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Building a Debt Tracker Application with Python and Fauna

Building a Debt Tracker Application with Python and Fauna

Fauna is a cloud-based database with two interfaces; GraphQL and Fauna Query Language (FQL). Databases can hold collections, indexes, and even other databases (multi-tenancy).

Documents are located within collections and do not have special schema requirements. Fauna can handle a wide range of data types (including temporal), but it is most known for its relational data handling.

In this tutorial, we will build a debt tracker application using Fauna. We will use Fauna to store our data and use GraphQL to query it.

Let us get started!


To follow along with this tutorial, you are required to have the following:

  • A text editor.
  • Some knowledge of Python, Fauna, and Flask.
  • Python installed.

Table of Contents

Getting started with Fauna

To begin using Fauna, first, create an account on their official website using your email address.

Creating a database in Fauna

After creating an account, we will create a database to store our data by going to the Fauna dashboard and clicking on the CREATE DATABASE button:

create database

Enter the desired name for the database and click CREATE.

Creating a collection in Fauna

Fauna organizes its data into collections and uses indexes to search them. The user's collection, for example, comprises database user information and is similar to SQL tables in that it contains data with similar qualities.

Far from being a database, a collection is a container for documents. We will create a collection to store our data by going to the Fauna dashboard and clicking on the create collection button:

create collection

The History Days are the numbers of days that you will wish Fauna to retain the history of your data. The default is 30 days, and you can change this number by entering a new number. The TTL is the expiration time of the data in the collection.

Enter a name for the collection and click SAVE.

Creating a Fauna Index

The Fauna index is a way to search for specific data. For example, if you wanted to find all the users in the database, you could search for all the users by entering users in the search bar.

To create indexes, click on the Indexes tab and click on the New Index button:

create indexes

Here, you are supposed to choose the name of the collections to be searched and the index.

Terms are the fields you want to search for from the collection. You can enter multiple terms by adding another field. In our case, we want to search for the data.pending. Once you are done, click SAVE.

Creating an API key for the Fauna database

To access the database, we will need to generate an API key. Go to the Fauna dashboard and select the 'Security' tab, then the NEW KEY button:

create api key

After filling in the form, click SAVE. Fauna will provide the secret key to access the database.

Installing Fauna Client

Fauna Client is a Python library that allows developers to access a database. To use Fauna Client, install the following packages via the terminal.

$ sudo apt install python3-pip
$ pip install faunadb

Install Flask bootstrap locally in your machine:

# Installing Flask
$ pip install Flask
# Installing Flask-Bootstrap
$ pip install Flask_Bootstrap4

Project structure

We will create a working directory called fauna-python-tutorial and then create a static directory inside it to store our static files. We will also create a templates directory inside the working directory to store our templates. Finally, we will create our file in the fauna-python-tutorial directory.

The file structure should look as below:

├── static
│   ├── script.js
├── templates
│   ├── index.html

Creating a Flask app

I have created a Flask application with the bootstrap user interface. Clone this repository by running the following commands:

$ git clone [email protected]:Jeff-mwangi/Debt-Tracker-Application-with-Python-and-Fauna.git

To run the app, we need to run the following command:

$ python3

We should see a default page that looks like this:


The default page is the home page of our app. We can add debt by clicking on the Add Loan button.

Connecting Python with Fauna

In our file, we need to import the Fauna Client libraries as below.

from faunadb import query as q
from faunadb.objects import Ref
from faunadb.client import FaunaClient

Use the secret_key that we created earlier to connect to the database. We will also set up the client variable to be used in our app:

app = Flask(__name__)
app.config["SECRET_KEY"] = "SECRET_KEY"
client = FaunaClient(secret="YOUR_KEY'S_SECRET_HERE")

From here, we will explore the four primary operations of a database system; Create (C), Read (R), Update (U), and Delete (D) (CRUD) operations that we can perform on our Fauna database.

Saving data with Fauna

Let us start integrating our debt tracker application with Fauna. We will first create an add route to our file:

@app.route("/add/", methods=["POST"])
def add_loan():
    name = request.form.get("name")
    amount = request.form.get("amount")
    date = request.form.get("date")

    loan_data = client.query(
            q.collection("debt"), {
                "data": {
                    "name": name,
                    "amount": float(amount),
                    "pending": True,
                    "date_created": datetime.strptime(date, "%Y-%m-%d").astimezone(tz=tz.tzlocal())

    flash("You have successfully added the Debt")
    return redirect(url_for("debt"))

We have utilized Fauna create operation from the code above to register the data in the debt collection database. Then, we have created a data field that contains the name, amount, pending, and date_created of the debt. Finally, we have used the flash function to display a message to the user.

Fetching data from Fauna

In this section, we shall fetch our added data from the database. We will create a default / route to our file:

def debt():
    debt = client.query(
            q.match(q.index("pending-debt"), True),
    debt_data = [
        ) for loan in debt["data"]
    return render_template("index.html", debt_data=client.query(debt_data))

We created a debt() function from the code above to fetch all the data from the debt collection. Then, we used the paginate function to fetch the data from the database.

The match function matches the data with the pending field. Next, we used the index function to create an index on the pending field. Then, we used the size function to set the size of the data we wanted to fetch. Finally, we get the data from the database using the get function and render the index.html page, passing the fetched data to it.

Updating data in Fauna

In this section, we will be using the update operation to update the data in the database. We will create an update route to our file:

@app.route("/update/", methods=["POST"])
def update_loan():
    action = request.form.get("action")
    amount = request.form.get("amount")
    loan_id = request.form.get("loanID")

    loan_data = client.query(
            q.ref(q.collection("debt"), int(loan_id))

    old_amount = loan_data["data"]["amount"]
    if action == "Borrow More":
        new_amount = old_amount + float(amount)
    elif action == "Repay Loan":
        new_amount = old_amount - float(amount)

            q.ref(q.collection("debt"), int(loan_id)), {
                "data": {
                    "amount": new_amount

    flash("You have successfully updated your debt")
    return redirect(url_for("debt"))

From the code above, we have utilized the update function to update the data in the database.

Deleting data in Fauna

Here, we will use the delete operation to delete the data from the database. We will create a delete route to our file:

def clear_loan(loan_id):
            q.ref(q.collection("debt"), loan_id)

    flash("You have successfully cleared loan information!", "success")
    return redirect(url_for("debt"))

We have utilized the delete function from the code above to delete the data from the database. Next, we have used the int function to convert the loan_id to an integer. Finally, we have used the query function to query the data from the database.

You can find the source code here.


In this tutorial, we have learned the basics of the Fauna database while working with Flask and the CRUD operations that come with it.

Happy coding!

Peer Review Contributions by: Mercy Meave

Published on: Mar 17, 2022
Updated on: Jul 15, 2024

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