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Understanding Predictive Mean Matching and Regression Modeling in R

Understanding Predictive Mean Matching and Regression Modeling in R

In the real world, datasets have missing values/data which causes complications for data scientists who may deal with this by filling the datasets in an ad hoc fashion. Hence limiting them from their quest for data science main objectives: data visualization, data modeling, and giving conclusive meaningful summary or analysis of the dataset. <!--more--> This tutorial aims to replace the missing data using predictive mean matching and creating a predictive Regression model. We will explain the suitability, advantages, and limitation of each method for each use case.

In our tutorial, we will use the R programing language to statistically impute missing values in datasets using predictive mean matching and carrying out an analysis of PMM, and creating a regression model.

Let us get started.

Table of Contents


To follow through this tutorial, the reader should:

  • Have R studio installed.
  • Have a basic understanding of the R programming language.
  • Basic data preprocessing methods.


By the end of this tutorial, the reader should be able to:

  • Understand and be able to carry out data imputation using these methods.
  • Handle missing data in datasets.
  • Visualize missing dataset using given plot functions.

Installing and loading packages in R

For our first step in this tutorial, we need to install and load packages, which we will use for our imputation and visualizing data. Let's have the following packages installed; VIM, mice, ggplot2, since we will use some functions in them.

Predictive mean matching and the use case

Predictive Mean Matching (PMM) is a technique of imputation that estimates the likely values of missing data by matching to the observed values/data. This can be carried out either by singular imputations or multiple imputations.

Singular imputation

Let's call a dataset found in the VIM package called nhanes.



Our model will assume chl as the response variable and bmi and hyp as predictor variables.

To find out the percentage of missing values, we will use themean() and functions:

[1] 0.32
[1] 0.36
[1] 0.4

32%,36%,40% of hyp,bmi,chl are missing in the dataset, respectively.

Solving for missing values using Predictive Mean Matching

For this, we are going to use the mice package in R: We will apply some functions found in this package, the complete() and mice() functions to impute our data. Since we are imputing for the first instance only for our data, we let m be equal to one.

imp <- complete(mice(nhanes, m = 1, method = "pmm"))
#our imputed values are stored in the working environment
#we are doing a single imputation hence m=1

To view our data.

#putting our data in format for viewing

The data is stored in our environment, click on the imp to view it.

Plotting our imputed values

heart.plot <- ggplot(imp, aes(x=bmi, y=chl)) +


Fitting a linear regression for a predictive model

Writing the following code in R creates a predictive model with our interest modeled as: chl as the response variable and bmi, hyp as the predicting variables.

fitmodel <- with(imp, lm(chl  ~  bmi + hyp))
#we get the following below


The estimated effect of BMI on cholesterol level is 2.45, while the estimated effect of hypertension on cholesterol is 16.845. Implying that for every 1% increase in BMI, there is a correlated 2.45% increase in the incidence of cholesterol levels.

Also, for every 1% increase in hypertension, there is a 1% increase in the rate of cholesterol levels.

Multiple imputations by MICE

Mice is a package that takes an incomplete dataset; having missing/NA values, and then plugs in the missing values through an appropriate technique. The default plugging technique is predictive mean matching with the m set to be equal to five as the default.

For multiple imputations, what it does is create multiple numbers of complete datasets for each incomplete dataset and then perform the required analysis to give the desired output. For this section, we will call a dataset in R to show predictive mean matching by multiple imputations.

For our tutorial, we choose the nhanes dataset found in mice which has 4 variables age, BMI, hyp, and chl. In our case, we will prioritize modeling cholesterol levels as a function of age and hypertension.

Let's load our data in R by following the steps.

#to view the data in nhanes we use the head function
age  bmi  hyp  chl
1  1  NA  NA  NA
2  2  22.7  1  187
3  1  NA  1  187
4  3  NA  NA  NA
5  1  20.4  1  113
6  3  NA  NA  184

We need VIM for plotting. In our case, let's take our response variable to be cholesterol level and the predictor variables to be age and hypertension. The mice package also comes with some functions that will enable us to inspect the missing data patterns that are in the dataset. To inspect for the missing data patterns in our nhanes dataset, we will use the function md.pattern().

age  hyp  bmi  chl
13  1  1  1  1  0
3  1  1  1  0  1
1  1  1  0  1  1
1  1  0  0  1  2
7  1  0  0  0  3
0  8  9  10  27

This signifies that 13 of the 25 rows have been completed. There is just one row where the bmi is missing, and seven rows where only the age is available, for 27 missing variables, missing values for chl equals ten.

We can have four types of missing data patterns represented in an array form.

  • The observation where both pairs of values are observed and denoted by rr.
  • The first variable in the row is observed while the second variable in the column is missing rm.
  • The third pattern first variable is missing while the second variable is observed mr.
  • The observation where both variables are missing mm.

To see the pair-wise pattern, we use md.pairs() to see the pair-wise pattern and store the result in a pattern-pairs object. When we call pattern-pairs object, it gives us four matrices that give the pattern.


To show screen capture, we use the VIM package to get pbox() function to visualize the missing data in our NHANES dataset.



Let us begin our imputation process

To begin our imputation, all we need is the name of our array in our case nhanes dataset.


We will store it in imp object.

Accessing the instances of imputations and the imputed values

The first imputed dataset can be obtained by writing the following code in r.

#for the first instance of imputation
#head function to represent our data in data frame format
age  bmi  hyp  chl
1  1  22.7  1  187
2  2  22.7  1  187
3  1  30.1  1  187
4  3  28.7  2  186
5  1  20.4  1  113
6  3  25.5  2  184

For the second, we write.

#for the second instance of imputation
age  bmi  hyp  chl
1  1  22.5  1  118
2  2  22.7  1  187
3  1  25.5  1  187
4  3  27.4  1  218
5  1  20.4  1  113
6  3  21.7  1  184

We can go to the fifth instance, and we can also check for an imputed variable value stored in each of the 5 imputed datasets by running the following code in r.

#the second objectname,imputedvalue,is because we want the values to be stored in it
     1   2   3   4   5
1  187 118 199 187 187
4  186 218 218 218 204
10 229 186 204 206 187
11 187 199 187 206 131
12 199 187 218 206 206
15 187 186 187 199 187
16 184 113 238 204 131
20 186 218 184 186 199
21 187 238 187 229 113
24 184 204 187 206 284

For our next step, we append our imputed datasets with the original nhanes dataset. We carry out this using a function in mice called complete() function. We then use the inc=TRUE argument to specify what we want to combine with our original observed data. Let's run the following code in R to produce this result.

imp2<- complete(imp, "long", inc = TRUE)
#it is converted to a format that can be used in other statistical programs eg spss.
#to view click `imp2` on the environment

Fitting a linear regression model-A predictive model

As we had stated earlier, our aim is to build a predictive model with cholesterol level as our response variable, age, and hypertension status as our predictor variables. Running the following codes in R will approximate our regression model separately for the imputed datasets, from the first to the fifth.

fitmodel <- with(imp, lm(chl  ~  age + hyp))
#we use summary to give more details eg confidence interval,also the fmi
# A tibble: 15 x 6
term  estimate  std.error  statistic  p.value  nobs
<chr> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <int>
1 (Intercept) 162. 21.4  7.56  0.000000148  25
2  age  15.1  10.9  1.39  0.179  25
3  hyp  2.68  20.7  0.130  0.898  25
4 (Intercept) 124. 26.3  4.71  0.000108  25
5  age  20.4  10.2  2.01  0.0571  25
6  hyp  25.8  22.6  1.14  0.266  25
7 (Intercept) 164. 22.2  7.38  0.000000221  25
8  age  13.1  11.3  1.16  0.259  25
9  hyp  6.72  21.5  0.312  0.758  25
10 (Intercept) 167. 21.8  7.66  0.000000120  25
11  age  14.2  11.1  1.29  0.212  25
12  hyp  3.78  21.1  0.179  0.859  25
13 (Intercept) 127. 23.9  5.30  0.0000253  25
14  age  32.9  10.9  3.01  0.00642  25
15  hyp  2.58  19.8  0.130  0.898  25

A complete case analysis for all five regressed models

We write the following code in R to get this output.

Class:  mipo  m = 5
term  m  estimate  ubar  b  t  dfcom  df
1 (Intercept) 5  148.600681  537.6359  458.70483  1088.0817  22  6.098614
2  age  5  19.137087  118.0776  67.13213  198.6361  22  8.049288
3  hyp  5  8.301152  447.3520  97.94613  564.8873  22  13.659099
riv  lambda  fmi
1  1.0238263  0.5058864  0.6144994
2  0.6822511  0.4055584  0.5131566
3  0.2627357  0.2080687  0.3031436

To get a wholesome predictive model for all the five imputations combined

Write the following code in R:

term  estimate  std.error  statistic  df  p.value
1 (Intercept) 148.600681  32.98608  4.5049507  6.098614  0.003921111
2  age  19.137087  14.09383  1.3578341  8.049288  0.211353135
3  hyp  8.301152  23.76736  0.3492669  13.659099  0.732214796

Here, we get the set of the expected parameter evaluations for our predictive linear regression model.


Predictive mean matching with m, 5 is the default in mice for continuous data. This way it provides imputations that possess many characteristics of the complete data. The imputed data lies in the range of the donor variables, meaning they are bounded above and below.

We then create a predictive model using regression modeling, which we will use when calculating other values. MAR (Missing At Random) is the response mechanism we used in our mice library. More information on the various response mechanisms can be found here.

Happy coding!

Peer Review Contributions by: Mohamed alghadban

Published on: Apr 29, 2022
Updated on: Jul 12, 2024

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