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Introduction to Javascript Modules

Introduction to Javascript Modules

While writing programs, there are scenarios where you need to write several lines of code. It could make the code so big and complex to maintain. The simple solution to this problem is the use of Javascript modules. It ensures the organization and ease of code maintenance. <!--more-->

Getting started with JavaScript modules

In Javascript, there is a functionality known as modules. This feature allows us to divide our Javascript code into smaller portions.

In the past, Javascript existed without the use of modules as being part of the core language. This was not a problem for most developers as scripts were simple and small.

Due to the growth or as more companies started appreciating Javascript, scripts became more complex. This led to the invention of various ways to organize the scripts, or the modules.

This breakthrough has also led to the creation of several libraries to load these modules.

These libraries include:

  • CommonJs
  • Asynchronous Module Definition (AMD)
  • Universal Module Definition (UMD)

For more details about these libraries, visit this link.

Writing code in this manner enables the separation of concern. It also ensures the exportation of certain functionalities, increasing system security.

For example, hiding the configuration files in their module. It minimizes the exposure of the vital software files.

NOTE: Javascript modules concept depends on the import and export statements.

Export module feature

Let's create a simple file called add.js in the modules directory.


// exporting a function
export function addTwoNumbers(firstNumber,secondNumber) {
    const sum=firstNumber+secondNumber;
    return sum;

In this file, addTwoNumbers takes two parameters, firstNumber and secondNumber.

But have you noticed the use of the keyword export coming before the function name?

Export makes the code available for importation. For example, the code in modules/add.js is available for importation into another file module.

Hence the method, addTwoNumbers() is available in the importing file module.

The most common way of exporting items is by defining the export statement at the end of the module file. A list of items separated by commas in curly braces follows.

For example:

code snippet for student.js

let studentName = 'John Doe';
let admissionNumber = "SCT111-00-000";

function studentDetails(name,
    const myDetails="My name is "+ name
     +", a student at "+ college
     +", admission number "+ admission_number
     +". I'm in year "+ yearOfStudy;

    return myDetails;

export { studentName, admissionNumber, studentDetails };

In the student.js file module, we have several codes. It has variables, a function, and an export statement.

Instead of prepending the export keyword for each item, we export them at once. It's achievable by defining them at the end of the module in an export statement.

export { studentName, admissionNumber, studentDetails };

Import-module feature

In the previous section, we learned how to export items. Now let's work with these items by importing them into our module.

Let's start by creating a file called results.js.

//import the contents of add.js
//ensure the file path is correct
import { addTwoNumbers } from './modules/add.js';

function sum(){

In the file module above, we have the import statement with a list of items, in this case, a method. This function is now available in our module for use.

NOTE: All items listed in the import statement are always read-only. It means that they remain unchanged in the importing module.

Applying modules to HTML

We have seen how to export and import a module file, but how do you use them in HTML pages? In this section, we will use the previous examples of modules to get the actual results on our browser.

First, let's remind ourselves how to include an external Javascript file in our HTML pages. To include an imaginary file, let's say test.js file in our example.html file, we do the following:

In our example.html file, add the following.

    <script type="text/javascript" src="myScript.js"></script>

Well, this is different while working with modules. In modules, we will need a few modifications.

The important part is adding a type as module, that is, type=" module" in the script tag. What it does is that it marks our script as a module, different from the normal JavaScript.

Now to import results.js we would do something like:

    <script type="module" src="results.js"></script>
    <button onClick="sum()">
    Calculate Sum</button>

Now when you try to run this script on your browser, in my case chrome, an error is logged in the console.

Access to script at 'file:///var/www/html/Projects/Javascript/results.js' from origin 'null' has been blocked by CORS policy: Cross origin requests are only supported for protocol schemes: HTTP, data, chrome, chrome-extension, chrome-untrusted, https.
test.html:2 GET file:///var/www/html/Projects/Javascript/results.js net::ERR_FAILED

Modules are only designed to work on HTTP(S) and not in local files. To test this example to get the actual result, a server is required. This may include your local servers such as static servers, or a live server available on your editor, in my case Visual Studio Code, Live server extension.

Refer to the link to learn how to start a live server from your VSCode.

When you click on the Calculate Sum button, a result is displayed on the screen, 3. Now try to modify the parameters of the addTwoNumbers in the result.js file. You will realize the sum is being displayed each time you refresh your browser.

NOTE: The Javascript module could also be embedded directly into the HTML file as follows:

<script type="module">
//ensure the file path is correct 
import { addTwoNumbers } from './modules/add.js';
document.body.innerHTML = addTwoNumbers(30,20);



Again upon reloading your server, a value 50 is displayed on the screen.

Congratulations! This is the basic knowledge required to get you started with Javascript modules.

Note: Exports and imports are only used within modules and not regular scripts.

Happy coding!

Peer Review Contribution by: Mike White

Published on: Feb 6, 2021
Updated on: Jul 15, 2024

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