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    Working with User-Defined Functions in SQL Server

    Working with User-Defined Functions in SQL Server

    In this tutorial, we will be discussing user-defined functions in SQL Server. More specifically, we will be discussing Scalar functions and Table-Valued functions. <!--more--> When writing code, one must aim to follow the DRY Principle (Don’t Repeat Yourself). One way to avoid a srepetition of code is to put chunks of code inside functions and invoke them as required.

    The concept of functions in SQL is similar to other programming languages like Python. The major difference being the way they are implemented. There are two main types of user-defined functions in SQL based on the data they return:

    1. Scalar functions: These types of functions return a single value, i.e float, int, varchar, datetime, etc.

    2. Table-Valued functions: These functions return tables.

    Table of contents

    • Prerequisites.

    • Creating functions.

    • Using functions in Statements.

    • Update/Delete functions.

    • Using Variables, Conditional Statements inside functions.

    • Conclusion.


    Creating functions

    Scalar functions

    Below is the definition of a simple function. It takes in two numbers and returns their sum. Since this function returns a number, it is a scalar function.

        CREATE FUNCTION scalar_func
    	    @a AS INT, -- parameter a
    	    @b AS INT -- parameter b
        RETURNS INT -- return type
    	    RETURN @a + @b -- return statement
    • We use the Create function command to define functions. It is followed by the name of the function. In the above example, the name of the function is scalar_func.

    • We need to declare the parameters of the function in the following format.

    @VariableName AS Data Type

    In our above example, we have defined two integer parameters a and b.

    • The return type of the result has to be mentioned below the definition of the parameters. In the above example, we are returning the sum that is an integer.

    • After the return statements, we create a BEGIN ... END block that contains the logic of our function. Although in this case, we have a single return statement, we don't need a BEGIN ... END block.

    Table-valued functions

    Before creating a table-valued function, we will create a simple table.

        -- Creating new table
    	    num1 INT,
    	    num2 INT
        -- Inserting values into new table

    The table contains 2 columns. We will create a function that returns a new table with an extra column. This extra column will contain the sum of numbers in the column num1 and column num2.

        CREATE FUNCTION table_valued_func()
    	    -- statement to calculate sum
    	    SELECT num1 , num2, num1 + num2 AS 'SUM'
    	    FROM TEST;
    • The function above does not take in any parameter.

    • The SQL statement simply calculates the sum and stores it in a new column named SUM.

    Using functions in Statement

    Scalar functions

        -- invoking previously created scalar function
        SELECT dbo.scalar_func(1,2);

    When using functions in statements, we will need to prefix our functions with the database schema it is associated with. The default schema in Microsoft SQL Server is dbo. If the database schema is not mentioned, SQL will give an error,

    Table-valued functions

    Since the function returns a table, we will need to select the columns we are interested in.

        -- invoking previously created table valued function
        SELECT * FROM dbo.table_valued_func();

    Like scalar functions, we will need to mention the database schema.

    Update/delete functions

    The syntax to update/delete scalar and table-valued functions are the same.


    We will update our table-valued function to add 10 to the existing sum and change the name of the column to New_Sum.

        ALTER FUNCTION table_valued_func()
    	    -- updating statement to add 10 to sum
    	    SELECT num1 , num2, num1 + num2 + 10 AS 'NEW_SUM'
    	    FROM TEST;

    The Alter Keyword is used to update the function.


        -- dropping previously created scalar function
        DROP FUNCTION dbo.scalar_func;
        -- dropping previously created tabular function
        DROP FUNCTION dbo.table_valued_func;

    Note: Do not put parenthesis after the function name.

    Using variables and conditional statements inside functions


    Below is the syntax to declare and initialize variables.

        -- declaring integer variable
        DECLARE @result AS INT;
        -- initializing created varaible
        SET @result = @a + @b;

    The DECLARE keyword is used to create a variable and the SET keyword is used to initialize a variable.

    We have an example below of a scalar function using a variable.

        CREATE FUNCTION scalar_func
    	    @a AS INT,
    	    @b AS INT
    	    -- using variables inside function
    	    DECLARE @result AS INT
    	    SET @result = @a + @b
    	    RETURN @a + @b

    IF...ELSE Statements

    The syntax for IF...ELSE Statements is like IF...ELSE statements in Python or C++.

        DECLARE @num AS INT;
        SET @num = 4;
        -- if condition
        IF @num % 2 = 0    
    		    SELECT 'Number is Even'
        -- else condition
    		    SELECT 'Number is Odd'

    The piece of code above checks whether the value in variable num is even or odd. Based on the value, the IF or the ELSE Block is executed.

    Listed below is a function using an IF...ELSE Block.

        CREATE FUNCTION is_even(@num AS INT)
    	    DECLARE @result AS BIT
    	    -- set variable to 1 if number is even
    	    IF @num % 2 = 0
    		    SET @result = 1
    	    -- set variable to 0 if number is odd
    		    SET @result = 0
    	    RETURN @result

    Case statements

    When you are dealing with multiple if statements, it is better to use case statements. They make your code easier to read. Below is the general syntax for case statements.

    	    WHEN  condition1  THEN  result1  
    		WHEN  condition2  THEN  result2  
    		ELSE  result  

    Like switch cases, all the cases are checked and if multiple cases are satisfied, the respective code blocks will be executed.

    Below we have a function that uses case statements.

        CREATE FUNCTION is_greater
    		@a AS INT,
    		@b AS INT
    	RETURN( 'A is' + 
    		-- Case 1
    		WHEN @a > @b THEN 'Greater than'
    		-- Case 2
    		WHEN @a < @b THEN 'Smaller than'
    		ELSE 'Equal to'
    	+ 'B')

    It compares two integers and returns a string based on the comparison result.


    As I mentioned above, try to follow the DRY Principle while writing SQL Statements. When you see the same piece of code being used in multiple statements, consider putting it inside a function. Functions make your statements look much cleaner and shorter.

    Happy Coding!

    Peer Review Contributions by: Saiharsha Balasubramaniam

    Published on: Feb 2, 2021
    Updated on: Jul 12, 2024

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