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    How to use PrimeReact in React Applications

    How to use PrimeReact in React Applications

    React is all about components, these help us to reuse our JavaScript code over and over. It also helps us maintain and update the pages. React can be used to build single-page applications and user interfaces. <!--more--> PrimeReact is like CSS, which can be used while styling the user interfaces. But unlike CSS, PrimeReact has a pre-defined style for each component, which can be used in our React application.

    Table of contents

    • Navigation
    • What is PrimeReact
    • Create React application
    • Adding PrimeReact dependencies
    • Modifying our React application
    • Creating a Nav component
    • Making our Navigation Bar responsive
    • Adding Routes to our Navigation


    For this tutorial, the reader will need:

    • Basic knowledge of React.js.
    • Little knowledge of npm.
    • Have visual studio code and npm installed, click here to download visual studio code.


    • To create a responsive navigation bar using Prime React components in a React.js application.
    • To use PrimeReact components in our project.
    • To add Route to PrimeReact component.

    Let's start coding.

    In every website or rather a multi-page application, there exist a navigation menu usually located at the top of the website. This serves as direction for visitors to access various pages of a website. It provides a good user experience to the site as visitors can easily access the contents of the website.

    It is important for every website to have navigation, unless the website is a static website. In this tutorial, we are going to learn how to use PrimeReact component to make a responsive navigation menu that has routing capabilities.

    What is PrimeReact?

    PrimeReact is a UI component library for React applications. PrimeReact has different components for themes, styles, and icons that can be imported to use in our React application. It is a free open-source library.

    When creating a React project, the main thing on a developer's mind is the layout and user interface of the project. Styling a particular component of a react project can be tricky and time consuming, but with PrimeReact we don't have to worry much about the styles.

    We only need to import the particular component that we want to render in our project and PrimeReact takes care of the styles. Sometimes the component we render may not be styled the way we want. PrimeReact allows us to modify the styles and properties of the component we render in our project.

    To know more about PrimeReact click here.

    Step 1 - Create React application

    When creating a React application, we first go to the folder where the application is stored. To create a React application, type the following command in a terminal or a command prompt:

    npx create-react-app my-prime

    After installing, type cd my-prime to go into my-prime folder. Type npm start to start the development server. The React website can be seen on http://localhost:3000/ in your system browser.

    Step 2 - Adding PrimeReact dependencies

    To add PrimeReact dependencies into our project, we first open the terminal of our visual studio code. Ensure that the terminal is accessing my-prime folder.

    Input npm install primereact primeicons --save and press "enter" to install prime react and prime icons. PrimeReact components need the PrimeIcons library for icons and react-transition-group for animations.

    Type npm install react-transition-group and press "enter" to install react-transition-group. After that has been installed, we then type npm install react-router-dom and press "enter".

    If the dependencies we installed are shown as below in the package.json file, then our installation was successful.

    "dependencies": {
        "primeicons": "^4.1.0",
        "primereact": "^6.6.0",
        "react-transition-group": "^4.4.2",
        "react-router-dom": "^6.0.2"

    Step 3 - Modifying our React application

    When we create a react project, react has some pre-defined codes that we need to modify. Go to http://localhost:3000/ in your browser, a website showing React logo will be displayed.

    Let's modify the website codes by editing the app.js file in your visual studio code editor, then remove all code within the div tag except import './App.css'.

    import React from 'react'; //for React
    import './App.css' // for CSS
    function App() {
      return (
        <div className="App">
    export default App;

    We then import our prime react themes and icons.

    import "primereact/resources/themes/vela-blue/theme.css";
    import "primereact/resources/primereact.min.css";
    import "primeicons/primeicons.css";

    The above CSS files provided by PrimeReact should be added at the top of the app.js file to enable primereact icons, themes, and styles to be effective in our browser.

    Our app.js file should look like this:

    import './App.css';
    import "primereact/resources/themes/vela-blue/theme.css";
    import "primereact/resources/primereact.min.css";
    import "primeicons/primeicons.css";
    function App() {
      return (
        <div className="App">
          {/* code goes here */}
    export default App;

    Step 4 - Creating a Nav component

    We first need to create a component and import it into our app.js. For example, within the src folder, let's create a separate folder called components, where we'll store our Navigation code.

    Within the components folder, we can create a new file and name it Nav.js. Then, we create a React function called Navigation, within the return parentheses we create a navbar for the browser using HTML elements like div tag, the header tag, nav tag, and ul tag.

    const Navigation = () => {
    export default Navigation;

    After this our Navigation function should be imported inside our app.js file, within the div of our app.js, we add our Navigation function that displays on the browser.

    import Navigation from './component/Nav';

    This should be at the top of our app.js file. Within the div tag of our app.js file, we add our Navigation element:

    <div classname="App"> 
     <Navigation />

    A screenshot of our app.js file:


    CSS styles can be added to change the pre-defined styles.

    Step 5 - Making our navigation bar responsive

    In this tutorial, we'll be using Menubar which is one of the many navigation components PrimeReact gives us for our navigation. When styling the navigation menu, it's important to style both small and large screen sizes.

    With Menubar component we don't have to style any screen size. We can edit the component, change the theme and add icons to our navigation menu.This makes our navigation responsive on all screen sizes, thereby giving our navigation a better user experience and makes it easily accessible for mobile devices.

    To use the Menubar component in our project, we need to import it inside our Nav.js file inside our component folder, then add it within our nav tag HTML element to make it display within our Navigation function.

    import { Menubar } from 'primereact/menubar';
    const Navigation = () => {
                        <Menubar />
    export default Navigation;

    The Menubar as shown above should be added at the top of our Nav.js file. We can see our Menubar is placed inside a ul element, we have to create a navigation list that will be rendered in our Menubar.

    We can create this list within our Navigation function or import it as properties or props. The list to be rendered must be stored in a variable, where we can call the variable that we want.

    This will store an array with objects nested within it. Within the object, we pass in the value we want on our navigation. We then assign the values to a label text, this will store the values.

    PrimeReact allows us to add icons to our values, if needed. It is not a must to add icons to our navigation. The icons help in representing our values. Our navigation list should look like this. Here, we can call the variable and label values anything that we want.

    const navlist = [
      {label: 'Home', icon: 'pi pi-fw pi-home'},
      {label: 'About', icon: 'pi pi-fw pi-file'},
      {label: 'Contact', icon: 'pi pi-fw pi-phone'}

    The icon recieve PrimeReact icons (pi), the position we want the icon to be, foward (pi-fw), and the value of the icon (pi-home). We then pass our navlist variable as a property to the Menubar.

    The name of the property that will holds navlist is a model, we can't change the name, if we do our navlist items will not be rendered to the Document Object Model (DOM), same goes for label in our code above.

    PrimeReact component has been coded to host certain values, if we change these values our code won't work. The model recieves the variable inside an object because we want to use JavaScript values inside JSX and pass it to the Menubar which then renders the variables to our navigation.

    Our Nav.js file should look like this:

    import { Menubar } from 'primereact/menubar';
    const Navigation = () => {
         const navlist = [
            { label: 'Home', icon: 'pi pi-fw pi-home'},
            { label: 'About', icon: 'pi pi-fw pi-file' },
            { label: 'Contact', icon: 'pi pi-fw pi-phone'}
    export default Navigation;

    To know more about primereact icons click here. To know more about Menubar components from here.

    We can change the theme of our PrimeReact components. PrimeReact gives us many themes to choose from, we can use different themes for our navigation.

    They affect the background-color and color of our Menubar. We can choose either a light theme or a dark theme for our navigation.

    We're currently using a vela-blue theme. It can be changed by navigating to our app.js file, and edit the theme.css to the desired theme, while importing.

    import "primereact/resources/themes/vela-blue/theme.css"; // edit vela-blue to change theme
    import "primereact/resources/primereact.min.css";
    import "primeicons/primeicons.css";

    You can see most Prime React themes from here.

    Step 6 - Adding routes to our navigation

    After adding our Menubar component to our navigation and rendering it on the DOM, if we click on any of our rendered navlist nothing will happen to our website. The Uniform Resource Locators (URL) must redirect to a page when clicked, but it doesn't.

    The Menubar component only renders pre-defined styles to the DOM, but it has no routes, it doesn't navigate our website, which is the main reason for using it. To make our navigation easier for users and go to the pages they clicked.

    We can solve this by adding a command that runs an anonymous function when clicked any of our navlist variable. The function will hold the href which we will pass the desired URL path to, but remember href is mostly used in HTML or JavaScript Syntax Extension (JSX) in React.

    We can also use href keyword through the windows, which is a DOM object, by using one of it's method called location which contains a href property. To use href through the windows, we assign the windows.location.href to the desired route, as a string.

    const navlist = [
      {label: 'Home', icon: 'pi pi-fw pi-home', command: () => {
      {label: 'About', icon: 'pi pi-fw pi-calendar', command: () =>{
      { label: 'Contact', icon: 'pi pi-fw pi-phone', command: () =>{

    The code we added, runs the anonymous function when clicked to the href path, thereby redirecting our website to the site clicked. /about and /contact does not have React pages. We will have to create them manually.

    Within the components folder, we create a new file and name it About.js. Inside About.js we also create a React Function just like we did in the Nav.js called About and export it as default, we can now return some JSX inside this component.

    Let's add a header (h1) that displays some information to the DOM as shown:

    const About = () => {
            <h1>This is the About page</h1>
    export default About;

    With all these done, before we click About on our Navigation, we need to add the routes to the component and set a path for it to be displayed on the DOM, we can't just import it to our app.js file.

    To add Route to our About component, we need to import it from react-router-dom into our app.js file. We import BrowserRouter, Routes, and Route from react-router-dom.

    We can't use Route without wrapping it with Routes, which is wrapped under BrowserRouter. Within the Route tag, we add two properties called path and element.

    The path accepts the location we want our component to be rendered and the element accepts the component we want to render to the DOM as shown:

    import './App.css';
    import "primereact/resources/themes/vela-blue/theme.css";
    import "primereact/resources/primereact.min.css";
    import "primeicons/primeicons.css";
    import Navigation from './component/Nav';
    import { BrowserRouter, Routes, Route} from 'react-router-dom';
    function App() {
      return (
        <div className="App">
          <Navigation />
    export default App;

    Then, we import our About component into our app.js file, and pass it to our Route as a property so as to render it on the specified path. We can also add another Route for the Home link in our navigation, but we will only pass a path to this particular Route.

    Now, our App.js file should look like this:

    import './App.css';
    import "primereact/resources/themes/vela-blue/theme.css";
    import "primereact/resources/primereact.min.css";
    import "primeicons/primeicons.css";
    import Navigation from './component/Nav';
    import { BrowserRouter, Routes, Route } from 'react-router-dom';
    import About from '/component/About';
    function App() {
      return (
        <div className="App">
          <Navigation />
                <Route path='/about' element={<About/>}/>
                <Route path="/" element={null} />
    export default App;

    The above code renders our About.js component to the DOM when About is clicked on our navigation. While the second Route has an element of null since we want to return back to our initial page. We can do the same for our remaining links in the navigation.

    To know more about react router click here.

    A screenshot of our app.js file: App

    From this tutorial, one should now be able to use PrimeReact to make a responsive navigation bar that has routing capabilities.


    In this tutorial we learned what:

    • PrimeReact is and its uses.
    • How to add PrimeReact components in our application.
    • How to create a responsive navigation bar.
    • How to add routes to our navigation list.

    Happy coding.

    Peer Review Contributions by: Mohan Raj & Srishilesh P S

    Published on: Dec 7, 2021
    Updated on: Jul 12, 2024

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