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Introduction to Python Virtual Environments and Dependency Managers

Introduction to Python Virtual Environments and Dependency Managers

Virtual environments. What are they and what are they used for? This article will be a beginner's guide to virtual environments and dependency managers in Python. We will also look at five of the most used dependency managers in Python. <!--more--> From the Python documentation:

A virtual environment is an isolated Python environment where a project's dependencies are installed in a different directory from those installed in the system’s default Python path and other virtual environments.

Dependency managers are tools that enable easy management of a project's dependencies.

The problems solved by virtual environments

  1. Managing projects with different dependencies. For example, when one project requires Django==2.6 but another project requires Django==3.0.6.
  2. Installation of Python packages and libraries.
  3. Dependency resolution. This is where you specify the requirements for a particular project's sub-dependency to avoid installation problems.
  4. Reproduction of environments. One machine can handling many projects in different environments.


This article assumes that the reader:

  • Has some knowledge of Python programming language.
  • Has Python installed on their machine.


This article will look at the following most used virtual environments and dependency managers in Python, how to use them and their pros and cons.

  1. Venv
  2. Virtualenv
  3. Pipenv
  4. Conda
  5. Poetry

1. Venv

Venv is a Python's module that is used to create light weight virtual environments. It is the default virtual environment module for Python 3. It is one of the easiest modules around for creating virtual environments.


  • Python 3's default virtual environment tool.
  • It is a light weight module.
  • Stores all dependencies in a Scripts folder or bin sub-folder (on linux).


Since Venv comes pre-installed in Python 3 or newer, there's no need to install it.

So, we will go ahead and create a virtual environment.

Creating a virtual environment

When working on Windows Command Prompt, use:

$ python3 -m venv venv

Activating the virtual environment

Before using the virtual environment, we need to activate it. This makes the current virtual environment you're working on to temporarily function as the default Python interpreter.

Tip: Before activating your virtual environment, always make sure that you are working from your project's directory.

Activate your project's environment by running the following command:

$ cd venv\Scripts
$ activate.bat

On Windows PowerShell, use:

$ Activate.ps1

Once you've successfully activated your virtual environment, the path changes to something similar to the example below:

(venv) Project_path\venv\Scripts>

Configuring the virtual environment

After activating the virtual environment, you can now start installing modules and packages by using the great pip install command.

For example:

$ pip install Django

You can check the version of Pip you're using and directory with the following command:

$ pip -V

Note: It is a good practice to always work with a requirements.txt file for easy collaboration since it stores a list of all installed packages in your environment.

To create a requirements.txt, use:

$ python -m pip freeze > requirements.txt

Deactivating a virtual environment

After you finish with the environment, deactivate it by using:

$ deactivate.bat

Deleting the virtual environment

Since virtual environments are self-contained, when no longer needed, just delete the project's virtual environment directory (in this case /venv ).

2. Virtualenv

Virtualenv is a third-party dependency manager tool used for creating and managing Python projects. It is the most used and most popular virtual environment module for the Python 2 language.

Note virtual environments do not come as a native feature for Python 2.

The cons

  • It cannot be upgraded using pip.
  • It cannot create and discover virtual environments for randomly installed Python versions.


In order to use Virtualenv, we first need to install it using the following command:

$ pip install virtualenv

Creating a virtual environment

To create a virtual environment, run the following command:

$ virtualenv venv

Use venv as the name of your project's virtual environment. To activate and deactivate the virtual environment, use the same commands as Venv.

Installing dependencies

To install additional packages and libraries, use:

$ pip install <package name>

3. Pipenv

Pipenv is a package manager that is used to manage Python projects dependencies. It is good for the common typical workflow of using dependencies like pip, requirements.txt, etc.

Under the hood, Pipenv generally combines the use of pip and Virtualenv into a simple command-line tool.


  1. It automatically creates and manages a virtual environment for your projects.
  2. It generates the Pipfile.lock file which helps in deterministic builds.
  3. It adds and removes packages from a Pipfile as you install and uninstall packages.
  4. It automatically locates you project by looking for a Pipfile.
  5. Provides insights into your dependency graph. Try pipenv graph.
  6. Smooth development workflow by loading .env files.


Before we use Pipenv, let's first install it. Run the following command on a terminal.

$ pip install pipenv

After running this, Pipenv will be installed on your machine. Here’s the part where we now say goodbye to pip. It has been a journey indeed!

Creating a virtual environment

After installation, we just need to install a Python module using Pipenv and boom!, we have a virtual environment.

$ pipenv install Django==2.0.13

The command above automatically creates a Pipfile and a Pipfile.lock file in your project's virtual environment. These files are where your project dependencies are saved.

If you wish to change the dependencies, you could change the default Pipenv configurations.

Activating the virtual environment

After creating our virtual environment, we can activate it by running the command below in the project directory.

$ pipenv shell

Uninstalling packages

You can uninstall a package from your project by running the following command:

$ pipenv uninstall Django

Here, you don’t need to specify the package version. The package is also removed from the Pipfile and Pipfile.lock file.

Deleting a virtual environment

For whatever reason you feel the need to remove a virtual environment, you can do that with Pipenv using the command below.

$ pipenv --rm

Note that with Pipenv, you can specify the version of Python to use, using the command below:

$ pipenv --python path/to/python

Note: You can get the specific Python version using Pyenv.

4. Conda

Conda is a package management and environment management system that not only supports Python but also other languages like Ruby, Scala, R and C/C++. It is used to create, save, load and switch between environments in your local machine.

Conda comes pre-installed in anaconda and miniconda.


  • You can share environments.
  • Finding and installing packages - Since Conda is also an environment manager, you can set up another environment to run a different version of Python, without interfering with the environment that runs your usual version of Python.


Installing Conda is a bit different from other dependency managers. The easiest way to install it is by installing Anaconda or Miniconda - a mini version of anaconda that contains only Conda and its dependencies.

Creating an environment

To create a virtual environment using Conda, run the following command on a terminal.

$ conda create --venv

There are several other ways of creating a conda environment that goes beyond the scope of this article.

Activating an environment

To activate an environment, run:

conda activate venv

Or you can run the following in the Anaconda prompt:

$ activate base

Deactivating an environment

To deactivate a virtual environment, run:

$ conda deactivate

5. Poetry

Poetry is popularly known as a very feature-rich Python tool for project dependency management. It comes wrapped with a powerful CLI for creating and managing Python projects.


  • It comes with a pyproject.toml file that contains a tool.poetry section that is composed of several sections like, name, author, etc for project documentation.
  • It is faster than most virtual environment tools.
  • It allows libraries declaration and auto updating of dependencies.


Unlike other project dependency tools, Poetry comes with a custom installer that isolates it from the rest of your system by seperating its dependencies.

Run the following command in the Windows Powershell.

Note: This is the recommended way of installing poetry .

$ (Invoke-WebRequest -Uri -UseBasicParsing).Content | python -

Note: Even though it is possible to install it using pip, it is not recommended as it causes more dependency conflicts with other packages.

Creating a virtual environment

To create a new virtual environment using Poetry, use:

$ poetry new venv

This will create a virtual environment directory structure like shown below:

├── pyproject.toml
├── README.rst
├── venv
│   └──
└── tests

Activating the environment

Activate the virtual environment by running:

$ poetry shell


$ source {path_to_venv}\Scripts\activate.bat

Adding dependencies

To add a new dependency, use the following command:

$ poetry add  <package name>


$ poetry install <package name>

Deactivate the environment

You can deactivate a virtual environment using either:

$ exit 

This commands exits the virtual environment together with the powershell.


If you want to exit only the virtual environment, run the following command.

$ deactivate    


When creating virtual environments, always try to use venv as the environment name since it is a global convention that is easily available in ignore files like .gitignore.

It is generally a good practice to work with virtual environments as they save you hours of debugging common errors like the No module error. They also enable easy collaboration between developers.

Good luck on your future projects.

Happy coding!

Peer Review Contributions by: Geoffrey Mungai

Published on: May 20, 2021
Updated on: Jul 12, 2024

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