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Task Tracker Application with React Hooks

Task Tracker Application with React Hooks

We all have tasks we plan on completing before the day runs out in our everyday lives. Often, we use task tracking applications to keep track of everything we have to do. <!--more--> In this article, you will learn how to build a task tracker with React that allows you to add, update, and delete tasks. You will also learn how to use hooks, manage states, and use props in React.

Getting started

First, create a React application. Follow this link for more details.

After setting up your React app, proceed and create a component folder. Your app will consist of three main components: TodoForm.js, TodoList.js, and Todo.js.

All your functionality will be in your App.js, which serves as an entry point for your app.

NOTE: In this tutorial, we use material UI for styling purposes. You may download it here if you don't have it installed already.


In the TodoForm component, create a function called TodoForm(). TheTodoForm component will be used to create forms required to add a to-do to the list. Remember to import React and export TodoForm().

In this TodoForm() function, go ahead and return a form element with an input and a button inside of it. In the TodoForm(), import useState because you need to define some state to keep track of input from the user.

To keep track of user input, define a state called to-do. Then setTodo() as the function initialize as an object with three properties, ID, which is a string, task, which is also a string, and completed, which is a boolean.

The completed status will be used to track whether or not the to-do has been marked as complete, and the task will describe the to-do. It would be best to define a function for when a user types in input for a to-do to keep track of it in your state.

You need to create a function called handleTaskInputChange() that takes an event as the parameter. This function will be responsible for updating the task property on your to-do object. In this function, you will call setTodo, pass in a new object with the old to-do property, and update the task property with the new value from the event target value.

In this case, the event target value contains the new input text from the user. Your return statement will define the onChange() event function to run your new handleTaskInputChange() function every time the event fires. In this case, onChange() will fire every time the input value changes.

Also, you set the input value to be todo.task because that is what's updated every time the handleTaskInputChange() is called. Then, you also give your button a type called to submit. So now that you have some input data to work with, you need to handle the case when you want to add a new to-do to the list.

In app.js, you will define a single state called todos, an array. Next, you need to create a function called addTodo() that will take a new to-do and add it to the array of todos. To add the to-do to the list, call the setTodos() function and then pass in an array containing the new to-do, add it to the beginning, and the old todos array spread over it.

You need to pass your new addTodo() function to the TodoForm component as a prop. Now, in your TodoForm component, you need to destructure the addTodo() function from the props parameter, the first one.

When the user submits the form, you need to add the forms to-do from the state to the list. To do this, you will create a handleSubmit() function that also takes in an event from the DOM. You need to call the preventDefault() function to prevent the default browser from submitting automatically.

Then you need to write an if statement that only gets called if the to-do.task is not empty. You will do this by calling the trim() function on your to-do.task.trim(), which will remove white space from the string. Then inside the if statement, you need to call your new addTodo() function with an object with the to-do spread and update the ID property. You will get this ID from a UUID package, which will generate one for us.

To install this, open the console and type in yarn add UUID or npm add UUID, then in your TodoForm file, import UUID and call v4 to generate the to-do ID. Then after you add the to-do, you want to reset the form by calling setTodo with a new object that has the old property spread onto it and then updates the task property with an empty string.

You can now take this handleSubmit() function and have it fire when the form gets submitted by defining the onSubmit property as your new handleSubmit() function.

 import { Button, TextField } from "@material-ui/core";
 import React, { useState } from "react";
 import uuid from "uuid"; 
 function TodoForm({ addTodo }) {  
     const [to-do, setTodo] = useState({    
         id: "",    
         task: "",    
         completed: false  
function handleTaskInputChange(e) {    
     // contains new input from onChange   
      // event for input elements    
     setTodo({, task: });
     function handleSubmit(e) {    e.preventDefault(); 
     // prevents browser refresh    
     // trim() gets rid of string whitespace    
     if (to-do.task.trim()) {      
         addTodo({, id: uuid.v4() });   
            // reset task input
         setTodo({, task: "" });    
        return (    
            <form className="todo-form" onSubmit={handleSubmit}>      
        <Button type="submit">Submit</Button>    
     export default TodoForm;


TodoList will be responsible for rendering the list of todos in an array. Using the short form, import react and export TodoList. You need to destructure todos from the component props and then render an unordered list in the return statement.

Inside this unordered list, you need to map over todos by inserting some JavaScript in curly braces and using the map array function. Then you need to return your Todo component with the to-do object passed in as a prop inside your map.

Note that when rendering a JSX element in an array map, each item should have a unique key attached to the parent element returned from the map.

The next thing you need to do is to define how your Todo component will look:

import { List } from "@material-ui/core";
import React from "react";
import Todo from "./Todo"; 

function TodoList({ todos, removeTodo, toggleComplete }) {  
    return (    
        { => (        
            toggleComplete={toggleComplete}        />      

 export default TodoList;


Todo will render a to-do from the list. Your Todo needs to have three main elements, the checkbox, the task, and the delete button. Using the short form, import react and export Todo.js.

In your return statement, you need to create an input: a checkbox with a list of items having the to-do.task and a button all inside a div. Next, you will attach custom styles by specifying the style prop of custom camel-case properties that contains style types.

Then, you will give the div a display of flex to align elements next to each other horizontally. Also, for the list style, you need to give the text-decoration style a value of line-through when the to-do gets completed by using a ternary expression.

If you run the code you have written, you can see that you can add a to-do to your list, and your UI will update every time you submit your form. However, all your Todo will be lost if you refresh the page. Therefore, you need to utilize the local browser storage so that your state will not reset.

In App.js, you need to import a function called useEffect(). useEffect is a handy hook that provides functionalities that respond to specific data or functions in your code. Every time your todos array changes, you want to store that new data inside of local storage.

To do that, you need to define an effect that takes in a function and a dependent array with a todos state inside of it. Next, you need to define a unique local storage key that you can use to store the todos.

To this effect, you need to call the setItem() function on the global-local storage variable provided with your custom local storage key and todos array stringify with JSON.stringify(). Next, you want to add todos when the app renders.

To do that, you will define a useEffect with an empty dependency array. Inside the effect, you need to get the todos from local storage and store them in a variable by calling getItem on local storage using the LOCAL_STORAGE_KEY. Then pass the string returned from that into JSON using JSON.parse.

Now, you need to call setTodos on this value, but only if null. If you execute the app again, you will see that the Todos do not disappear when refreshing the browser. Instead, you will need to perform actions on the actual to-do, toggleComplete, and delete.

Back to App.js, you need to create a new function under addTodo called toggleComplete(), which takes in the ID of a to-do. Then, to update the to-do, you need to call setTodos, and You need to pass a new todos array that you will get by performing a mapping.

You map each to-do to check if the ID of that to-do marches the one passed in. If it does, you need to return a new object with the completed property. This will cause false to become true and true to become false when the function is run on a particular ID. You take this function and pass it to the TodoList component to reference it there.

In TodoList.js, you can destructure the togglecomplete() function from the properties and map over the todos by parsing it again to your Todo component. For example, you want the togglecomplete() function to fire when clicking on the to-do checkbox.

To do this, you need to create a function called handlecheckboxclick() inside the Todo component, which will call togglecomplete() with the ID of the to-do. Then you need to fill out checkbox inputs onClick property to use your handleTodoClick() function instead.

Going back to App.js, you can now implement when deleting a to-do. First, you will create a removeTodo() function, which takes an ID from the to-do. Inside this function, you need to call setTodos with a new todos array passed to removeTodo.

Lucky for us, there is a handy prototype function for arrays called Filter, which is excellent for removing items from an array. The Filter takes a function which it will then use to determine whether or not it should keep an element in the array.

In this case, you want to keep the to-do if the ID is not the one you are looking for; otherwise, remove the to-do from the list. The return value for this Filter is another todos with to-do of the same ID as a parameter removed from the array. Like before, you want to pass this new function to TodoList as a prop, so each to-do has access to it.

Destructure this new property into TodoList and give it to the Todo component. Now in the Todo component, you can grab the function from the props and use it for your remove button. Like before, you need to create a function called handleRemoveclick(), which will call removeTodo with the to-do.ID. Now you can use this function as the onClick functionality for a to-do remove button.

If you run the app, you can now add, remove and toggle todos to complete.


With the functionality implemented, your app will look better. You will use material UI for this project by running the following commands in the terminal:

# install material UI with npm
npm install @material-ui/core

#install material UI with yarn
yarn add @material-ui/core
#install material UI with npm
npm install @material-ui/icons

#install material UI with yarn
yarn add @material-ui/icons

In App.js, you need to remove the header element and add the typography component for material UI. Then change your paragraph tag to a typography component and set its variant to h1 with some padding added.

In TodoForm, import a button and text field from material UI, replace your input with textField and add a label property. Then replace the regular button with the material UI button instead.

You will then give the form a className that you can style. Then in TodoList, you need to replace the UL tag with a list component for material UI. In the Todo component, import the icon button, checkbox, list item, close icon, and typography for material UI. Then replace the regular list item element with a typography component and set the variant to body1.

Replace the input element with a checkbox component and give it a checked property corresponding to the to-do.Completed property and an onClick() function that calls checkbox click. Also, replace the remove button with an icon button and place the close icon inside it.

Now, you need to add some style to App.CSS to align everything to the center, set the element height to 100%, and vertically center the TodoForm elements.

If you go back to your browser, you will see your app in its completed state:

 import { Checkbox, IconButton, ListItem, Typography } from "@material-ui/core";   import CloseIcon from "@material-ui/icons/Close";import React from "react"; 

 function Todo({ to-do, toggleComplete, removeTodo }) {  
    function handleCheckboxClick() {    toggleComplete(;  
    function handleRemoveClick() {    
    return (    
        <ListItem style={{ display: "flex" }}>      <Checkbox checked={to=do.completed} onClick={handleCheckboxClick} />      <Typography        
            textDecoration: to-do.completed ? "line-through" : null        
       <IconButton onClick={handleRemoveClick}>        <CloseIcon />      
    export default Todo; 


This article serves as a stepping stone for people getting started with React. You learned how to create a task tracker app with React hooks, and you saw how to use states, effects, and pass props.

You also saw how easy and fast it was to use material UI to style your app. Looking to develop the task tracker application further, improve the functionality or check out example code? Check out this GitHub repo.

Happy coding!

Peer Review Contributions by: Miller Juma

Published on: Dec 31, 2021
Updated on: Jul 15, 2024

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