An Introduction to WebAssembly - Part 2
In the second part of this article, we will continue our exploration of WebAssembly by using it inside a React application. Basically, we will take an existing code written in Rust, compile it to WebAssembly, then add the resulting .wasm module to a React application generated using create-react-app. <!--more-->
As I mentioned before in my previous article, WebAssembly is well suited for resource-intensive tasks like processing big chunks of data as in digital signal manipulation. Hence, reading and writing audio which is exactly what our example application will be about.
While I was coming up with an application idea for this article, I tried to stay away from something overly complicated, since WebAssembly is still in active development and there is not that much tooling around integrating it with frontend frameworks such as Angular, Vue.js and React. As a consequence, a lot of research, trials and errors went in the process of writing this article, just to find a beginner-friendly way to import Wasm modules inside a React application. Luckily, I found this article which presents a small web application that amplifies simple audio sound waves from an AudioBuffer using the Web Audio API. Our example application will essentially embed the same features, with some minor tweaks, inside a react application that consumes a WebAssembly module.
Before we start, let's get familiar with the world of digital audio as it will help us understand the logic of our example application. I will add links at the end of the article that point to some other resources for further exploration.
Incoming digital audio is stored in the browser using the AudioBuffer
interface as a series of 32-bit floating point numbers ranging between -1
and 1
, where each represents a sample from the original audio source. Once put into the AudioBuffer, the audio is then passed to the AudioBufferSourceNode
interface to be played by the browser. As far as our example application is concerned, we will import generated audio samples from JavaScript to be amplified by a Rust program compiled to WebAssembly.
Some Prerequisites
This article will assume the following:
- Prior knowledge of WebAssembly and React basics.
- Have create-react-app installed.
- Have The Rust tool, wasm-pack, and cargo-generate installed on your machine. I will still go through the process of compiling the Rust program into WebAssembly.
Creating the Rust module
First, let's generate our Rust module by running this command:
wasm-pack new audio-wasm-library
This command will generate a new RustWasm project for us, taking care of all the necessary configuration such as adding the Cargo.toml
manifest, specifying wasm-bindgen
version, generating a src/
file where our Rust module will be written, and many other setup features.
Open src/
and add the following code:
mod utils;
use wasm_bindgen::prelude::*;
// When the `wee_alloc` feature is enabled, use `wee_alloc` as the global
// allocator.
#[cfg(feature = "wee_alloc")]
static ALLOC: wee_alloc::WeeAlloc = wee_alloc::WeeAlloc::INIT;
// Define our number of samples we handle at once
const NUMBER_OF_SAMPLES: usize = 1024;
// Create a static mutable byte buffers.
// We will use these for passing audio samples from
// javascript to wasm, and from wasm to javascript
// NOTE: global `static mut` means we will have "unsafe" code
// but for passing memory between js and wasm should be fine.
// Function to return a pointer to our
// output buffer in wasm memory
pub fn get_input_buffer_pointer() -> *const u8 {
let pointer: *const u8;
unsafe {
pointer = INPUT_BUFFER.as_ptr();
return pointer;
// Function to return a pointer to our
// output buffer in wasm memory
pub fn get_output_buffer_pointer() -> *const u8 {
let pointer: *const u8;
unsafe {
pointer = OUTPUT_BUFFER.as_ptr();
return pointer;
// Function to do the amplification.
// By taking the samples currently in the input buffer
// amplifying them, and placing the result in the output buffer
pub fn amplify_audio() {
// Loop over the samples
for i in 0..NUMBER_OF_SAMPLES {
// Load the sample at the index
let mut audio_sample: u8;
unsafe {
audio_sample = INPUT_BUFFER[i];
// Amplify the sample. All samples
// Should be implemented as bytes.
// Byte samples are represented as follows:
// 127 is silence, 0 is negative max, 256 is positive max
if audio_sample > 127 {
let audio_sample_diff = audio_sample - 127;
audio_sample = audio_sample + audio_sample_diff;
} else if audio_sample < 127 {
audio_sample = audio_sample / 2;
// Store the audio sample into our output buffer
unsafe {
OUTPUT_BUFFER[i] = audio_sample;
Credit for the above file goes to the authors of this article from which inspired my demo application.
This program defines two buffers: an input buffer that will store the original audio samples generated from JavaScript, and an output buffer containing the amplified version of the input buffer data.
Now we will compile our Rust program into WebAssembly and generate a JavaScript "glue" code which is a wrapper file around the .wasm code so it can be imported into our React application.
Inside the audio-wasm-library
folder, run the following command:
wasm-pack build
If everything goes as expected, you should have a pkg
folder created that contains a .wasm
module, a package.json
file, and a JavaScript module that we'll import into our React application. Ideally, pkg
should be published on npm and install it as any other dependency. For demonstration purposes, we copy and paste the pkg
folder in the root folder of our application.
Finally, inside pkg
, open audio_wasm_library_bg.js
and add the following code at the end of the file:
export const memory = wasm.memory;
The line above exports the Wasm linear memory to be accessible and mutable from our application. Since we will pass audio sample data back and forth between JavaScript and WebAssembly, we have to write those values into Wasm memory.
Creating the React application
Now that our Wasm module is ready to be used inside a web application, let's go and create a React application using the create-react-app
npx create-react-app demo-app
By default, our React application will not support WebAssembly. This is because create-react-app
's default webpack config doesn't know how to parse .wasm
files. Hence, we will have to make some changes to the webpack config to support Wasm modules.
Out of the box, create-react-app
doesn't expose its webpack config file without ejecting. Luckily, there is the react-app-rewired npm package that allows us to modify create-react-app
's webpack config without ejecting.
Inside our react application, install the following packages as dev dependencies:
npm install react-app-rewired wasm-loader -D
At the root of our app, create a file named config-overrides.js
, which serves as the entry point for react-app-rewired
const path = require('path');
module.exports = function override(config, env) {
const wasmExtensionRegExp = /\.wasm$/;
config.module.rules.forEach(rule => {
(rule.oneOf || []).forEach(oneOf => {
if (oneOf.loader && oneOf.loader.indexOf('file-loader') >= 0) {
// make file-loader ignore WASM files
// add a dedicated loader for WASM
test: wasmExtensionRegExp,
include: path.resolve(__dirname, 'src'),
use: [{ loader: require.resolve('wasm-loader'), options: {} }]
return config;
The above configuration file comes from this issue on Github. It also works towards the same goal of using WebAssembly with create-react-app
In order for our app to use the custom webpack config when running npm start
, we need to update package.json
to call the script via react-app-rewired
"scripts": {
"start": "react-scripts start",
"build": "react-scripts build",
"test": "react-scripts test"
Adding WebAssembly
Now that the app can support WebAssembly, we need to install our Wasm module as a local dependency. To do so, we need to copy the content of the pkg
folder from the RustWasm library into a new folder called external
at the root level of our React application.
Next, we add the Wasm module to the app's package.json
and install it with npm install
"dependencies": {
"external": "file:./external"
You should note that this is only for demonstration purposes. In a real-world scenario, we would have published the package to npm as public or private, and install it using yarn or npm.
Wiring it all together
Now that we have all the pieces in place, the last step is to start building our application.
Replace the App.js
component with the follwing code:
import React, { useEffect, useState } from "react";
import {
} from "./helpers";
import { NUMBER_OF_SAMPLES } from "./constants";
const App = () => {
const [audioContext, setAudioContext] = useState({});
const [audioBuffer, setAudioBuffer] = useState({});
const [amplifiedAudioSamples, setAmplifiedAudioSamples] = useState(
new Float32Array(NUMBER_OF_SAMPLES)
const [audioBufferSource, setAudioBufferSource] = useState(undefined);
const [originalAudioSamples, setOriginalAudioSamples] = useState(
new Float32Array(NUMBER_OF_SAMPLES)
useEffect(() => {
async function init() {
try {
const wasm = await import("external");
// Create a Uint8Array to give us access to Wasm Memory
const wasmByteMemoryArray = new Uint8Array(wasm.memory.buffer);
// Generate 1024 float audio samples that make
// a quiet and simple square wave
const originalSamples = new Float32Array(
// Convert the float audio samples to a byte format
const originalByteAudioSamples = floatSamplesToByteSamples(
// Fill the wasm memory with the converted Audio Samples
// And store it at our inputPointer location
// (starting index where the input buffer was stored in the rust code )
const inputPointer = wasm.get_input_buffer_pointer();
wasmByteMemoryArray.set(originalByteAudioSamples, inputPointer);
// Amplify our loaded samples with our export Wasm function
// Get our outputPointer (index were the sample buffer was stored)
// Slice out the amplified byte audio samples
const outputPointer = wasm.get_output_buffer_pointer();
const outputBuffer = wasmByteMemoryArray.slice(
outputPointer + NUMBER_OF_SAMPLES
// Convert our amplified byte samples into float samples,
// and set the outputBuffer to our amplifiedAudioSamples
// Create our audio context
const context = new (window.AudioContext ||
// Create an empty stereo buffer at the sample rate of the AudioContext
context.createBuffer(2, NUMBER_OF_SAMPLES, context.sampleRate)
} catch (err) {
console.error(`Unexpected error in init. [Message: ${err.message}]`);
}, []);
I won't go much into the details of interacting with WebAssembly code, you can refer to my previous article if you want to learn more. Nevertheless, there are a few things that are worth discussing.
First, I'm using Hooks which depends on React 16.8 or higher. You'll be in good shape if you created the app using the create-react-app
boilerplate. Second, all of the initialization code goes inside the useEffect
hook which runs only once after the App.js
component has finished rendering. Inside that hook, we load and instantiate our module with the following code:
const wasm = await import("external");
The code above is asynchronous and you might be wondering why didn't we import our Wasm module at the top of the file as we did with the other modules (i.e import wasm from "external"
)? Well, the reason for that is due to the browser producing the following error when we try to load our Wasm module synchronously:
WebAssembly module is included in the initial chunk.
This is not allowed, because WebAssembly download and compilation must happen asynchronously.
Afterwards, we perform our actual audio generation and amplification. Again, this article assumes you already know the mechanics of interacting with Wasm memory. Most of the remaining logic here is using the WebAssembly Linear Memory but in the context of a React application. The important thing to note here is how we are reading from Wasm memory using .slice
calls. Finally, we set the AudioContext
and Audiobuffer
interfaces that we'll use later to play the original and amplified audio samples.
In the App.js
component, we add some event handler functions to provide a way to play/pause the audio buffers using an AudioBufferSourceNode
interface. It pretty much looks like this example with some small changes that use the state variables we defined earlier.
const App = () => {
const beforePlay = () => {
// Check if context is in suspended state
if (audioContext.state === "suspended") {
const stopAudioBufferSource = () => {
// If we have an audioBufferSource
// Stop and clear our current audioBufferSource
if (audioBufferSource) {
const createAndStartAudioBufferSource = () => {
// Stop the the current audioBufferSource
// Create an AudioBufferSourceNode.
// This is the AudioNode to use when we want to play an AudioBuffer,
// Set the buffer to our buffer source,
// And loop the source so it continuously plays
const bufferSource = audioContext.createBufferSource();
bufferSource.buffer = audioBuffer;
bufferSource.loop = true;
// Connect our source to our output, and start! (it will play silence for now)
const playOriginal = () => {
// Set the float audio samples to the left and right channel
// of our playing audio buffer
const playAmplified = () => {
// Set the float audio samples to the left and right channel
// of our playing audio buffer
const pause = () => {
We then render the following JSX:
return (
<h1>Watch out when using headphones!!</h1>
<h1>Original Sine Wave</h1>
onClick={() => {
<hr />
<h1>Amplified Sine Wave</h1>
onClick={() => {
<hr />
onClick={() => {
Finally, If you noticed, we imported some helpers functions and a constant at the very top of the App component. We need to create those for our app to be complete:
Create a file with this path src/helpers/index.js
and add the following code:
export const floatSamplesToByteSamples = (floatSamples) => {
const byteSamples = new Uint8Array(floatSamples.length);
for (let i = 0; i < floatSamples.length; i++) {
const diff = floatSamples[i] * 127;
byteSamples[i] = 127 + diff;
return byteSamples;
export const byteSamplesToFloatSamples = (byteSamples) => {
const floatSamples = new Float32Array(byteSamples.length);
for (let i = 0; i < byteSamples.length; i++) {
const byteSample = byteSamples[i];
const floatSample = (byteSample - 127) / 127;
floatSamples[i] = floatSample;
return floatSamples;
export const generateAudioSamples = (numberOfSamples) => {
const audioSamples = [];
const sampleValue = 0.3;
for (let i = 0; i < numberOfSamples; i++) {
if (i < numberOfSamples / 2) {
audioSamples[i] = sampleValue;
} else {
audioSamples[i] = sampleValue * -1;
return audioSamples;
This following is a bit unnecessary since we only have one constant, but it shows some good practices in terms of a React Application project structure.
export const NUMBER_OF_SAMPLES = 1024;
This marks the end of our demo application, and if you followed all the steps above you should end up with something similar to this. Now, all that's left is the start the app with npm start
Congrats, you have successfully imported and run a Wasm library inside a React application!
To summarize, we created from scratch a React application that uses WebAssembly to generate and amplify audio data samples. We started with a Rust program that we compiled into a Wasm module, configured create-react-app
to support WebAssembly, and installed the module as an npm dependency. I hope this tutorial will serve as a foundation for building more complex React applications. From now on, I plan on diving deeper into WebAssembly and using it for more ambitious projects such as porting bigger libraries.