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    Automated Plagiarism Detection Bot

    Automated Plagiarism Detection Bot

    Plagiarism or taking another persons ideas without proper credit or representation can feel like someone just kidnapped your idea. Actually, plagiarism derives its Latin root from plagiarius which literally means "kidnapper". So plagiarism is widely considered bad overall. <!--more-->

    A: What's worse than someone stealing your work? Funny

    Q: Someone stealing your work and claiming it's theirs!!!

    Image Source:

    Plagiarism Detection

    Anyway, I won't discuss the ethical upset and academic dishonesty plagiarism can bring because that's not what this article is about. If you want to know more about it I recommend you visit this article.


    In this article, I will split the content in two parts:

    • Overview of Text Similarity

      • Brief Introduction
      • Math Formulation
      • Example
    • Overview of the Algorithm

      • Installation and Setup
      • Code Walk-through
      • Demo Plagiarism Detector

    Let's get to it!

    Text Similarity: Formulating the Problem

    Text Similarity is determining the likeness of two textual documents.

    We want to find the numerical value that will indicate how "close" or how similar two text documents are. Let's divide the steps involved in finding how two texts are similar.

    1. We need to define a textual document in a algebraic model we can actually do useful calculations with. A word document would not a useful representation therefore we will define a useful model to work with the data.
    2. After we have converted the text document to a useful model, we want to define (mathematical) operations that will be used as a proxy for similarity next. It is important to demonstrate how the operation will be used in the model.
    3. Finally, we must get a useful normalized numerical value that will tell us how similar two text are. That will give us an indication whether our method is effective in finding the similarity of text documents.

    The following steps are actually rather simple but how you go about answering it can vary greatly.

    Math Formulation

    Step 1:

    A popular way of characterizing text documents is by using a Vector space model. The idea is to represent terms as vectors. A term can be anything: single word, multiple keywords or even a phrase. Each will count as a non-zero vector corresponding to a separate dimension.

    According to this paper, mathematically we can define a document space as:

    `$$D_i = (d_{i1}, d_{i2}, ... , d_{it})$$


    $$ D_i~~represents~the~documents~within~a~document~space\ d_{it}~~represents~the~i^{th}~document's~t^{th}~term $$`

    Every index term will represent a dimension in our vector space. For example, if we were to use the English dictionary as our document we would have as many dimension as the English vocabulary.

    Now that we have our model let's move on!

    Step 2:

    Using this model, we can now apply an operation to evaluate the similarity coefficient. In this article we will use a method called the Cosine Similarity. The cosine similarity metric measures the cosine angle of two non-zero vectors.

    The mathematical definition, as shown from wiki, can be defined as:

    $$ {\displaystyle {\text{similarity}}=\cos(\theta )={\mathbf {A} \cdot \mathbf {B} \over \|\mathbf {A} \|\|\mathbf {B} \|}={\frac {\sum \limits _{i=1}^{n}{A_{i}B_{i}}}{{\sqrt {\sum \limits _{i=1}^{n}{A_{i}^{2}}}}{\sqrt {\sum \limits _{i=1}^{n}{B_{i}^{2}}}}}},} $$

    $ where~A_i~and~B_i~are~components~of~vector~A~and~B~respectively$

    Step 3:

    Finally, the cosine similarity will give an outcome bounded by $ [0,1] $ (Not $[-1,1]$ because the document space is bounded in positive space only).

    • 1 - very similar
    • 0 - not similar

    Example Plagiarism

    For this example, I am going to replicate the example from Selva Prabhakaran. Let us take 3 documents on the topic of inheritance.

    Document 1 is a snippet from the educba site on what is inheritance in programming.

    Document 2 and Document 3 are from the Wikipedia page on inheritance(object oriented programming).

    Only difference is that Document 3 is a subsection of Document 2. How do you think their similarities will compare?

    Three Document Similarity Example

    plagiarism_blog_post Image Source: Author -- Earl Potters

    From the example above you can see three similar documents that share a central theme, namely inheritance.

    With the example above, I am quantitatively measuring the similarity between the 3 documents using 3 different metrics: total common words (similar but not the same as Jaccard index), Euclidean distance and Cosine similarity.

    We have limited our quantitative analysis scope by only looking at three key-words: 'inheritance', 'class', and 'object'. We have briefly talked about cosine similarity but I want to explain what it means in graphical terms.

    To explain what I mean, here is a 3D projection of the 3 documents.

    3D Document Projection

    3D Projection

    Image Source: Author -- Earl Potters

    As illustrated by this example, we can see that doc 2 and doc 3 are closer in orientation by magnitude. Conversely, doc 1 and doc 3 are the closest using the Euclidean distance metric.

    The graphical representation of common words is a intersection which can be seen as a Venn diagram.

    Document Intersection

    total common words Image Source: Author -- Earl Potters

    You can see 3 intersecting circles that contain the set of all words in their document space. The intersection of circles is the intersection of both word sets.

    Compare and Contrast

    As you can figure out, all 3 similarity metrics have their own interpretation of similarity.

    • Cosine similarity checks the orientation of two documents
    • Euclidean distance checks the distance magnitude of two documents
    • Total common words checks the intersection of two documents.

    Looking at the example we can see why cosine similarity is a good metric for judging similarity, rather than using total common words or Euclidean distance.

    The reason for that is because total common words is very biased on file sizes while Euclidean distance is biased when comparing two different document sizes.

    Plagiarism Detector Code

    Now we are at the coding step! By now you should know the following things:

    • A document can be converted into a Vector space model where the documents are represented as vectors, mostly determined by term frequency.
    • Cosine Similarity is an operation on vectors that will allow us to determine the similarity of two documents.
    • We can display a normalized numerical value between 0-1 that indicates the similarity between two documents.

    Getting Started

    In this short overview I will assume you are on an Ubuntu Linux operating system with Conda package manager.

    1. Installing Dependencies

    You we need to install the following: Pandas and scikit-learn

    $ conda install scikit-learn pandas
    2. Verification

    To ensure that the packages are installed properly open up your Python interpreter and run the follow code.

    # loading python modules
    import sklearn
    import pandas as pd
    # Verifying version

    You may need to install pytest and hypothesis for pandas to run command pd.show_versions() Just run command$ conda install pytest hypothesis

    Code Walkthrough

    Now that we have everything set up it's time to code!

    1. Load Python Modules

    Let's first import important modules

    # Load Python Modules
    from sklearn.feature_extraction.text import CountVectorizer
    from sklearn.metrics.pairwise import cosine_similarity
    import pandas as pd
    2. Defining Data Set

    Here we define the data. I have set up a list of tuples(name, data).

    # define data
    corpus = [
            ('doc_1', 'This is the first document.'),
            ('doc_2', 'This document is the second document.'),
            ('doc_3' ,'And this is the third one.'),
            ('doc_4', 'Is this the first document?')
    3. Process the Data/Helper Functions

    Using Count Vectorize Now we need to process the data. Here is a neat trick to separate the names and data into lists.

    # split doc_names and doc_data
    doc_names, doc_data = zip(*corpus)


    doc_names -> ('doc_1', 'doc_2', 'doc_3', 'doc_4')
    doc_data -> ('This is the first document.', \
                'This document is the second document.', \
                'And this is the third one.', \
                'Is this the first document?')
    4. Vectorize Data

    This is the most crucial step. We need to convert the data into a vector space. Luckily sklearn as a function called CountVectorizer() that will do the heavy lifting.

    #create an instance of the class Countvectorizer that converts a collection of text document to a matrix of token counts
    vectorizer = CountVectorizer()
    # vectorize doc_data
    document_term_matrix = vectorizer.fit_transform(doc_data).toarray() -> array([[0, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1],
                                                                                  [0, 2, 0, 1, 0, 1, 1, 0, 1],
                                                                                  [1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 1, 1, 1],
                                                                                  [0, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1]])
    # returns full list of tokenized words
    tokenized_words =  vectorizer.get_feature_names() -> ['and', 'document', 'first', 'is', 'one', 'second', 'the', 'third', 'this']
    # output pandas table document_term_matrix
    df_document_term_matrix = pd.DataFrame(data=document_term_matrix,
                                          columns= tokenized_words,


    Image Source: Author -- Earl Potters

    Now we have our Data set in a Model!

    With the vectorized data from the previous step we can calculate the cosine similarity by using cosine_similarity by sklearn.

    5. Create Similarity feature aka Cosine Similarity
    # return compute dot product on itself which will give the cosine_similarity matrix
    cosine_matrix = cosine_similarity(document_term_matrix) -> array([[1.        , 0.79056942, 0.54772256, 1.        ],
                                                                      [0.79056942, 1.        , 0.4330127 , 0.79056942],
                                                                      [0.54772256, 0.4330127 , 1.        , 0.54772256],
                                                                      [1.        , 0.79056942, 0.54772256, 1.        ]])
    # output pandas table of cosine_matrix
    df_cosine_matrix = pd.DataFrame(data=cosine_matrix,
                        columns= doc_names,

    table 2

    Image Source: Author -- Earl Potters

    6. Test Feature

    Finally we can print the result and see if we have a reasonable output.

    # print pandas table
    # print pandas table

    Your output should look like this.



    Image Source: Author -- Earl Potters


    table 2

    Image Source: Author -- Earl Potters

    7. Review/Refactor

    Here is the refactored original code.

    from sklearn.feature_extraction.text import CountVectorizer
    from sklearn.metrics.pairwise import cosine_similarity
    import pandas as pd
    class Plagiarism_Checker():
        def __init__(self, corpus, vectorizer=None):
            self.doc_names , self.doc_data = zip(*corpus)
            self._vectorizer = vectorizer
        def vectorizer(self):
            if self._vectorizer is None:
                raise TypeError("Vectorizer can't be None")
            if not hasattr(self._vectorizer, '_fit_transform'):
            return self._vectorizer
        def vectorizer(self, value):
            if not isinstance(value, None):
                self._vectorizer = value
                self._vectorizer = value
        def __compute_document_term_matrix(self):
            self._vectorizer._fit_transform= self._vectorizer.fit_transform(self.doc_data)
        def get_document_term_matrix(self):
            count_vector = self.vectorizer._fit_transform.toarray()
            return count_vector
        def get_feature_words(self):
            return  self.vectorizer.get_feature_names()
        def get_document_term_matrix_dataframe(self):
            df = pd.DataFrame(data= self.get_document_term_matrix(),
                      columns= self.get_feature_words(),
            return df
        def get_cosine_similarity_dataframe(self):
            # compute cosine similarity matrix
            df = pd.DataFrame(data= cosine_similarity(self.get_document_term_matrix()),
            return df
    class Count_Vectorizer_Detector(Plagiarism_Checker):
        def __init__(self, corpus):
            super().__init__(corpus, vectorizer= CountVectorizer())

    I added tdif vectorizer which also fits with the class above

    from sklearn.feature_extraction.text import TfidfVectorizer
    class Tdif_Vectorizer_Detector(Plagiarism_Checker):
        def __init__(self, corpus):
            super().__init__(corpus , vectorizer=TfidfVectorizer(smooth_idf=True,use_idf=True) )
        def get_tfidf_weights_dataframe(self):
            # print idf values # need to compute self.vectorizer.idf_ if not computed
            df_idf = pd.DataFrame(self.vectorizer.idf_, index=self.get_feature_words(),columns=["idf_weights"])
             # sort ascending
            return df_idf

    Final Demo visualizations

    from sklearn.feature_extraction.text import CountVectorizer
    from sklearn.feature_extraction.text import TfidfTransformer
    from sklearn.feature_extraction.text import TfidfVectorizer
    from sklearn.metrics.pairwise import cosine_similarity
    import pandas as pd
    class Plagarism_Checker():
        def __init__(self, corpus, vectorizer=None):
            self.doc_names , self.doc_data = zip(*corpus)
            self._vectorizer = vectorizer
        def vectorizer(self):
            if self._vectorizer is None:
                raise TypeError("vecotrizer can't be None")
            if not hasattr(self._vectorizer, '_fit_transform'):
            return self._vectorizer
        def vectorizer(self, value):
            if not isinstance(value, None):
                self._vectorizer = value
                self._vectorizer = value
        def __compute_document_term_matrix(self):
            self._vectorizer._fit_transform= self._vectorizer.fit_transform(self.doc_data)
        def get_document_term_matrix(self):
            count_vector = self.vectorizer._fit_transform.toarray()
            return count_vector
        def get_feature_words(self):
            return  self.vectorizer.get_feature_names()
        def get_document_term_matrix_dataframe(self):
            df = pd.DataFrame(data= self.get_document_term_matrix(),
                      columns= self.get_feature_words(),
            return df
        def get_cosine_simularity_dataframe(self):
            # compute cosine simularity matrix
            df = pd.DataFrame(data= cosine_similarity(self.get_document_term_matrix()),
            return df
    class Count_Vectorizer_Detector(Plagarism_Checker):
        def __init__(self, corpus):
            super().__init__(corpus, vectorizer= CountVectorizer())
    class Tdif_Vectorizer_Detector(Plagarism_Checker):
        def __init__(self, corpus):
            super().__init__(corpus , vectorizer=TfidfVectorizer(smooth_idf=True,use_idf=True) )
        def get_tfidf_weights_dataframe(self):
            # print idf values # need to compute self.vectorizer.idf_ if not computed
            df_idf = pd.DataFrame(self.vectorizer.idf_, index=self.get_feature_words(),columns=["idf_weights"])
             # sort ascending
            return df_idf
    if __name__ == "__main__":
        # define document data
        corpus = [
        ('doc_1', 'This is the first document.'),
            ('doc_2', 'This document is the second document.'),
        ('doc_3' ,'And this is the third one.'),
            ('doc_4', 'Is this the first document?')
        obj = Count_Vectorizer_Detector(corpus)
        cosine_matrix = obj.get_cosine_simularity_dataframe()

    Link to my code online is here.

    Link to the GitHub code is here.


    Peer Review Contributions by: Nadiv Gold Edelstein

    Published on: Sep 18, 2020
    Updated on: Jul 15, 2024

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