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Introduction to Express.js

Introduction to Express.js

Node.js is a JavaScript run time environment which is used to create server-side applications and tools. Node.js is fast, portable, and written in JavaScript but it does not directly support common tasks such as handling requests, serving files, and handling HTTP methods such as GET and POST. This is where Node.js's rich ecosystem comes to our aid. <!--more-->

Express.js (Express) is a light web framework which sits on top of Node.js and it adds functionality like (middleware, routing, etc.) and simplicity to Node.js.

When creating a Node.js web application, we write a single JavaScript application which listens to requests from the browser, based on the request, the function will send back some data or an HTML web page.

flow of a request

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A request handler is a JavaScript function which takes a request and sends an appropriate response.

Node.js APIs can get complex and writing how to handle a single request can end up being over 50 lines of code. Express makes it easier to write Node.js web applications.

flow with express

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Advantages of using Express with Node.js

  • Express lets you take away a lot of the complexities of Node.js while adding helpful functions to a Node.js HTTP server.

  • Instead of a large request handler function, Express allows us to handle requests by writing many small modular and maintainable functions.

  • Express is not opinionated, meaning Express does not enforce any "right way" of doing things. You can use any compatible middleware, and you can structure the app as you wish, making it flexible.

  • We can integrate with a template rendering engine (also called a view rendering engine in some articles) of our choice like Jade, Pug, EJS, etc.

A template engine enables you to use static template files and at runtime change the values of variables in those files.

Basic Express Application

Let's create a basic Express example app. To use Express, we first need to install it via npm using the command below.

$ npm install express --save

Next, let's write the code for our example app. Create a file called app.js.

//in app.js
var express = require("express");
var app = express();

app.get("/", function(req, res){
  res.send("HELLO WORLD");

app.listen(3000, function(){
  console.log("Application started and Listening on port 3000");

The code above creates a basic Express application. To run this script, go to your command prompt and enter the command node app.js in the project directory.

In the console, we can see Application started and Listening on port 3000 and if we visit http://localhost:3000/ we can see HELLO WORLD.

Let's look at what the code above is doing.

The first line imports the express module. The second line creates an Express application by calling the top-level express() function.

Our app variable (express application) has methods for handling requests and configuring how the application behaves. We can create multiple apps this way, each with their own requests and responses.

Lets examine the code in section two. app.get() is a function, called route definition, which tells the express app how to handle an HTTP GET request to our server.

This function takes two main parameters, the first is the route or path which is the relative path from the root of the server; the second is a function that is invoked whenever there is a request to that path.

In this case, we are listening for GET requests to / which is the root of the website.

The second parameter, the callback function, has two arguments req and res. req represents the request sent from the browser to the server. res represents the response that the server sends back.

The code in section three starts a server on the port 3000. You can go to localhost:3000 to view your response.

Core parts of Express


Middleware is a set of functions that sit between a raw request and the final intended route. Middleware functions have access to all the HTTP requests coming to the server. Middleware can handle tasks such as logging, sending static files, authorization, and session management, etc.

In Node.js, the request and response objects are passed to one function (request handler) that we write, in Express these objects are passed through a set of functions, called the middleware stack.

Express will start at the first function in the stack and execute in order down the stack.

Every function in the stack takes three arguments request, response and next. next is a function, that when called Express executes the next function in the stack. This is a subtle difference between middleware and a route handler which we saw above.

Let's look at a basic static file server to understand middleware. Initialize a new npm project. Then create a directory named static and copy-paste any available static files into the folder (text, images, etc.).

Execute the following commands in the terminal. The touch command creates an empty file.

$ npm init -y
$ npm install express
$ mkdir static
$ touch static/dummy_file.txt
$ touch static/dummy_file2.txt
$ echo file1 > static/dummy_file.txt
$ echo file2 > static/dummy_file2.txt
$ touch app.js

Our app will have a logger function and a static file serving function.


var express = require("express");
var path = require("path");
var fs = require("fs");

var app = express();

//1. Logging
app.use(function(req, res, next) {
    console.log("Request IP: " + req.url);
    console.log("Request date: " + new Date());

//2. File Server
app.use(function(req, res, next) {
    var filePath = path.join(__dirname, "static", req.url);
    fs.stat(filePath, function(err, fileInfo) {
    if (err) {
    if (fileInfo.isFile()) {
    } else {

app.listen(3000, function() {
    console.log("App started on port 3000");

If we run this file using node app.js and go to localhost:3000/dummy_file.txt, we can see on the screen file1.

If we go to the URL localhost:3000, we see an error Cannot GET / because we did not configure a route handler for that path. Let's look at the code.

The logger logs every request that comes into the server. app.use is used to define a middleware function, it takes a function.

The next() function call tells Express to move onto the next function in the stack (remove the next() call in your script, you will notice that it takes forever for the page to load, this is because the request gets stuck on this middleware function).

We are using the path module to join the relative URL (from the request) and the directory name.

The fs module provides an API for interacting with the file system. We are checking if the file exists, if it does not, we will go to next function in the stack if it does we will return that file using res.sendFile.

Using Third-Party Middleware

We can write our own middleware functions or import them similar to how we imported our modules in Node.js using require.

Let's use a popular open-source logger called morgan instead of writing our own logging function.

Install it using npm.

$ npm install morgan

We can call the use() on the Express app object to add the middleware to the stack.

var express = require("express");
var logger_morgan = require("morgan");

var app = express();

app.use(logger_morgan("short")); // logs short notation of requests


Express comes with express.static middleware bundled with it, it can be used to serve static files instead of the function in the previous section. It provides better security and performance than the function we wrote.

JavaScript app.use(express.static("static"); //relative path

Any requested files in the directory "static" are served. localhost:3000/dummy_file.txt will show the same result as above.

We can call static() multiple times to use multiple static asset directories. For example, consider we have two directories static and public with static files and we wrote the following code:

JavaScript app.use(express.static("static"); app.use(express.static("public");

Suppose you make a request like localhost:3000/hello.html, Express looks up the files in the static directory then public directory if the file exists then returns hello.html.


Express makes request handling easier by mapping requests to different request handlers. A request handler is a function which handles all the requests to a specific path with a specific HTTP method.

In the basic example above, we saw how to handle a GET request. As an application grows in size the routes grow as well as do the request handlers.

Lets see how we can use Routers to split a large app into smaller, maintainable functions.

According to the documentation, a Router is "an isolated instance of middleware and routes. Routers can be thought of as “mini” applications only capable of performing middleware and routing".

Routers can be used like middleware functions, they can be added to middleware stack using the app.use() function. A simple example:

//app.js the main file

var express = require("express");
var apiRouter = require("./routes/api_router");

var app = express();

app.use("/api", apiRouter);


Create a folder called routes and a file called api_router.js inside it.

var express = require("express");
var router = express.Router();

router.get("/route1", function(req, res, next){
        res.send("Success !!");

module.exports = router;

When you start the app and visit the URL localhost:3000/api/route1 you can see Success!!. Take a look at all the router functions here.

Useful Routing Tips

Grabbing route parameters

Suppose you are building a website for a company that showcases their products, each product has a productID. You want the URL for product 1 to be /product/1.

Instead of defining a route for every product, you can define a single route for everything in the form of product/productID and then return a file based on the productID. Here's a rough example below that you can modify for your use case.

var express = require("express");
var app = express();

// use a colon to grab a parameter

app.get("/product/:productId", function(req, res){
    var pid = parseInt(req.params.productId, 10);
    //Use res.send to manipulate string to get file with name as productID or something and use a static file server

Using Regular Expressions to match routes

Regular Expressions (RE) are patterns used to match character combinations in strings. We can use RE to match parameters and define our routes.

For example, using the example above, if we wanted the productId to be only an integer we can try the following:

var express = require("express")
app = express();

app.get(/^\/products\/(\d+)$/, function(req, res) {
    var productId = parseInt(req.params[0], 10);
    console.log("The user is asking for product"+productId);
    //we can send a file related to request
    var filename = "product" + productId + ".html"; // change this based on your setup

For the full example code, visit this gist.

Template Engines

Websites are built with HTML, you can dynamically generate HTML pages using Express. Dynamically generated HTML pages are useful when you want to show real time data or change a page's details based on the user.

A template engine allows you to use static template files and at runtime replace variables in a template file with actual data.

There are different template engines available like Pug, Jade, and EJS. Let's see a basic template using EJS.

First let's install it using npm. Type npm install ejs and then create a directory called views to store your templates and HTML files.

var express = require("express");
var app = express();

app.set("view engine", "ejs"); //set view engine to ejs
app.set("views", "views");     //set views directory

app.get("/", function(req, res){   //res.render() renders a view and send the HTML to the client
        res.render("index", {
                message: "Hello and Welcome !!!" // this can be any thing you want


Create a file called index.ejs in the views directory.

        <meta charset="utf-8">    

        <%= message %>

If you go to the webpage you can see Hello and Welcome !!!. You can write JavaScript expressions inside the <%= exp %>. Look at the docs for the complete syntax and rules.

Testing Express Applications.

Testing is an important part of developing software. Read this article where I discuss testing Node.js applications using Mocha and Chai.


The minimalistic philosophy of Express may not be suited for everyone's needs, because you can make mistakes while you are making those decisions about your applications infrastructure.

One of the best practices is to have a directory structure like this or something similar to this for your Express app

├── public/
│   ├── bootstrap.css
|   ├── favicon.ico
├── views/
│   ├── hello.ejs
│   └── index.html
└── routes/
|   ├── api.js
|   └── router.js
├── app.js
├── package.json
├── tests/
└── bin/

Express is an unopinionated framework which works best by making use of third party software to create a full-fledged application. Simplicity is a high level goal for software in general, when writing Express applications keep this in mind.


Peer Review Contributions by: Louise Findlay

Published on: Sep 23, 2020
Updated on: Jul 12, 2024

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