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Understanding enum types in Java

Understanding enum types in Java

Enum types are potent tools in Java. Enums can define a class of named constants and offer type safety and keys in a switch statement or expression. <!--more--> This article explains the basic structure of an enum class in Java and then takes it a step higher by exploring the relationship between enums and classes(enums implementing interfaces, enum having instance variables, methods, and constructors), exploring how to set custom enum properties.

We will be demonstrating the application of enums in building a poker card game controller. This app determines the ranking category of a player's hand in a poker game.


At the end of the tutorial, the reader should understand the following:

  • The basic structure of an enum type.
  • The relationship between enums and classes
  • Defining custom properties for enum types and accessing ordinal values for enum constants.
  • The applications of enums.


To fully understand this tutorial, you are required to have the following in place:

  • A basic understanding of Java programming language.
  • Java Development Kit (JDK) installed on your computer.
  • IntelliJ code editor installed.

The basic structure of a Java Enum type

The declaration of a Java Enum starts with the keyword- enum, followed by the type name specified in camelCase (as is the naming convention for all Java classes).

Following the type name is a pair of curly braces that form the enum class's context or scope. Within these curly braces are a set of unique identifiers which represent the enum constants.

Note: No two enum constants can use the same identifier.

It is also an excellent practice to capitalize enum constants, which aligns with the naming convention for Java constants and makes them stand out.

enum Suit{

At this point, it is essential to note that:

  • Enum constants are implicitly static and final.
  • An attempt to create an object of an enum class with the new keyword results in a compilation error.
  • Since enum constants are static and final, an object of an enum class can be created by referencing the enum constant on the enum class name as in the following example: Suit suit = Suit.HEART.

Enum declarations can come within a class as follows:

public class SuitTest {

    enum Suit {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
    Suit suit = Suit.HEART;

This code gives the output - HEART.

Enums can also be defined within the same Java file as follows:

public class CardSuitTest{

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        CardSuit suit = CardSuit.HEART;

enum CardSuit{

Enums can also be defined in a separate Java file.

When enum classes are defined outside a class but within the same file, the JVM creates separate .class files (.class files are produced after the compiler as compiled written code) for the enum and the class. An enum cannot bear the same name as a class within the same package. Enums cannot be created within methods.

Using enum types in switch expressions

Enum types represent a set of unique constants, this means they can be used in a switch statement or the newer switch expression. Consider the following example:

public void printCardSuit(Suit suit){
        case HEARTS -> System.out.println("Its hearts!");
        case DIAMONDS -> System.out.println("Its diamonds!");
        case CLUBS -> System.out.println("Its clubs!");
        case SPADES -> System.out.println("Its spades!");

We have called printCardSuit() that takes in an enum of type Suit which we defined earlier in our tutorial. It then passes the value of that enum to an enclosed switch expression meaning that a call to the method as follows printCardSuit(Suit.HEARTS) will produce the output: Its hearts! and the call printCardSuit(Suit.SPADES) will produce the output: Its spades!

Enums types in Java extend from the class java.lang.Enum meaning that when we define an enum type, additional methods are added to our definition implicitly. One of these methods is the valueOf() which allows us to create an enum constant using the toString representation of the enum constant as follows:

Suit cardSuit = Suit.valueOf(“HEARTS”)

The toString() representation of a java object is a representation of the object as a string.

An attempt to do the following: Suit cardSuit = Suit.valueOf(“Hearts”) results in a java.lang.IllegalArgumentException because there is no constant named “Hearts” in the enum definition.

In switch expression, if more than one constant maps to the same action we can do a fall through as follows:

 public void printSuit(Suit suit){
        case HEARTS, DIAMONDS -> System.out.println("Its hearts and diamonds!");
        case CLUBS -> System.out.println("Its clubs!");
        case SPADES -> System.out.println("Its spades!");

Relationship between Enums and Classes

As earlier mentioned, enums are special classes. The JVM converts an enum definition into a class definition under the hood. Hence, the enum definition:

enum Suit{

is represented by the JVM as:

class Suit{
    public static final Suit HEARTS = new Suit();
    public static final Suit DIAMONDS = new Suit();
    public static final Suit CLUBS = new  Suit();
    public static final Suit SPADES = new Suit();

Hence, every enum constant is a representation of an object of the enum class. Enums are closely related to classes in Java but not so related.

One of the significant differences is that an enum cannot extend another class because an enum implicitly extends from the Java.lang.Enum, and since a method cannot inherit from more than the method in Java, the Enum class cannot inherit from another class.

Extending from the Java.lang.Enum makes the following methods available implicitly in the enum class:

  1. The values() method: This returns an array of all the constants defined in the enum class. For example: Suit.values() returns the following array: [HEARTS, DIAMONDS, CLUBS, SPADES]

  2. The ordinal() method: Each enum constant can be identified by its position in the enum definition. This position corresponds to an array index. For example, in the Suit enum:

  • HEARTS has an ordinal of 0
  • DIAMOND has an ordinal of 1
  • CLUBS has an ordinal of 2
  • SPADES has an ordinal of 3
  1. The valueOf method: As seen above, this method returns the toString representation of the specified constant if it exists in the enum definition.

Enum classes can also implement multiple interfaces like normal classes. Enum classes can also have constructors, instances variables and methods like normal Java classes.

public enum Suit {

    private final String suitName;

    Suit(String suitName) {
        this.suitName = suitName;

    public String getSuitName() {
        return suitName;

As seen in the above example, the enum class Suit has a constructor that defines a string as a parameter it uses to initialize its instance variable, suitName. The enum also has an instance method getSuitName() that returns the appropriate suitName for the object.

Defining custom properties for enum types

As mentioned above, the ordinal() method returns the ordinal of an enum constant. We cannot set the ordinal method. The closest that we can do is to define a custom integer property for the enum class.

Consider our suit enum example above. Suppose we want each card suit constant to be represented by an integer property. Let us say one represents hearts, two represent diamonds, three represent clubs, and four represent spades. We can define a custom integer property that maps each integer to the appropriate card suit as follows:

public enum CardSuit {

    private int value;

    CardSuit(int value) {
        this.value = value;

    public int getValue() {
        return value;

Hence, when we define an enum constant as follows: Suit suit = Suit.HEARTS

We can say suit.getValue() and this returns 1.

Notice the structure of the enum definition. The constants are defined first, followed by the instance variable declaration, and then the constructor definition.

Building the poker card game controller.

This card dealing and shuffling app determines the hand ranking category of a player's hand in a poker game.

To solidify what we have learned so far, let us build a card dealing and shuffling application that determines the ranking of a player's hand in a poker game. This exercise was extracted from the Java How to program, 10th Edition By Paul and Harvey Dietel.

To build our application, we need the following:

  • A Card object - a card has a Face and belongs to a Suit. The card face and suit are represented as enums.
  • A Player Class.
  • A Deck of Cards - A deck is simulated as an aggregation of 52 cards.
  • Simulations of a card shuffling algorithm (the Fisher-Yates Shuffling Algorithm) and card dealing.
  • A game controller that determines:
    • a pair
    • two pairs
    • three of a kind (e.g., three jacks)
    • four of a kind (e.g., four aces)
    • a flush (i.e., all five cards of the same suit)
    • a straight (i.e., five cards of consecutive face values)
    • a full house (i.e., two cards of one face value and three cards of another face value)

Information about the different poker hands can be found here:

Here is the class diagram:

Game Controller Class Diagram

First, let us define the Player Class. A player has a name and a playerHand, which is an array of 5 Cards.

public class Player {
    private final String playerName;
    private Card[] playerHand;

    public Player(String playerName) {
        this.playerName = playerName;

    public Card[] getPlayerHand(){
        return playerHand;
    public String getPlayerName() {
        return playerName;

Next, let us define the Suit and Face enums:

public enum Suit {
public enum Face {

    public int getFaceValue() {
            return this.faceValue;

    private final int faceValue;

    Face(int faceValue){
            this.faceValue = faceValue;

As defined above, each card face has an integer faceValue which we define as a custom property. The card face ACE has a faceValue of 1. DEUCE has a faceValue of 2 and many more.

We define the Card class as follows:

public class Card {
    private final Face face;
    private final Suit suit;

    public Card(Face face, Suit suit){
            this.face = face;
            this.suit = suit;

    public Face getFace(){
            return face;

    public Suit getSuit(){
            return suit;

We see here that a Card has a Face and belongs to a Suit. We have also defined generic methods for getting the card face and suit. The next thing to do is to define the DeckOfCards class. A DeckOfCards is an aggregation of 52 Cards

public class DeckOfCards {

    private Suit[] suits = Suit.values();
    private Face[] faces = Face.values();
    private Card[] deckOfCards = new Card[52];

    public DeckOfCards(){
            int counter = 0;
            for (Suit suit : suits) {
                    for (Face face: faces) {
                        deckOfCards[counter] = new Card(face,suit);counter++;

We see the values() methods in action. This method returns an array of enum constants. Our constructor contains nested for loops that populate an array of Cards defined earlier.

Next, we define the shuffle method according to the Fisher-Yates shuffling algorithm. The following is the description of the Fisher-Yates algorithm:

  1. Write down the numbers from 1 through N.
  2. Pick a random number k between one and the number of unstruck numbers remaining (inclusive).
  3. Counting from the low end, strike out the kth number not yet struck out, and write it down at the end of a separate list.
  4. Repeat from step 2 until all the numbers have been struck out.
  5. The sequence of numbers written down in step 3 is now a random permutation of the original numbers.

More details about the Fisher-Yates algorithm can be found here.

public void shuffle(){
    Card[] copyOfDeck = new Card[deckOfCards.length];
    SecureRandom random = new SecureRandom();
    int randomIndex;
    for (int i = deckOfCards.length-1; i >=0 ; i--) {
        if (i == 0){
            randomIndex = 0;
            randomIndex = random.nextInt(i);
        copyOfDeck[deckOfCards.length - 1 - i] = deckOfCards[randomIndex];
        deckOfCards[randomIndex] = deckOfCards[i];
    deckOfCards = copyOfDeck;

Next, we define the deal method. The deal() method takes an array of Players and the number of cards to deal as parameters.

In the deal method, we first shuffle the deck of cards with the shuffle method defined earlier. For each player, we assign the number of cards passed in as a parameter to the deal method.

public void deal(Player[] players, int numberOfCardsToDeal){
    for (Player player: players) {
        for (int j = 0; j < numberOfCardsToDeal; j++) {
            player.getPlayerHand()[j] = deckOfCards[j];

Our DeckOfCards class finally culminates to:

public class DeckOfCards {

    private Suit[] suits = Suit.values();
    private Face[] faces = Face.values();
    private Card[] deckOfCards = new Card[52];

    public DeckOfCards(){
        int counter = 0;
        for (Suit suit : suits) {
            for (Face face: faces) {
                deckOfCards[counter] = new Card(face,suit);

    public void shuffle(){
        Card[] copyOfDeck = new Card[deckOfCards.length];
        SecureRandom random = new SecureRandom();
        int randomIndex;
        for (int i = deckOfCards.length-1; i >=0 ; i--) {
            if (i == 0){
                randomIndex = 0;
                randomIndex = random.nextInt(i);
            }copyOfDeck[deckOfCards.length - 1 - i] = deckOfCards[randomIndex];deckOfCards[randomIndex] = deckOfCards[i];
        deckOfCards = copyOfDeck;

public void deal(Player[] players, int numberOfCardsToDeal){
        for (Player player: players) {
            for (int j = 0; j < numberOfCardsToDeal; j++) {
                player.getPlayerHand()[j] = deckOfCards[j];

Finally, let us define the GameController. The GameController class contains methods that determine the rank of a player's hand. To do this, we would use the Java Streams and Lambda functions.

Java 8 introduced the concept of streams and lambdas. Streams pass elements through a sequence of processing steps. These processing steps could be intermediate operations such as map, filter, distinct, limit, and sorted, or terminal operations like forEach, collect, min, max, findFirst, and reduce.

These Stream operations take functional interfaces commonly known as lambdas as parameters.

Let us now define the methods that determine the rank of a player's hands:


This is a hand containing two cards with the same Rank(Face) and three cards of three other ranks. To determine if a player's hand contains a pair of cards of the same rank and three other cards of other ranks, we do the following:

  • First, we generate a stream of cards using the method.
  • Next, we pass the generated stream through the map operation. The map operation generates a new stream in which each card in the original stream is mapped to its face by calling the getFace() method on the card.
  • Finally, we terminate the stream operation by collecting the stream into a set using the collect(Collectors.toSet() methods. We collect a set so that we can eliminate duplicates. Thus, if there are two cards with the same faceValue, we should have only four elements in our set instead of 5. We check if the set contains only four elements, returning the boolean result to the caller.
public static boolean containsAPair(Card[] playerHand){
Set<Face> cardFaces =;
return cardFaces.size() == 4;

The Card::getFace called a method reference it is the short form of the lambda expression: card -> card.getFace()


To determine if a player’s hand contains two pairs (two cards with the same face value and one card with a different face). To do this, we:

  • First, create a stream of Cards.
  • Then pass the stream through collect() terminal operation which collects the cards into a map grouping them by their face using the: collect(Collectors.groupingBy(Card::getFace)) .
  • Next, we check the number of groups on the map to see if the number of groups with only two cards equals 2.
public static boolean containsTwoPairs(Card[] playerHand) {
   Map<Face, List<Card>> cardFaceListMap =
   final int[] countOfDuplicates = {0};
   cardFaceListMap.forEach((face, cardList) -> {
       if (cardFaceListMap.get(face).size() == 2){
   return countOfDuplicates[0] == 2;

To determine if a player's hand contains three of a kind (three cards with the same face value and two other cards with different face values). To do this:

  • First, we create a stream of cards.
  • Next, we collect the resulting stream into a set.
  • Finally, we check the size of the resulting set. If it is equal to 3, then the player's hand contains three of a kind.
public static boolean containsThreeOfAKind(Card[] playerHand) {
   Set<Face> cardSet =;
   return cardSet.size() == 3;

To determine if a player’s hand contains three of a kind (four cards with the same face value and one card with a different face value). To do this,

  • First, we generate a stream of cards as in the earlier defined methods.
  • Next, we collect the generated stream into a set.
  • Finally, we check if the size of the set is equal to 2.
public static boolean containsFourOfAKind(Card[] playerHand) {
  Set<Face> cardFaces =;
  return cardFaces.size() == 2;

To determine if a player’s hand contains a flush (all five cards in the player’s hand are all the same suit). To do this:

  • First, we generate a stream of cards.
  • Next, we collect the generated stream into a set.
  • Finally, we check if the size of the set is equal to 1.
public static boolean isAFlush(Card[] playerHand) {
  Set<Suit> cardSuits =
  return cardSuits.size() == 1;

To determine if a player’s hand is straight (contains five cards of sequential rank, not the same suit). To do this:

  • First, we generate a stream of cards.
  • Next, we map each card to its faceValue - an integer using the map operation.
  • We then pass the stream resulting from the map operation into the distinct operation (another intermediate stream operation). The distinct operation removes any duplicates from the stream.
  • Next, we sort the resulting stream from the distinct operation by passing it through the sorted intermediate operation, which sorts the faceValues in the stream according to natural order ( in ascending order).
  • We finally terminate the stream pipeline using the collect operation, which collects the stream elements into a list using collect(Collectors.toList()).
  • To check the player's hand, we subtract the smallest card faceValue in the player's hand with the largest. If the difference is four and the number of different cards in the player's hand is five, then the player's hand is straight.
public static boolean isAStraight(Card[] playerHand) {
  List<Integer> faceValues= -> card.getFace().getFaceValue()).distinct()
  return (faceValues.get(faceValues.size() - 1) - faceValues.get(0) == 4)&&(faceValues.size()==5);

To determine if a player’s hand is a full house (contains three kinds of a particular rank and then two cards of another rank). To determine this:

  • First, we create a stream of cards.
  • Next, we map each card to its card face by passing the stream through the map operation.
  • We collect the resulting stream into a set by passing the stream through the collect operation.
  • Finally, we check if the resulting set has a size that is equal to 2.
public static boolean isAFullHouse(Card[] playerHand) {
  Set<Face> cardSet =;
  return cardSet.size() == 2;


We have successfully learned about Enum types in Java and applied our knowledge to implement a card poker game controller that determines the ranking of a player's hand.

In the process, we have also learned how to implement the Fisher-Yates Shuffling algorithm, using Lambdas and Streams in Java and relevant stream operations that enable us to carry out complex operations by declarative programming and without a hustle.

You can clone the project from this repository.

Happy Coding!

Peer Review Contributions by: Briana Nzivu

Published on: Nov 12, 2021
Updated on: Jul 12, 2024

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