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Working with Quarkus Configuration Profiles

Working with Quarkus Configuration Profiles

Working with Quarkus as a Reactive framework is accessible and appealing to Java users. It comes with exciting features such as hot reloading, reactive program development capabilities, quick boot and reboot time, MicroProfile specification support, among many others. <!--more--> In this article, one will be able to learn about Quarkus profiles. These are a collection of settings that can be assigned a specific tag to access them quickly. However, access depends on the current environment in use.

Table of Contents


For one to follow up with the code examples and explanations given in the article, the following will be required:

  • Latest Java Development Kit installed on the machine. Version 17 is used for the article.
  • A good Java IDE. This article uses IntelliJ version 2021.2.2.
  • Basic concepts of Structured Query Language (SQL).
  • A strong internet connection. The internet is for fetching indexes for quick development and project generation.

Make sure to follow up on the latest versions of the aforementioned technologies. The appearance of the applications may differ based on the release dates.

Key takeaways

Some points to be taken in by the end of the article follow up include:

  • What are Quarkus Configuration Profiles?
  • Importance of configuration profiles.
  • Some ways of setting up configuration profiles in Quarkus. These include setting the profiles in the and 'YAML' files.
  • Easily navigating between the profiles set during the development stages.

What is Quarkus Configuration Profiles?

Quarkus, like any other MicroProfile, follows the MicroProfile specifications. It allows developers to seamlessly set the variables found in the project and access them in the project scope during different life cycles.

The project's settings are usually stored in the file. In addition, developers can locate the file in the resources folder found in the main folder. Some variables that developers can set include pointing out to Datasource such as postgresql or mysql, Datasource properties and settings such as the username, password, url, and access port among others.

Configuration files can hold variables needed during the operation of the application. These can include variables isolated from the main application source code files. Thus, the variables can later be injected into the application when needed only. Developers prefer config files to set the overall system properties and environment variables.

Quarkus' configuration profiles are like containers that hold on settings and variables to be used in the overall application or during a particular phase in the project life cycle. They can contain one or multiple variables and settings. When used, for example, during a phase, they override similar settings or variable data set before.

Setting up these profiles is advantageous since one can quickly switch when the app is under different development stages. These are such as from development to testing and from testing to production. The switching between configurations does not require additional settings. The framework automatically does the switching for one.

Checking and configuring application properties

In this section, the configuration of a Quarkus project will be shown. To be able to configure the properties of the application in Quarkus, do the following:

Create a new Quarkus project

Open up IntelliJ (or any other IDE) and click on create a new project. Select Quarkus as the framework to be used. Then, set it up as shown in the images below:

New Quarkus project

Set the following as its dependencies:

Application dependencies

An alternative way is by using the Quarkus project initializer site.

Project Structure

The newly created application directory structure is as shown below:

├── quarkus-config-profiles
│   └── src
│     ├── main
│         ├── docker
│         ├── java
│         └── resources
│             └── META-INF
│                 ├── resources
│                 └──
│     └── test
│   ├── .dockerignore
│   ├── .gitignore
│   ├── mvnw
│   ├── mvnw.cmd
│   ├── pom.xml
│   ├── quarkus-config-profiles.iml
│   └──

Locate the file located at the main folder as shown below:

Location of the file

The file is for the overall application during the development, testing, and production phases.

Run the app using the command below:

./mvnw compile quarkus:dev

In case it cannot run using the command above, try:

mvn compile quarkus:dev

As seen, the app runs at port 8080 by default. Access the application through a new and separate terminal using:

curl http://localhost:8080/hello

Set up some configurations

Open the file. Next, proceed and edit it as follows:

  • Set the HTTP port that takes in the requests and gives out the responses to port 8081 from the normal 8080.
  • The kind of data source. In this case, it will be PostgreSQL.
  • The database credentials (Username and password).
  • The JDBC URL. This URL is always used to connect the application and the database.
  • Hibernate-ORM database generation property. This property provides one with complete Object Relational Mapper support.
  • The log type is to be displayed in the console. That will be of the INFO type.

This step is shown in the code below:

# Global
# Normal configurations

Testing the configurations

Restart the application and check on which port it's running on.

Notice that it runs on the newly set port.

On a new terminal, access the application using the code below:

curl http://localhost:8081/hello

Configuring the application using Quarkus configuration profiles

Achieve this by following the steps below:

Quarkus' Configuration Profile formats

The available configuration profiles for Quarkus are three. These are:

  • dev: This is only active in the development phase. For instance, when executing ./mvnw compile quarkus:dev.
  • test: Its application is in the test phase. For instance, when executing the ./mvnw compile quarkus:test.
  • prod: This is only active in the production phase. For instance, when executing ./mvnw package. Finally, developers will apply the settings to the packaged application used in the operational environment.

Quarkus recognizes by default the profiles above. However, this does not mean adding other customizable profiles apart from the three mentioned above is impossible. This method is shown later on.

The configuration profiles have a particular format for them to be recognized and separated from another. It begins with the percentage or modulus sign (%), followed by the profile name and the variable or settings. Finally, these will be separated by a period sign (.). It will be ended by the value to be held.

This format will look as follows:

# An example of a configuration profile format

So, for instance, if it is under the development profile, it can be:


That overrides the one in the default or the global configuration. Hence, the HTTP access port will be 8082 during the development phase.

Using default configuration profiles

To use the following in the application, copy and paste the following to the file:

# Global
# Normal configurations

# Development configuration profile

# Testing environment configuration profile

# Production configuration profiles. This is mainly used for the final package before deployment

Dev mode

Now run the application using the development configuration profile in dev mode. Do this by running this code in the terminal:

./mvnw compile quarkus:dev

Notice in the logs that the app is running on port 8082.

Access it by running on the other separate terminal the following command:

curl http://localhost:8082/hello

Test mode

Run the following command:

./mvnw compile quarkus:test

Production mode

The settings will allow the application to be packaged as an 'uber-jar' file type. An uber-jar file has all its dependencies, unlike the typical jar file, which has its dependencies in a separate location.

Run the following command:

./mvnw package

Check the packaged file inside the 'target' folder. Run the jar file by executing the following command:

java -jar target/quarkus-config-profiles-1.0-SNAPSHOT-runner.jar

One can access this running application via:

curl http://localhost:8085/hello

One can also change the data source based on those available.

For example, one can choose H2 instead of Postgres or any other as needed. Developers can set the data sources differently for different profiles.

For instance, it is possible to run the application with a local database server in the development phase while deploying the packaged application that uses a remote database in the Production mode.

Using user-defined configuration profile

Use the same format as shown above to accomplish this. For example, for a profile with the name "prototype", under the other profiles, do the following:

# Prototype stage

Run the app in the profile set by running the following:

./mvnw compile quarkus:dev -Dquarkus.profile=prototype

This command means that the development mode will be run using the 'prototype' configuration profile. This configuration profile will be used instead of the 'dev'.

Access the app via:

curl http://localhost:9095/hello

Setting up and using variables in different profiles

Variables set in this location can be injected into the application following the Java EE and MicroProfile standards and specifications. The variables can override the previously set environment variable value depending on the configuration profile in use.

Setting up variables

To add variables, for instance, variables called 'name', 'age' and 'height' that belong to a 'person' object add the code below to the file under the GLOBAL configuration settings:

# Global variables

Add the following under the 'dev' profile:

# Dev variables

Add the following under the 'test' profile:

# Test variables

Add the following under the 'prod' profile:

# Production variables

Add the following under the 'prototype' profile:

# Prototype variables

Injecting the variables

Head over to the '' file. Add the following code in the file inside the class. That is above the other blocks:

@ConfigProperty(name = "")
String name;

@ConfigProperty(name = "person.age")
String age;

@ConfigProperty(name = "person.height")
String height;

Add another endpoint in the class, then access it via http://localhost:8081/hello/person. Its code is as follows:

public String person() {
  return "The person is " + name + " of age " + age + " yrs and of height of " + height + " cm";

In the 'test' folder, search for the file and open it. Add the code below in the class:

public void testPersonEndpoint() {
    .body(is("The person is mike of age 22 yrs and of height of 170 cm"));

This test shall be used to check if the output of the profile used is as expected.

Testing the variables

Now that we've set up the profiles in the previous section, let's proceed and carry out project tests as follows:

Testing in the dev profile

Run the application using the following:

./mvnw compile quarkus:dev

In another terminal, access it by running the following command:

 curl http://localhost:8082/hello/person.

The results will be 'The person is mike of age 22 yrs and of the height of 170 cm'. The output of this result is because the test profile is used when the tests are run.

On the terminal with the logs, key in r to run the tests. If it produces a successful output, then all is well.

Testing in the prototype profile

Run the application using the following:

./mvnw compile quarkus:dev -Dquarkus.profile=prototype

In another terminal, access it using curl http://localhost:9095/hello/person.

On the terminal with the logs, key in r to run the tests. If it produces a successful output, then all is well.

The expected output is, 'The person is jane of age 54 yrs and of the height of 174 cm'.

Configuration profiles in YAML files

Another method in which one can configure profiles in Quarkus is by use of the YAML files.

To do this, follow the steps below:

Open up a new terminal and run the command below:

./mvnw quarkus:add-extension -Dextensions="io.quarkus:quarkus-config-yaml"

The above command will add the quarkus-config-yaml extension that enables quick and easy use of the YAML files in the project.

Alternatively, add the block of code below inside the pom.xml file inside the dependencies section:

<!--Add the quarkus-config-yaml extension to your project-->

Reload the whole project by right-clicking on the pom.xml file and selecting the Reload project option under the Maven option. Similarly, just restart the IDE, and it will refresh the project.

Rename the file to It makes its contents available in the system but not used in the application. This renaming aids in referring to the configurations when converting them into the YAML file.

In the exact location as the file, create a new file named application.yml.

Now, use the indentation formatting styles to translate the configs from the to the application.yml file. It is shown below:

# Global configurations and variables
    port: 8081
    db-kind: postgresql
    username: username
    password: password
      url: jdbc:postgresql://localhost:5432/my_db
      generation: drop-and-create
      level: INFO

  name: john
  age: 28
  height: 165

# Dev configurations and variables
      port: 8082
        level: ALL
    name: alice
    age: 20
    height: 154

# Testing environment configuration profile
      port: 9090
        enabled: true
        level: DEBUG
      db-kind: postgresql
      username: username
      password: password
        url: jdbc:postgresql://localhost:5432/my_db
    name: mike
    age: 22
    height: 170

# Production configuration profiles.
    port: 9095
      type: uber-jar

# Prototype profile
      port: 9095
        level: ALL
    name: jane
    age: 54
    height: 174

Restart the application in the prototype profile using:

./mvnw compile quarkus:dev -Dquarkus.profile=prototype

Test the outcome by running:

curl http://localhost:9095/hello/person

The output is 'The person is jane of age 54 yrs and of height of 174 cm'. Run the tests in the log terminal by pressing r. The tests will run successfully as before.

This run proves that the configurations in the file are equal to that in the application.yml file.

Try restarting the project in the other profiles. Add new profile configurations and variables and run the application in them.

Find the Repository with the article right here. Then, clone it and use it as per the licenses.


System development is a time-taking process involving several changes in settings as the product's environment changes. That led to the need for a quick way to switch between them, hence the introduction of configuration profiles.

In this article, we've discussed and learned what is Quarkus configuration profiles, types of the profiles such as the development, production, testing, and custom; setting them up in Quarkus in file and YAML files, and using and testing them in the project.

Find out more on Quarkus configuration profiles such as system properties, environment variables, MicroProfile configuration files, among many others here. You can discover more on Quarkus and its extensions here.


Peer Review Contributions by: Miller Juma

Published on: Nov 24, 2021
Updated on: Jul 15, 2024

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