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    Objects, Arrays, and Destructuring in JavaScript

    Objects, Arrays, and Destructuring in JavaScript

    Objects and arrays are some of the common data types used in JavaScript. Despite being commonly used, many developers have little understanding of the basic concepts of the two data types. The use of objects in place of arrays and vice-versa is common among developers. Let us look at the two data types, their differences, and destructuring in each. <!--more-->


    This article is meant to serve as an introduction to the basic concepts of objects and arrays when working with JavaScript. If you are using a chromium-based browser, you can run the JavaScript code in your browser. By the end of this tutorial, you'll understand the basics of objects and arrays, their differences, and destructuring in each.

    1. Objects

    Objects are variables that have properties associated with them. They are used to represent "things" in your code. For example, a character, a car, a building, etc. If you have worked with JSON data you have already worked with objects. Comparing it to a real-life situation, let's use a person as the example object. A person has at-least 1 name. The person's name is one property of this object.

    Creating objects and assigning object properties

    Objects can be created using var, let, or const keywords. Let's create a person object and some properties.

    var person = {
    	name : "Geoffrey",
    	role : "Student"

    The name and role above are the keys to each property and are required when accessing the properties. There are other methods of assigning object properties where the above method is not applicable. A good example of this is when you want to add a function output to an object but the object is defined higher in the code tree.

    Assignment using dot notation

    var person = {}; = "Geoffrey";
    person.role = "Student";

    The first line creates an empty object person while the following lines add the properties name and role to the object.

    Assignment using dot notation is only applicable when using strings as the property keys.

    Assignment using square brackets

    There are some cases where using dot notation can't be applied. Here are some good examples:

    • When adding a property to an object using a key starting with an invalid identifier like:
      • a sign or a symbol
      • a number
    • When property names are not determined until runtime.

    When we try to execute the code below, you will see we get a syntax error.

    var person = {};
    person.1 = "Head";

    The correct way of adding a property using an invalid identifier is by bracket notation.

    var person = {};
    person[1] = "Head";

    When we use brackets, the invalid identifiers are stringified. Try adding a property with a string key to the person object using brackets.

    var person = {};
    person[hobby] = "coding";

    When we execute the code above we get an error. Uncaught ReferenceError: hobby is not defined. This is because anything without quotation marks in JavaScript should be either:

    • a JavaScript keyword
    • number
    • Boolean
    • defined somewhere

    You can therefore solve the error by either defining hobby or by simply using quotation marks.

    // by defining hobby
    var person = {};
    var hobby = "myHobby";
    person[hobby] = "coding";
    // by using quotation marks
    var person = {};
    person["hobby"] = "coding";

    All the keys in the square bracket notation (except symbols) are converted to strings. This is because objects property names in JavaScript should be a string or a symbol.

    Accessing object properties

    Objects properties can be accessed by the use of dot notation or square brackets notation.

    // access using dot nation;
    // access using bracket notation

    Properties with multi-word keys can't be accessed using the dot notation. They can only be accessed using bracket notation.

    Properties in objects can be deleted using the delete operator.

    delete person.role;

    2. Arrays

    Arrays are variables used to store multiple items and ordered collections. They use zero-based indexing meaning that the first item in the array is index 0. Arrays can be created using the var, let, or const keywords.

    var fruits = [

    In arrays, unlike objects, keys are auto-generated. Each item is given a numeric key according to the position in the array.

    Adding items to arrays

    Items can be added at the beginning, between, and the end of the array. Items can be added at the beginning of an array by using the unshift() method.


    The unshift() method adds the items at the beginning of the fruits array and returns the length of the array. The first item in your unshift method will be first in the resultant array.

    To add items in between other items, the splice() method is used. The splice() method takes 3 arguments:

    • position to insert the new item
    • number of items to remove from the array
    • the item(s) to insert into the array
    fruits.splice(1, 0, "Oranges"); // adds oranges at index 1

    Oranges will be added at index 1 and 0 (zero) items will be removed from the array.

    To add items at the end of the array, use push() method.


    You can remove the last item in the array by using the pop() method and the first using the shift().

    Accessing items in an array

    Items in an array can be accessed by using the bracket notation and passing the item index.

    fruits[0]; // returns Watermelon

    Difference between objects and arrays

    Despite assignment and access methods being quite similar, arrays and objects have a set of differences. Objects are used in JavaScript when defining anything that is made up of characteristics.

    Arrays are used when creating a list of multiple items in a single variable. Arrays use zero-based indexing to generate item indexes. This means that the first item in the array is index 0. On the other hand, object property indexes are manually defined.

    3. Array destructuring

    Destructuring is the extracting of object properties or array items into independent variables. Destructuring of arrays can be done like this:

    var fruits = [
    var [fruit1, fruit2, fruit3] = fruits;

    All the fruit items in the fruits array above are mapped onto each variable defined in the last line. For example, "Bananas" is mapped onto fruit1. You can also skip values you are not interested in like this:

    var fruits = [
    var [fruit1, , fruit3] = fruits;// skips lemons

    Destructuring can also be used to define variables in bulk.

    const [fruit1, fruit2, fruit3] = ["Bananas", "Lemons", "Mangoes"];

    Variable names can be declared separately from their values to achieve readability.

    let fruit1, fruit2, fruit3;
    [fruit1, fruit2, fruit3] = ["Bananas", "Lemons", "Mangoes"];

    4. Object destructuring

    Destructuring in JavaScript objects can be done as follows:

    var person = {
    	name : "Geoffrey",
    	role : "Student"
    const {name, role} = person;

    The above method only works when the variable names are the same as the object property names. To assign object properties to new variable names, declare them like this.

    const {name:naming, role:roling} = person;

    5. Swapping variables using destructuring

    Destructuring is a common way of doing complex or repetitive work easily. Besides being used to define variables in bulk, it can also be used to swap variables.

    The commonly used method of swapping variables in JavaScript is by introducing a temporary variable. The temporary variable holds the value of a variable as it gets swapped.

    let a = 1;
    let b = 2;
    let temp;
    temp = a;
    a = b;
    b = temp;

    Destructuring can be used to do the same thing with fewer lines of code.

    let a = 1;
    let b = 2;
    [a, b] = [b, a];


    Objects are a data-type that has properties or preferences associated with it. Arrays are a data-type used to store related items or creating ordered lists. Since objects and arrays make up a fraction of a web developer's code, understanding the basic concepts around these data types and how they work is important to understand.

    Peer Review Contributions by: Gregory Manley

    Published on: Oct 6, 2020
    Updated on: Jul 12, 2024

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