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Performing Update and Delete Operations on your Spreadsheet files using the Apache POI library in Android

Performing Update and Delete Operations on your Spreadsheet files using the Apache POI library in Android


A good application should be able to handle all CRUD operations. Owing to that, we will build upon this article about creating and reading Spreadsheets created using the Apache POI library. We will have a walkthrough on editing cells, renaming columns, deleting sheets & workbooks, etc.

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NOTE: Since we will be adding more code to the linked project, it is necessary to have a look at it. It is a continuation of the application, and it will be hard to follow through with this one if you haven’t looked at the tutorial.

The requirements of both tutorials are the same, which are:

  1. An understanding of Kotlin.
  2. A basic understanding of Excel/Spreadsheets.
  3. An understanding of Android development environments.

An overview of what we will be doing

We will add header cells to the table we created and format the cells. Secondly, we will have a walkthrough on editing the values of cells. Thirdly, we will look at a worksheet deletion. Finally, we will look at the deletion of rows and columns. All these actions are easily achieved using the Apache POI library. Let’s start.

Adding and formatting header cells

We need to add a row at the top of the cells we created. There are many ways to do this, one of which is using a loop. In the loop, we set each current row's index to the next index position, appropriately set the values, and add the header cells' values. However, we won't be using the looping approach to simplify things. Also, we have few records, so we will manually shift the rows and add the header row to the top. Therefore, modify the addData() method to match this:

   private fun addData(sheet: Sheet) {

        //Creating rows at passed in indices
        val row1 = sheet.createRow(0)
        val row2 = sheet.createRow(1)
        val row3 = sheet.createRow(2)
        val row4 = sheet.createRow(3)
        val row5 = sheet.createRow(4)
        val row6 = sheet.createRow(5)
        val row7 = sheet.createRow(6)
        val row8 = sheet.createRow(7)

        //Adding data to each  cell
        createCell(row1, 0, "Name")
        createCell(row1, 1, "Score")

        createCell(row2, 0, "Mike")
        createCell(row2, 1, "470")

        createCell(row3, 0, "Montessori")
        createCell(row3, 1, "460")

        createCell(row4, 0, "Sandra")
        createCell(row4, 1, "380")

        createCell(row5, 0, "Moringa")
        createCell(row5, 1, "300")

        createCell(row6, 0, "Torres")
        createCell(row6, 1, "270")

        createCell(row7, 0, "McGee")
        createCell(row7, 1, "420")

        createCell(row8, 0, "Gibbs")
        createCell(row8, 1, "510")


We have incremented the row indices and added a header row to the top.

Formatting the cells

Let’s now format the header cells. This will be done, after accessing a sheet , which we discussed in the previous article.

We will first discuss the code in snippets, step by step, then show the full code at the end.

We access the header cells in this manner:

//choosing the first row as the headers
var nameHeaderCell = sheet.getRow(0).getCell(0)
var scoreHeaderCell = sheet.getRow(0).getCell(1)

Then, we create a font object for setting the font properties.

val font: Font = workbook.createFont()

We bolden the font and add set the font color to white since we will be setting a red background to the header cells.

//choosing white color and a bold formatting
font.color = IndexedColors.WHITE.index
font.bold = true

A style object for accessing formatting properties such as alignment, background color, etc. is created this way:

val headerCellStyle = workbook.createCellStyle()

After the style object creation, we set a left alignment, a red background color, and the fill type to solid. Again, you can explore these and more formatting properties in the official Apache POI docs.

//applying formatting styles to the cells
headerCellStyle.fillForegroundColor = IndexedColors.RED.index

We use the setFont() method and pass in the font object we created beforehand to set the font properties.


Finally, we set the header cell styles using the cellStyle property as shown:

nameHeaderCell.cellStyle = headerCellStyle
scoreHeaderCell.cellStyle = headerCellStyle

Screenshot after the formatting

Screenshot after the formatting

To utilize the same sheet without creating another function, we will add more code to the function to update cell labels and values.

Editing Cell Labels and Values

We first access the rows and cells we want. Note that this should be done dynamically for your app and not hard coding the indices as I have done here.

//selecting cells to be editted and formatted
var targetCellLabel = sheet.getRow(1).getCell(0)
var targetCellValue = sheet.getRow(1).getCell(1)

We set the alignment to the left to achieve uniformity.

val targetCellDataStyle = workbook.createCellStyle()

Setting the values is done this way.

targetCellValue.cellStyle = targetCellDataStyle
targetCellLabel.cellStyle = targetCellDataStyle

After the edits, we have to close the input stream and save the file.


val fileOut = FileOutputStream(it)

We will achieve this in the end.


This is the full code for the method:

    private fun updateCell() {
        getExcelFile()?.let {
            try {

                //Reading it as stream
                val workbookStream = FileInputStream(it)

                //Return the loaded workbook
                val workbook = WorkbookFactory.create(workbookStream)
                if (workbook.numberOfSheets > 0) {

                    //Return the first sheet
                    val sheet = workbook.getSheetAt(0)
                    //choosing the first row as the headers
                    var nameHeaderCell = sheet.getRow(0).getCell(0)
                    var scoreHeaderCell = sheet.getRow(0).getCell(1)

                    //selecting cells to be editted and formatted
                    var targetCellLabel = sheet.getRow(1).getCell(0)
                    var targetCellValue = sheet.getRow(1).getCell(1)

                    val font: Font = workbook.createFont()
                    val headerCellStyle = workbook.createCellStyle()
                    val targetCellDataStyle = workbook.createCellStyle()

                    //choosing white color and a bold formatting
                    font.color = IndexedColors.WHITE.index
                    font.bold = true

                    //applying formatting styles to the cells
                    headerCellStyle.fillForegroundColor = IndexedColors.RED.index
                    nameHeaderCell.cellStyle = headerCellStyle
                    scoreHeaderCell.cellStyle = headerCellStyle

                    targetCellValue.cellStyle = targetCellDataStyle
                    targetCellLabel.cellStyle = targetCellDataStyle

                    //feeding in new values to the selected cells


                    //saving the changes
                    try {
                        val fileOut = FileOutputStream(it)
                    } catch (e: FileNotFoundException) {
                    } catch (e: IOException) {
            } catch (e: Exception) {

Deleting a sheet

We will create a new sheet for the test deletion. In the createWorkbook() method, we will add a line for creating a new sheet called testSheet.

    private fun createWorkbook(): Workbook {




The created sheet

A method called deleteSheet() is used for the deletion task, where we will call the removeSheetAt(positionIndex) method.

    private fun deleteSheet() {
        getExcelFile()?.let {
            try {

                //Reading it as stream
                val workbookStream = FileInputStream(it)

                //Return the loaded workbook
                val workbook = WorkbookFactory.create(workbookStream)
                if (workbook.numberOfSheets > 0) {
                    //removing the second sheet

                    try {
                        val fileOut = FileOutputStream(it)
                    } catch (e: FileNotFoundException) {
                    } catch (e: IOException) {
            } catch (e: Exception) {

When we run the code and access the file, we won't see the sheet:


Deleting a row

After accessing the row, we delete it using the removeRow() method. After confirming if the target row is not empty, the deletion is done using an if conditional statement.

val targetRow = sheet.getRow(rowNo)
if (targetRow != null) {

After that, we shift the cells one step backwards using the shiftRows() method. This method takes three parameters: the row index to start shifting from, the total number of rows to shift, and a step number. We needed to access the total number of rows using the totalNoOfRows variable.

/*excluding the last row, move the cells that come
    after the deleted row one step behind*/
if (rowNo >= 0 && rowNo < totalNoOfRows) {
    sheet.shiftRows(rowNo + 1, totalNoOfRows, -1)


Screenshot after deletion

The full code:

    private fun deleteRow() {
        getExcelFile()?.let {
            try {
                val rowNo = 1
                //Reading it as stream
                val workbookStream = FileInputStream(it)

                //Return the loaded workbook
                val workbook = WorkbookFactory.create(workbookStream)
                if (workbook.numberOfSheets > 0) {

                    //Return the first sheet
                    val sheet = workbook.getSheetAt(0)

                    //getting the total number of rows available
                    val totalNoOfRows = sheet.lastRowNum

                    val targetRow = sheet.getRow(rowNo)
                    if (targetRow != null) {

                    /*excluding the last row, move the cells that come
                    after the deleted row one step behind*/
                    if (rowNo >= 0 && rowNo < totalNoOfRows) {
                        sheet.shiftRows(rowNo + 1, totalNoOfRows, -1)

                    try {
                        val fileOut = FileOutputStream(it)
                    } catch (e: FileNotFoundException) {
                    } catch (e: IOException) {
            } catch (e: Exception) {

Deleting Columns

This is a comparatively complicated than the previous ones. We first get the number of columns available. We have to do this because we will get an error while trying to delete an empty column or when we want to perform a shift function. So we won't perform the shift operation here. I will leave it up to you to get some coffee and implement it.

We get the total number of columns by getting the number of the last cell of a row.

val row = sheet.getRow(colNo)
val maxCell = row.lastCellNum.toInt()

After checking the validity of a column number, we use a loop to iterate through the column while deleting the cells.

if (colNo >= 0 && colNo <= maxCell) {
   for (rowNo in 0..totalRows) {
        val targetCol: Cell = sheet.getRow(rowNo).getCell(colNo)
        if (targetCol != null) {

This is the full code:

    private fun deleteColumn() {
        getExcelFile()?.let {
            try {
                val colNo = 0
                //Reading it as stream
                val workbookStream = FileInputStream(it)

                //Return the loaded workbook
                val workbook = WorkbookFactory.create(workbookStream)
                if (workbook.numberOfSheets > 0) {

                    //Return the first sheet
                    val sheet = workbook.getSheetAt(0)
                    val totalRows = sheet.lastRowNum
                    val row = sheet.getRow(colNo)
                    val maxCell = row.lastCellNum.toInt()
                    if (colNo >= 0 && colNo <= maxCell) {
                        for (rowNo in 0..totalRows) {
                            val targetCol: Cell = sheet.getRow(rowNo).getCell(colNo)
                            if (targetCol != null) {

                    try {
                        val fileOut = FileOutputStream(it)
                    } catch (e: FileNotFoundException) {
                    } catch (e: IOException) {
            } catch (e: Exception) {

We will achieve this:


That is it.

Further Practice

Apache POI provides a countless number of methods that can be explored. For this tutorial, we could add table borders, footers, rename a workbook, delete a workbook, rename a sheet, italicize, set different font families, etc. I encourage you to have a look at the official documentation and this JavaTPoint blog for more insights. The updated GitHub code is found here.


We added header cells and formatted them, edited cell values, deleted a worksheet, a row, and a column. I hope you enjoyed the read.

Peer Review Contributions by: Odhiambo Paul

Published on: Mar 31, 2022
Updated on: Jul 15, 2024

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