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    Laravel 8 New Features

    Laravel 8 New Features

    If you have learned Laravel, then you are in the right place. This tutorial will help you explore the fantastic features in Laravel 8.x. This tutorial will go over how to use the Larvavel installer, and Jetstream scaffolding. <!--more--> The article discusses the file structures, and the new features.

    What's new in Laravel 8

    What we will learn

    • Requirements
    • Installation
    • Jetstream Scaffolding
    • Tailwind CSS Framework with Blade Template
    • Authentication


    This tutorial assumes that you have basic skills in PHP and HTML. If you're starting to learn Laravel, you're in the right place. For a basic refresher on how to build an API in Laravel refer to this article.


    To get started with Laravel, you have two options.

    • Using Laravel Homestead as your local development environment.
    • Using local servers such as Apache or Nginx or any other server of your choice.

    Laravel Homestead

    Virtual machines are great choices for software development.

    To get started, follow the steps below.

    • Install your virtual machine, e.g. Virtual Box 6.x, VMware, Parallels, or Hyper-V.

    • Install vagrant to manage your virtual machine(s).

    • To install Homestead vagrant box,

      • run command vagrant box add Laravel/homestead
        This will take a while to download. It fails on occasions. Simple solution, check your vagrant whether it's up to date.
    • Finally install Homestead by running this git clone on your terminal,

    Congratulations, you have your Homestead ready to start coding in Laravel.

    Local server

    Ensure your system has PHP version 7.3., to install Laravel.

    You can use any of the following options:

    • Install Laravel via composer.
    • Install Laravel via Laravel installer.

    Using composer create-project command

    Simply run this command on your terminal:

    composer create-project --prefer-dist laravel/laravel MyAppName

    Run another command:

    php artisan key:generate to generate a secure key for your app.

    Using Laravel installer

    To use this option, you need to download the Laravel via the composer.
    Note: Remember composer is the package manager for PHP, think of it as NPM for Javascript.

    Composer can be installed globally in your system or just for a particular project!!

    Run this command on the terminal:

    composer global require laravel/installer

    To create your app, enter:

    laravel new MyApp

    Note: If you encounter command not found error, find your composer global installation locations by running composer global about, make your $PATH laravel-executable.

    Congratulations, you have created your Laravel 8 APP.

    Laravel Jetstream scaffolding

    Whats Jetstream?

    This is a new package used for scaffolding in Laravel 8 apps. In earlier versions, the default scaffolding package was Vue. That's now a thing of the past.

    Jetstream comes with two stacks, Livewire and Inertia scaffoldings. Once again, you can apply any of these options. Use Livewire with Blade template (sounds familiar?), while Inertia goes with Vue. You'll probably go with Blade + Livewire stack if you're not familiar with Vue.

    What's so special about this new way of doing things in Laravel?

    Okay, let's install the Jetstream package before we dig deeper into the Laravel new way...

    Jestream installation

    As we said at the start, the composer is the most popular package manager in PHP. Most package installations are done via composer, with Jetstream included.

    To install Jetstream into your laravel project, cd into your project root e.g cd /var/www/html/MyApp

    Then run the command, composer require laravel/jetstream.

    Ensure that you've got a strong internet connection, as the installation may fail, thus, reverting the composer.json file to its default.

    If successful, we need to choose our stack (Livewire or Inertia), therefore we need to run an artisan command:

    php artisan jetstream:install livewire for Livewire stack.

    php artisan jetstream:install inertia for Inertia stack.

    To complete the installation, we will need to build our Node Package Managers (NPM) dependencies and migrate our database.

    npm install && npm run dev

        php artisan migrate 
        //before running this command, you must create a database. 

    Remember we said Jetstream comes with new changes, i.e. Tailwind CSS, doing away with Bootstrap as its default UI framework?
    It will scaffold your application with the Tailwind framework. It features a beautifully designed UI.

    Don't worry if you don't understand, things are all done under the hood, and you only need to build your NPM dependencies that you achieved above.

    Quick Laravel 8 Jetstream structure

    • Once the Tailwind Framework is installed into your system: You'll notice a file webpack.mix.js and tailwind.config.js at the root of your application

    • In the resources/views directory, new folders are created for you, they include:

      • API folder: Which has an API token manager and index.blade.php, these help with API management.
      • profile folder: This handles user profile management, some tasks include deleting a user.
      • auth folder: This existed in Laravel 7. The only new files are the two-factor authentications.
      • navigation-dropdown.blade.php file: As the name suggests, it handles the navigation in your app. It's a new feature.
      • dashboard.blade.php file: This has replaced the home.blade.php that existed in other versions of Laravel.
      • vendor: By default it's doesn't exist, unless you publish Blade components while using Livewire stack.
    • If you run your application, php artisan serve, you will notice a jetstream logo has been set for you. You can modify this to meet your needs by customizing the Jetstream components.

    What's the Tailwind CSS framework?

    You're probably wondering what is this new CSS framework, and why not Boostrap?

    • Tailwind CSS uses utility classes to style your HTML markups, think of utility classes as inline CSS.
    • What makes Tailwind special (unlike inline css) is because you can do everything. For example, hover, which you can't achieve with Inline CSS, let's look at an example:
                <div class="max-w-md bg-white mx-auto rounded-xl shadow-md overflow-hidden md:max-w-2xl ">
                        <div class="md:flex">
                            <div class="md:flex-shrink-0">
                                <img class="h-48 w-full object-cover md:w-48" src="yourimage.jpg"alt="img"/>
                            <div class="p-8">
                                <div class="uppercase tracking-wide text-sm text-indigo-500 font-semibold">
                                    case study
                                <a class="block mt-1 text-lg leading-tight font-medium text-black hover:underline"href="">link</a>
                                <p class="mt-2 text-gray-500">It has amazing features.</p>

    Tailwind explanation from the code above

    • max-width is indicated as max-w-md, if you have noticed the use of md, Tailwind also has breaking point just like bootstrap, they include:

    • sm-small screen

    • md -medium screen

    • lg- large screen

    • xl- extra large screen

    • 2xl -extra extra large screen


            sm  640px   @media (min-width: 640px) { ... }
            md  768px   @media (min-width: 768px) { ... }
            lg  1024px  @media (min-width: 1024px) { ... }
            xl  1280px  @media (min-width: 1280px) { ... }
            2xl 1536px  @media (min-width: 1536px) { ... }

    To learn more about Tailwind, visit tailwindcss

    • User Registration
    • Unlike the other versions, a new folder is created on the app/actions folder i.e MyApp/app/Actions/Fortify.
    • In this directory, there are 5 files generated, including createNewUser.php file.

    Lets dive in to see what happens in this file.

        namespace App\Actions\Fortify;
        use App\Models\User;//model
        use Illuminate\Support\Facedes\Hash;
        use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Validator;
        use Laravel\Fortify\Contracts\createNewUsers; //a new feature introduced in Laravel 8
        class CreateNewUser implements CreatenewUsers
            //code goes here...
            //not passwordRules() has been added
    • Upon registration, the developer has an option for the email verification link.
    • It's a little different in Laravel 8, apart from the MustImplementEmail in the model, a new fortify feature is needed to enable this functionality. This is available in the config/fortify.php, features option, enable emailVerification()
    • Profile Photo: This feature was not available in other versions. It was initially enabled by default in the earlier version of Laravel 8 before being disabled due to "community" demands.
    • To achieve this functionality: Laravel 8 comes with new files in the app/config.php files, including the Jetstream.php file, now in this file, we have the features option that has a few methods, uncomment the Feature::profilePhotos().

    Next step, remember images are stored in the database as URL, and original photos stored in the public directory of the Storage folder.

    Note that this is solely for images which need to be publicly accessible.

    Run a symbolic link to enable you to access your images in the blade template.

    php artisan storage: link

    How to manage profile photos with the jetstream

    Always remember that new auth scaffolding is configured to use the App/Models/User.php model by default. In this new version, another functionality has been added by default when you install Jetstream.


    This new trait comes in hand with its predefined methods:

    • updateProfilePhoto,
    • getProfilePhotoUrlAttribute,
    • defaultProfilePhotoUrl
    • profilePhotoDisk

    All these methods can be customized in the model, depending on your interest.

    • Account Deletion: This is another feature that has been introduced in the laravel 8 scaffolding. It's an option for a user to delete their account. The functionality to implement this is located at the App\Actions\Jetstream\DeleteUser.


    You have now learned the basics of Laravel 8.x. You can use this knowledge to develop more interactive applications that make use of full Laravel features.

    Happy Coding!

    Peer Review Contributions by: Michael Barasa

    Published on: Dec 28, 2020
    Updated on: Jul 12, 2024

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