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Model Monitoring and Detecting drifts in ML Models using Deepchecks

Model Monitoring and Detecting drifts in ML Models using Deepchecks

Model monitoring is a stage in machine learning that keeps track of a trained machine learning model to help developers detect any changes in the model that may negatively affect the business operation. A good machine learning team should continuously monitor the model to identify any changes in model performance. These are known as model drifts. <!--more--> Many businesses depend on machine learning models for day-to-day operations. A company like PayPal uses machine learning models to detect fraudulent transactions. Model monitoring will keep track of the model to identify any changes in the fraud detection system. It will enable the developers to make changes in the model before a loss occurs.

Changes in model performance are due to changes in the input data, model features, target labels, and independent variables. It may also be due to the deprecated libraries and other dependencies that the model uses. It leads to poor model predictions and poor model generalization.

Deepchecks is a machine learning library that monitors a machine learning model to detect or identify changes in model performance. The changes are called model drifts. We will build a customer classification model and then implement Deepchecks to detect changes in the model.

Table of contents


To easily understand the model monitoring concepts explained in this tutorial, the reader should have a grasp of the following:

Types of model drifts

Model drift refers to the changes in the model performance leading to model degradation and poor predictions. It is due to changes in the model dataset. It is also due to the changes in the relationships between independent variables (features) and dependent variables (label/target). Depending on the changes, model drifts can be data or concept drifts.

Data drift

In data drift, the features in the dataset change over time after the model training. Features are the independent variables in the dataset that are the inputs for the machine learning model. Changes in the features are due to data leakage, contamination of the data with viruses, or changes in the general data structure.

Concept drift

In concept drift, the target/labels in the dataset changes over time after the model training. The target is the dependent variable which is the model output. We will use the Deepchecks library to detect these drifts in our machine learning model. Before we implement the Deepchecks, we will first build the machine learning model.

Building the machine learning model

We will build the machine learning model using the bank customers dataset. The dataset has multiple independent variables (features) and one target variable. The model will predict whether a bank customer will subscribe to a monthly deposit plan. You can download the complete dataset for this model here.

Loading bank customer dataset

We will load the bank customer dataset using Pandas. We import this Python package as follows:

import pandas as pd 

We then load the bank customer dataset as follows:

df = pd.read_csv("/content/bank-customers.csv")

To see some of the data points, input the code below:


It shows the following data points.

Data points

The output shows the first five data points that have multiple columns. We have to select the input and output variables from these columns.

Selecting input and output variables from the columns

We select the input and output variables as follows:

Selecting input variables

Xfeatures = df.drop('y',axis=1)

We select all the columns except the last column as the input variables (features).

Selecting the output variable

ylabels = df.iloc[: , -1:]

We select the last column (y) as the output/target variable.

Listing the input variables

We can list all the columns we have selected to be the input variables as follows:


The code lists the following columns:

Input variables

Splitting the bank customer dataset

We split the customer bank into two sets. One set will train the customer classification model. The second set will perform model testing and evaluate the performance. We have to import the package for splitting as follows:

from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split

We then split the dataset using the package as follows:

x_train,x_test,y_train,y_test = train_test_split(Xfeatures,ylabels,test_size=0.2,random_state=7)

The bank customer dataset is now ready to be fed into the model. We will use the Pipeline module from Scikit-learn to build the classification.

Importing the Pipeline module

The Pipeline module will speed up the process of building the classification model. We import the module from Scikit-learn as follows:

from sklearn.pipeline import Pipeline

The Pipeline module will take in all remaining machine learning steps. We will add the data scaling step and model training step (these are the remaining steps) to the imported Pipeline.

Data scaling step

Data scaling will ensure the bank customer dataset fits into the model in the training phase. We will use the StandardScaler class for scaling. We import this class from Scikit-learn as follows:

from sklearn.preprocessing import StandardScaler

Model training step

We will use the LogisticRegression algorithm to train the bank classification model. We import the algorithm from Scikit-learn as follows:

from sklearn.linear_model import LogisticRegression

Adding the two steps

We add the two steps as follows:

model_pl = Pipeline(steps=[('sdc',StandardScaler()),('lgsr',LogisticRegression())])

Fitting the Pipeline

We will fit the Pipeline into the training dataset. The Pipeline will scale the training dataset and then train the model using the LogisticRegression algorithm. It will produce a final customer classification model.,y_train)

Accuracy score for the customer classification model

To get the accuracy score, input the following code:


It outputs the following accuracy score:


The accuracy score of the customer classification score is 91.0577%. It is a good accuracy score. It implies that the model can accurately classify different customers. We still need to implement Deepchecks to monitor the customer classification model.

Implementing Deepchecks

We install the Deepchecks library using this command:

!pip install deepchecks

After the installation process, we import the library using this code:

import deepchecks

The Deepchecks library has various methods that monitor our model and detect any model drifts. To list these methods, use this code:


The code outputs the following methods:

Deep checks metods

Even though we have listed all the methods, we will not implement all of them. We will use Dataset, Suite, and Check.

Dataset method

It creates two dataset objects to represent the original dataset. The first one will represent the training dataset. The second one will represent the testing dataset. It will transform the original dataset into a format that Deepchecks will understand. We will then add the transformed dataset (the two dataset objects) to Deepchecks for model drift detection.

Suite method

We will use this method to give the general model performance. It also outputs a summary of all the functions and dataset variables that the model uses during the training process. We will import full_suite from Suite which is the specific method that will output the model summary. full_suite will also perform exhaustive/fully comprehensive checks on the model to detect both data and concept drifts.

Check method

This method is less exhaustive as compared to the full_suite. It runs a single specific check to detect either data or concept drift. We start by creating the two dataset objects using the Dataset method.

Creating the two dataset objects

We create the dataset object that will represent the training dataset as follows:

deepchecks_train_data = deepchecks.Dataset(df=x_train,label=y_train)

We then create the second Dataset object that will represent the testing dataset.

deepchecks_test_data = deepchecks.Dataset(df=x_test,label=y_test)

The next step is to import the full_suite method. It will perform an exhaustive check on the dataset objects and the trained model.

Importing the full suite method

To import the full_suite method, use the code below:

from deepchecks.suites import full_suite

We then initialize the full_suite using the code below:

overall_suite = full_suite()

The next step is to add the dataset objects and the trained model to the full_suite().

Adding the dataset objects and the trained model

We add the dataset objects and the trained model as follows:

output =, test_dataset=deepchecks_test_data, model=model_pl)

It uses the run function to run the full_suite method. It will then analyze the dataset objects and the trained model to detect model drifts (concept and data drifts). The full_suite method uses in-built conditions when running the fully comprehensive checks. Some of the conditions may pass, fail or run with a warning. These conditions will determine whether the model has drifts (either concept or data drifts) or any other changes.

The following symbols represent these conditions:

  • ✖: It represents failed conditions.
  • ✓: It represents passed conditions.
  • !: It represents the conditions that runs with a warning.

To see the output after running the full_suite, use this code:


It will generate a report/output that shows the model summary.

The full suite outputs

The outputs are as follows:

Conditions Summary output

Conditions Summary

The output shows some of the conditions that have passed while others have run with a warning.

Duplicates in the train set output

Data Duplicates

The output shows some of the duplicate values in the training dataset.

Duplicates in the test set output

Data Duplicates

The output shows some of the duplicate values in the testing dataset.

Performance report output

Performance report

The output shows the performance of the classification model. The condition that checks/validates the model performance has passed. It implies the trained model has a good performance. It also shows the F1, Precision, and Recall scores for the model.

Unused and the used model features output

Model features

The output shows all the used model features and the others. It shows the importance of the features and how they contributed to model building.

Model inference time output

Model inference time

It shows the time the model takes to learn from a dataset sample.

Train Test Drift output

This output will show whether there are drifts in the testing and training dataset after model training.

Data Drift output

The condition for checking the drifts (data drift) in the testing and training dataset has passed. It uses a drift score to check for the data drift.

The condition is:

  • If the drift score is <= 0.1, then there is no data drift. This condition has been met (passed). Therefore, there is no data drift.

Train Test Label Drift output

This output will show whether there is a concept drift in our text classification model.

Concept drift output

The condition for checking the concept drift in the classification model has passed. It also uses a drift score to check for the concept drift.

The condition is:

  • If the drift score is <= 0.1, then there is no concept drift. This condition has passed. Therefore, there is no concept drift.

These are some of the outputs that the full_suite method produces. You can further explore the others. Let's move to the Check method.

Implementing the Check method

We will use the method to run a single specific check to detect either data drift or concept drift. Let's import the specific method to detect the data drift.

Importing the data drift method

We import the data drift method as follows:

from deepchecks.checks import TrainTestFeatureDrift

We then initialize the data drift method as follows:

data_drift_check = TrainTestFeatureDrift()

We then add the dataset objects and the model we had earlier trained.

data_drift_output =, test_dataset=deepchecks_test_data, model=model_pl)

It uses the run function to run the method. It will then analyze the dataset objects and the trained model to detect data drift.

To see the output, input this code:


It gives the following output:

Checking data drift

The output above shows the drift score using the emp.var.rate variable (an input feature). This variable gives a drift score of less than 0.1. It implies that there is no data drift. We can also see the drift score using the duration variable.

Using duration variable

It gives a negligible drift score. Therefore, there is no data drift. Let's import the method that detects the concept drift.

Importing the concept drift method

We import the method as follows:

from deepchecks.checks import TrainTestLabelDrift

We then initialize the concept drift method as follows:

concept_drift_check = TrainTestLabelDrift()

We also have to add the Deepchecks dataset objects.

data_drift_output =, test_dataset=deepchecks_test_data)

It uses the run function to run the method. It will then analyze the Deepchecks dataset objects to detect concept drift.

To see the output, input this code:


It gives the following output:

Checking concept drift

The output above shows the drift score using the y variable (it is the target/label). It gives a negligible drift score. Therefore, there is no concept drift. We have used the Deepchecks methods to monitor the model, get the model summary and detect the model drifts.


In this tutorial, we have monitored and detected drifts in machine learning models using Deepchecks. We discussed the data and concept drifts and how they affect the model performance.

We then implemented a customer classification model. We used the Dataset, Suite, and Check methods to detect model drifts (both data and concept drifts). These methods generated a report or output that showed the model summary. It showed that there were no data and model drifts.

You can access the Google Colab notebook for this tutorial here.

Happy coding!


Peer Review Contributions by: Willies Ogola

Published on: May 30, 2022
Updated on: Jul 12, 2024

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