The Flow streamlines and distributes the Executors. It allows you to chain together the DocumentArray and Executor, to bring real value and to build and serve an application out of it.

  1. It consists of pods. They are the "brains" of Jina. These pods help us achieve specific tasks, such as segmenting, encoding, and ranking.
  2. Context manager.
  3. Abstraction of high-level tasks, i.e., index or query.

Let's create a sample flow:

from jina import Flow

f = Flow()

We've imported Flow and made an instance of it. With those two lines of code, you have your flow ready. However, we know that flow is a manager. As it is, the flow is useless as it is not managing anything. Thus we need to add some parts to it using the .add() method:

from jina import Flow

f = Flow().add(uses = 'cnn-encoding').add(uses = 'simple-indexer')

The code above tells flow to use the cnn-encoder. You can use any encoder you want. It also tells the flow to use the simple-indexer. Here, we have a flow for encoding and indexing. Finally, we tell the flow what to do with these as shown:

from jina import Flow

f = Flow().add(uses = 'cnn-encoding').add(uses = 'simple-indexer')

with f:

Here, we are saying that with the flow we created, f, let's index some documents (docs).

Other methods included in Flow are: .start(), .stop(), .block(), .plot(), and with context manager. You can read more about Flow here.

Implementing an example to demonstrate how one can use the framework

Leveraging the three fundamental concepts, let's implement a simple Neural Search service to demonstrate how to use the framework. We will leverage the Totally-Looks-Like Dataset on Google. The dataset contains 6016 image pairs from the wild, shedding light upon a rich and diverse set of criteria employed by human beings.

Given a query, the framework should give us some results in return. Also, we will use QueryLang to help us achieve this task. QueryLang is a basic data type in Jina. It provides a Python interface that allows users to manage and access Jina and represent query language structure.

Let's import the necessary dependencies into our code:

from docarray import Document, DocumentArray
from jina import Executor, Flow, requests

The class below performs some preprocessing and wraps it via an Executor:

class PreprocImg(Executor):
    async def foo(self, docs: DocumentArray, **kwargs):
        for d in docs:
                d.load_uri_to_image_tensor(200, 200)  # load
                .set_image_tensor_normalization()  # normalize color
                    -1, 0
                )  # switch color axis for the PyTorch model later

The class below performs embedding and wraps it via an Executor:

class EmbedImg(Executor):
    def __init__(self, **kwargs):
        import torchvision
        self.model = torchvision.models.resnet50(pretrained=True)

    async def foo(self, docs: DocumentArray, **kwargs):

The class below performs matching and wraps it via an Executor:

class MatchImg(Executor):
    _da = DocumentArray()

    async def index(self, docs: DocumentArray, **kwargs):
        docs.clear()  # clear content to save bandwidth

    async def foo(self, docs: DocumentArray, **kwargs):
        docs.match(self._da, limit=9)
        del docs[...][:, ('embedding', 'tensor')]  # save bandwidth as it is not needed

Let's use the Flow to connect all the Executors. We use the .add() method to add each Executor to the Flow:

f = (
    .add(uses=EmbedImg, replicas=3)

We can use the .plot() method to visualize this Flow. We save the image as flow.svg. You can name yours as you wish:


The next step involves downloading the image dataset. We save this result inside the variable, index_data:

index_data = DocumentArray.pull('demo-leftda', show_progress=True)

We then index these image data using the code below:

with f:

This process might take a while. Please be patient as it performs the indexing.

After successful indexing, we can use a Python client to access the service:

from jina import Client

c = Client(port=12345)  # connect to localhost:12345
print('/search', index_data[0])['@m'])  # '@m' is the matches-selector

Finally, we switch from the GRPC interface to a REST API by writing the following code:

with f:
    f.protocol = 'http'

.block() is a method in Flow. It blocks execution until the program is terminated. It is useful to keep the Flow alive so that it can be used from other places (clients, etc).

To access the service on a web browser, we can use this URL: To access the full code, please refer to this link.

Wrapping up

This tutorial has shown you how to build a neural search application using a simple example. Of course, this is a basic example, but it contains all the necessary concepts that should get you started using the framework. For more information about the framework, please read their documentation.

Further reading

Peer Review Contributions by: Willies Ogola

Published on: Feb 25, 2022
Updated on: Jul 15, 2024

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