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Natural Language Processing using Gradient Boosting Machine and H2O Library

Natural Language Processing using Gradient Boosting Machine and H2O Library

H2O is an open-source, in-memory platform for machine learning. H2O provides implementations of many popular algorithms. It supports both supervised and unsupervised machine learning algorithms. <!--more--> H20 supports the following algorithms: Naive Bayes algorithms, Random Forests, Gradient Boosting Machine, Generalized Linear Models, K-Means algorithms, Principal component analysis and Deep Neural Networks.

To get the complete list of all the algorithms that H2O supports, click here.

H2O is fast and scalable, making it the best platform for building machine learning models. It also automates machine learning using the H2O AutoML pipeline.

In this tutorial, we will focus on the Gradient Boosting Machine. This algorithm builds both classification and regression models. In Gradient Boosting Machine, we train multiple decision trees sequentially. They are then combined to create a final model.

We will use the Gradient Boosting Machine to train a natural language processing model. The model will perform sentiment analysis. It will classify a customer review as either positive or negative.

Table of contents


To follow along with this tutorial, you need to be familiar with:

NOTE: You must use Google Colab notebook to build the model. Google Colab notebook has fast CPUs and GPUs.

Introduction to Gradient Boosting Machine

As mentioned earlier, Gradient Boosting Machine trains multiple decision trees sequentially. The decision trees are then combined to create a final model. The initial decision tree model is the base model or a weak learner.

Boosting uses a collection of algorithms to convert weak learners into strong learners. It minimizes/reduces the training errors. A random sample of data is selected, fitted with a model, and then trained sequentially.

Weak learners may not perform well individually due to high variance or high bias. However, when we aggregate the weak learners, they form a strong learner. Their combination reduces bias or variance, yielding better model performance. For further reading on Gradient Boosting Machine, read this article.

Let's get started with H2O.

Getting started with H2O

To use H2O, we will install the dependencies. H2O depends on the 64-bit JDK to run. It uses the Java programming language. To install the 64-bit JDK, run this command:

!apt-get install default-jre
!java -version

After installing the dependencies, install H2O using the following command:

!pip install h2o

This command will install the latest H2O version. To import H2O, use this code:

import h2o

Initializing H2O

We initialize H2O using the following code:


Initializing H2O will enable us to connect to the H2O clusters. Thus, we will use its memory for machine learning. When we run the code above, it produces the following output:

Initializing H2O

From the image above, we have successfully connected to the H2O cluster. It also shows the cluster version and the total free cluster memory. The next step is to load the dataset.

Dataset for sentiment analysis

We will use the Amazon dataset. It has customers' reviews of personal care appliances.

We download the dataset from the tensorflow_datasets. tensorflow_datasets is a TensorFlow repository that contains ready-to-use datasets. To import tensorflow_datasets, use this code:

import tensorflow_datasets as tfds

To download the dataset from tensorflow_datasets, use the following code:

dowloaded_dataset, dataset_info = tfds.load('amazon_us_reviews/Personal_Care_Appliances_v1_00', with_info=True, batch_size=-1)

From the code above, we use the tfds.load method to load the dataset from the tensorflow_datasets repository. We will then save the dataset into the train variable using the following code:

train_dataset = dowloaded_dataset['train']

To see the dataset information, run this command:


It produces the following output:

Sentiment analysis dataset

From the image above, the dataset has over 130 million customer reviews. We will use the following columns as inputs:review_body, review_headline, star_rating, and helpful_votes.

  • review_body: It shows a detailed description of the product review.

  • review_headline: It shows the title of the review.

  • star_rating: It shows the 1-5 star rating of the product purchased.

  • helpful_votes: It shows the number of votes given to an Amazon product.

After loading the dataset, we need to convert the Amazon dataset into a NumPy array using NumPy. A NumPy array is easy to manipulate and use.

Converting the dataset into an array

To import the NumPy package, use the following code:

import numpy as np

We use Numpy to convert the dataset into an array using the following code:


To see the dataset array, run this code:


It produces the following output:

Converted dataset array

From the image above, the Amazon dataset is in a NumPy array. Next, we need to select the columns that we will use to build the sentiment analysis model.

Selecting the columns

To select these columns, use this code:


The code above selects four columns from our dataset. The four columns are the inputs for the model during the training phase. We will then create a DataFrame using the H2O DataFrame function. A DataFrame is a data structure that organizes data into a 2-dimensional table of rows and columns.

Creating the Data Frame

We will create the DataFrame using the H2O DataFrame function.


The code above will create a DataFrame using the h2o.H2OFrame function. The function is also assigned human-readable column names. The assigned column names are as follows: votes, headline, reviews, and rating.

To see the created DataFrame, run this code:


The code produces the following output:

Created DataFrame

Adding the output column

We need to add an output column to our DataFrame. The output column contains the output of the model after making a prediction. The model will classify the customer's reviews as either positive or negative. We represent positive reviews using 1, while negative reviews using 0.

For a customer review to be positive, the star_rating should be greater than 4. If the star_rating is less than 4, the review is negative. To add the output column, we will use this logic.

We use the following code to represent this logic:

h2o_df["output"] = h2o_df["rating"].apply(lambda x: 1 if x>= 4 else 0) 

When we execute the code, it will add the output column. To see the new data frame with the added output column, use this code:


It produces the following output:

Output column

The next step is to perform text preprocessing.

Text preprocessing

Text processing is an essential step in natural language processing. In-text preprocessing, we clean and remove noise from the dataset. Text processing makes our dataset ready for use by the model.

Some of the text preprocessing steps we will perform in this tutorial are as follows:

  • Removing stop words: Stop words are the most common words in any language. Stop words are articles, prepositions, pronouns, and conjunctions. They do not add much information to the text.

  • Converting text to lower case: Converting text to lower case ensures we have a uniform dataset.

  • Tokenization: Tokenization is splitting the text into smaller word units called tokens.

For a detailed understanding of all the steps in text preprocessing, read this article.

In this tutorial, we will only perform three steps. We will use the Natural Language Toolkit (NLTK).

Installing the Natural Language Toolkit

We install the Natural Language Toolkit (NLTK) using this command:

!pip install nltk

To import the nltk use this code:

import nltk

Let's now use nltk for text preprocessing.

Downloading stopwords

Stopwords are the most commonly used words in a given language. Stopwords carry very little information and have little impact on the model. Removing stop words will allow the model to focus on the unique words in the dataset.

We will use nltk to download the stop words of the English language.

from nltk.corpus import stopwords'stopwords')
stop_words = set(stopwords.words('english'))

We will then filter out the stop words from the dataset. We will create a single function that removes the stopwords, perform tokenization, and convert text to lower case.

Creating the function

We create the function using the following code snippet:

def tokenize(line):
  tokenized = line.tokenize("\\W+")
  tokenized = tokenized.tolower()
  tokenized = tokenized[(tokenized.nchar() >= 2) | (tokenized.isna()),:]
  tokenized_filter = tokenized[(tokenized.isna()) | (~ tokenized.isin(stop_words)),:]
 return tokenized_filter

The function name is tokenize. In this function, the line.tokenize method performs tokenization. The tokenized.tolower method converts the text to lower case. (~ tokenized.isin(stop_words)) will tokenize words not found in the stop words list. It will filter out the stop words from the dataset. Then the function returns a clean text that has undergone all three steps. Let's apply this function to our reviews and headline columns.

Applying the function

The reviews and headline columns contain text. To apply the function into these two columns, use this code:

words_reviews = tokenize(h2o_df["reviews"])
words_headline = tokenize(h2o_df["headline"])

To see the reviews column after applying the function, use this code:


It produces the following output:

Reviews column

To see the headline column after applying the function, use this code:


It produces the following output:

Headline column

The steps above show how to remove stop words, convert text into lower case, and perform tokenization. The next step is to vectorize the tokenized text.


Vectorization converts the tokenized text to a list of numbers. The list of numbers is known as word vectors which the model uses as input. Machines do not understand the text. That's why we need to convert the text into numeric form (list of numbers). In H2O, we use the H2OWord2vecEstimator algorithm to convert the tokenized text to word vectors.

For further reading on how the H2OWord2vecEstimator algorithm converts the tokenized text to word vectors, read this documentation

We import the H2OWord2vecEstimator using the following code:

from h2o.estimators.word2vec import H2OWord2vecEstimator

The H2OWord2vecEstimator algorithm trains a model that will perform vectorization. To use the trained model, we apply it to the words_reviews and the words_headline columns. The vectorization model produces the corresponding word vectors.

Let's now train the vectorization model.

Training the vectorization model

We will train the vectorization model using the words_reviews and the words_headline columns. We use the following code:

vec_model = H2OWord2vecEstimator(vec_size = 100, model_id = "w2v_amazon.model")

From the code above, we use the following methods and parameters:

  • vec_size = 100: It represents the number of columns that the word vectors will have.

-model_id = "w2v_amazon.model": It is the name of our vectorization model.

  • vec_model.train: It is the function that trains the vectorization model.

We then pass the training_frame as a parameter. It specifies the columns that train the vectorization model. We use both the words_reviews and the words_headline columns to train the model.

The code above will build our vectorization model.

Saving the vectorization model

To save the model, use this code:


After saving the model, we can now use it to transform/convert the tokenized text to word vectors.

Applying the model

We will apply the trained model to both the words_reviews and the words_headline columns. These two columns contain the tokenized text.

words_reviews column

review_vecs = vec_model.transform(words_reviews, aggregate_method = "AVERAGE")

The vec_model.transform function converts/transforms the tokenized text to word vectors. The function has the following parameter:

  • words_reviews: It is the input column.

  • aggregate_method = "AVERAGE": It specifies how the function will aggregate the tokenized words. "AVERAGE" will ensure words don't lose meaning after the conversion.

To see the size of converted word vectors, use this code:


It produces the following output:

(85981, 100)

From the output above, we have 85981 word vectors. To see the output of converted word vectors, use this code:


It produces the following output:

Converted word vectors

From the image above, we have converted the words_reviews column.

We also vectorize the words_headline column using the same process.

words_headline column

We will use the following code:

headline_vecs = vec_model.transform(words_headline, aggregate_method = "AVERAGE")
headline_vecs.names = ["headline_" + s for s in headline_vecs.names]

We use the same vec_model.transform function to vectorize the words_headline column. We also use the same aggregate_method = "AVERAGE" parameter to perform the vectorization.

To see the vectorized text, use this code:


It produces the following output:

Converted word vectors

From the image above, we have converted the words_headline column.

We will use the review_vecs and the headline_vecs as inputs for our model. We need to add/attach them to the original DataFrame.

Adding the vectorized columns to the data frame

We will add/attach the vectorized columns to the original h2o_df DataFrame using the cbind function.

h2o_df_ext = h2o_df_ext.cbind(headline_vecs)

The cbind function will add the review_vecs dataframe to the h2o_df. The same function also adds the headline_vecs DataFrame to the created h2o_df_ext.

After merging all the DataFrames, we split the final h2o_df_ext DataFrame into two sets. The first set is for model training and the second set is for model validation.

Splitting the Data Frame

We split the dataset into two sets. One for training and the other for validation using this code:

h2o_train,h2o_valid = h2o_df_ext.split_frame(ratios=[.8])

The model will learn from the training set to understand sentiment analysis. The validation set will fine-tune the model's hyper-parameters in training.

We use the splitting ratio of .8. 80% of the data frame will be the training set, 20% will be the validation set.

Let's use the Gradient Boosting Machine to train the model.

Model training using the Gradient Boosting Machine

We will import the H2OGradientBoostingEstimator algorithm from the H2O library. It is the algorithm that trains the model.

from h2o.estimators import H2OGradientBoostingEstimator

Let's initialize the H2OGradientBoostingEstimator. We will also set the hyper-parameters that will produce the best results.

Gradient_Boosting_Machine= H2OGradientBoostingEstimator(ntrees=100,
 max_depth = 6,  learn_rate=0.1

The initialized H2OGradientBoostingEstimator algorithm has the following parameters:

  • ntrees: It specifies the number of decision trees used to build the model. We have set the number of trees to be 100. The H2OGradientBoostingEstimator algorithm will create 100 decision trees sequentially. It then combines them to create a final model with the best results.

  • max_depth: It is the maximum depth of the decision trees used. We have set the value to 6. Increasing the max_depth value may lead to model overfitting.

  • learn_rate: It specifies the learning rate of the model during training.

After initializing the model, we feed the model with the prepared dataset.

Feeding the model with the dataset

To feed the model with the dataset, use this code:

Gradient_Boosting_Machine.train(x=headline_vecs.names+review_vecs.names, y='output', training_frame = h2o_train, validation_frame=h2o_valid)

From the code above, the train function trains the model. It has the following parameters.

  • x variable: It is the variable that contains all the input columns. The headline_vecs and the review_vecs are the input columns.

  • y variable: It is the variable that contains the output column.

  • training_frame: It specifies the DataFrame used for training. We use the h2o_train DataFrame for training.

  • validation_frame: It specifies the DataFrame we will use for validation. We use the h2o_valid data frame for validation.

The algorithm will train the model and give the best accuracy score.

Accuracy score

To get the accuracy score, use this code:

print(" Hyperparameter AUC: " + str(round(Gradient_Boosting_Machine.auc(valid = True), 3)))

The code above will print the accuracy score.

Hyperparameter AUC: 0.934

The accuracy score is 0.934, which is 93.4%. It is a high accuracy score and shows the model was well trained. We can now use this model to make predictions.

Making predictions

We use the model to classify a customer review as either negative or positive.

predictions = ["The shippers and loaders were great....willing to consider speedier shipping options, the good news is that at the end the shipping arrived quickly enough"]

Let's vectorize this text input.

predictions = vec_model.transform(predictions)

After vectorization, we use the vectorized text to make a prediction.

prediction_result = Gradient_Boosting_Machine.predict(predictions)

It produces the following prediction:


The prediction result is 1, and is a positive review. From the prediction above, our model can make accurate predictions.


In this tutorial, we built a sentiment analysis model. We created the model using Gradient Boosting Machine and the H2O library. The tutorial also covers text preprocessing. We cleaned and removed noise from the dataset. Finally, we trained the model using the H2OGradientBoostingEstimator algorithm. The final model was able to make accurate predictions.

To access the Google Colab notebook for this tutorial, click here.


Peer Review Contributions by: Willies Ogola

Published on: Feb 23, 2022
Updated on: Jul 12, 2024

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