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Guide to Spring Cloud Kubernetes (K8s)

Guide to Spring Cloud Kubernetes (K8s)

In this tutorial, we will learn how to use Kubernetes and Spring Cloud to build a micro-service application and integrate it with Spring Boot. Spring Cloud is a Spring module that offers RAD (Rapid Application Development) functionality to the Spring framework. <!--more--> With the assistance of the Spring Cloud Framework, we can easily create the cloud-based allocation.

Table of contents


  • You should have Minikube locally installed on your machine.
  • Understanding RESTful APIs.
  • You should be familiar with setting up application cluster nodes.


This tutorial will teach you everything you need to know about Spring Boot micro-services, how to integrate them with Kubernetes, and deploy them on Minikube.

Getting started

In this tutorial, we'll build a simple agency application that provides services to clients. These clients are provided with a way to query the agency services from time to time.

This project will help us understand a few basic concepts such as:

  • Discovering services using the Spring Cloud K8.
  • How to use Spring Cloud K8 Ribbon for load balancing.
  • Concepts of ConfigMaps using Spring Cloud K8-Config.

Setting up the project

In this section, we'll install Minikube locally on our development machine using the VirtualBox VM driver. Section has a pool of content on Kubernetes that will help get you started. Feel free to browse or search for K8 related topics on the given link.

Let's start by running a single-node Kubernetes cluster as follows:

minikube start --vm-driver=virtualbox

What this command does is it creates a virtual machine, in our case, VirtualBox is running a minikube cluster.

Now that we have the Minikube running, let's connect it to the dashboard.

minikube dashboard

Dashboard screenshot

Kubernetes service discovery interface

As discussed earlier, this project will cover the K8 ServiceDiscovery interface implementation. It is important to note that micro-services have multiple pods running a single service.

If we have a Spring Boot application running in a pod within the same Kubernetes cluster, we can easily fetch the endpoints exposed by Kubernetes (service as a collection).

Let's proceed and set up this service in our application.


In the XML file above, we've defined the dependencies for the Spring Cloud starter Kubernetes on the client app to enable service discovery.

Now, let's add the @EnableDiscoveryClient annotation and inject the ClientController in our controller using @Autowired as shown below:

//here is our service discovery
public class Application {
    public static void main(String[] args) {, args);
// we then set it in our client controller class
public class ClientController {
    private DiscoveryClient discoveryClient;

Creating the MongoDB service

In this section, we'll define our MongoDB service and a deployment configuration file. First, we need to define the secret username and password for the deployment.

# application version 1
apiVersion: v1.0.0
# we're creating a secret for our database
kind: Secret
  name: db-secret
# specifiy the password and username
  username: johndoe
  password: mypassword

Upon defining the configuration above, run the following command to add it to the Kubernetes cluster.

kubectl apply -f secret.yaml


secret/db-secret created

Proceed to add the following configurations in our deployment YAML file.

# api version definition
apiVersion: extensions/v1beta1
# we're deploying this application
kind: Deployment
# creating MongoDB service
  name: mongo
# with a single replica
  replicas: 1
        service: mongo
      name: mongodb-service
      # we're describing the object here in details
      - args:
        image: mongo:latest
        name: mongo
          - name: MONGO_ROOT_USERNAME
            # these are secret values(username) we defined in the previous section
                name: db-secret
                key: username
          - name: MONGO_ROOT_PASSWORD
              # this password is retrieved from the previous section
                name: db-secret
                key: password

This deployment configuration file creates a mongo: latest image. It also sets the username and password that we created earlier with a default admin database.

Setting up MongoDB on the agency service

Let's start by updating the properties to add the database credentials as shown below:

# we're updating this properties file with the db-secret that created previously
# setting the secret name
# the db host
# specifying the port to use
# The database name here is defaulted to admin
# for security, we hide the username and password as they are sensitive${MONGO_USERNAME}${MONGO_PASSWORD}

Now that we better understand how this application works, we can clone the complete code and test it locally on our machine or play around with the code on the hosting platform.

Deploying Spring Cloud application

In this section, we will explore the Spring Cloud application deployment. Therefore, we set up our application in the script file as shown below. Each command has a comment that guides you on what it does.

# these commands build the docker images on minikube
# cd into the service
cd travel-agency-service
# running the docker build
docker build -t travel-agency-service .
cd ../client-service
docker build -t client-service .
cd ..

# removing the services
kubectl delete -f travel-agency-service/secret.yaml
kubectl delete -f travel-agency-service/mongo-deployment.yaml
# sets up the secret and mongodb services in the .yaml file
kubectl create -f travel-agency-service/secret.yaml
kubectl create -f travel-agency-service/mongo-deployment.yaml

# setting up the travel-agency-service
kubectl delete -f travel-agency-service/travel-agency-deployment.yaml
kubectl create -f travel-agency-service/travel-agency-deployment.yaml

# run checks on pods to check if they are indeed running
kubectl get pods


In this tutorial, we've seen how we can set up a Spring Cloud project and use Spring Boot and Kubernetes to integrate a micro-service platform application with each providing great performance.

The full source code can be found here.

Happy coding!

Peer Review Contributions by: Eric gacoki

Published on: Jul 26, 2021
Updated on: Jul 15, 2024

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