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    Implementing Network Address Translation (NAT) on a Cisco Router

    Implementing Network Address Translation (NAT) on a Cisco Router

    In this article, we will learn how to implement Network Address Translation (NAT) on a Cisco router. By the end of this article, the reader will have learned what NAT is, the different types of NAT, and how to configure different types of NAT on a Cisco router. <!--more--> As a prerequisite, foundational knowledge of Cisco command-line interface (CLI) and access control list (ACL) would help the readers understand the article better.


    This tutorial uses the Cisco packet tracer. You can download the Cisco packet tracer here.

    Table of contents

    Internet Protocol

    According to Wikipedia, an Internet Protocol address (IP address) is a numerical label assigned to each device connected to a computer network that uses the Internet Protocol for communication.

    The IP address can be classifed as:

    • Internet Protocol version 4 (IPv4)
    • Internet Protocol version 6 (IPv6)

    IPv4 defines an IP address as a 32-bit number, while IPv6 defines an IP address as a 128-bit number.

    Public and private IP address

    All IPv4 addresses can be divided further into public (global) and private (local) addresses.

    Public addresses are routable addresses that are used on the internet, these addresses allow the users to access resources on a computer network located anywhere in the world.

    While, private addresses are not routable and no traffic can be sent to them or by them over the internet.

    These addresses are within the range of:

    • to
    • to
    • to

    Private addressing

    The major limitation of Internet Protocol version 4 (IPv4) is its address exhaustion issue.

    As a short-term solution, various protocols such as private addressing and Network Address Translation (NAT) were introduced.

    These two standards work closely together, allowing organizations to assign private addresses to their internal network, while translating them to public addresses and allowing them to connect to the internet.

    Some devices in an organization's network may not need to connect to the internet when building such a network. So, an administrator is expected to use private IP addresses as defined in RFC 1918 documentation.

    The documentation defines a set of network addresses assigned to an organization's internal network so that devices can communicate locally. If there is a need for such devices to connect to the internet, their private addresses must be translated to public addresses using Network Address Translation (NAT).

    Network Address Translation

    For a device configured with a private address to access the internet or a remote network, the address must be translated into a public routable address.

    This translation takes place on a NAT-enabled router which typically operates on the border of a stub network.

    Network address translation

    Network Address Translation - Client-Server connection

    In the figure above, PCA with an IP address of wants to reach the webserver, but because PCA's address is not routable, it cannot access the webserver directly.

    Instead, the NAT-enabled router translates the PC's private address of to a public address of, which is routable over the internet.

    From the server's perspective, it sees this address as the source address. Suppose the server wants to send data to the PC, it will use the same source address as its destination address.

    When the data reaches the NAT-enabled router, the public address is then translated back to its original private address, and the data is forwarded back to the PC.

    Types of NAT

    Network address translation can be classified into three types.

    They are:

    1. Static Network Translation (Static NAT)
    2. Dynamic Network Address Translation (Dynamic NAT)
    3. Port Address Translation (PAT)

    Static NAT

    Static NAT creates a one-to-one mapping between private and public addresses.

    Static NAT is usually configured by a network administrator, and this configuration remains constant.

    Static NAT

    Static Network Address Translation

    In the figure above, PCA and PCB wants to reach PCC, which is a remote network.

    But because both are configured with private addresses, they can not access PCC directly.

    To access PCC, a NAT-enabled router is configured with static NAT, that maps their private addresses to public addresses using one-to-one relationship, thus allowing them to communicate with PCC.

    Therefore, static NAT is useful for a device that needs a dedicated address, such as a web server. But, it requires an equal number of public addresses for users using them simulataneously.

    Dynamic NAT

    Similar to static NAT, the dynamic NAT gives a one-to-one mapping between private and public addresses. But, the mapping is done dynamically.

    Dynamic NAT makes a pool of public addresses and assigns them to private addresses on a first-come-first-served (FCFS) basis to determine which private addresses ought to be translated.

    Dynamic NAT

    Dynamic Network Address Translation

    In the figure above, an organization is assigned to four different public addresses, but the organization can have more than four internal devices that require access to the internet.

    To resolve this problem, the network administrator decides to configure dynamic NAT to allow these devices to access the internet.

    If all the internal devices have been assigned to all the available global addresses, then the device requesting for a public address will have to wait until one is made available.

    Port Address Translation (PAT)

    Dynamic NAT is more commonly used by organizations, to connect their devices to the internet. If their network is large, it requires a huge set of registered public addresses. Thus, it completely defeats NAT's goal.

    Dynamic NAT reduces this problem to some degree. However, if a large percentage of internal hosts need access to the internet then, we must use Port Address Translation, also called NAT overload.

    To understand how PAT works, it is important to recall how the host uses the Transmission Control Protocol (TCP), User Datagram Protocol (UDP) and port numbers to transmit data.

    To learn more about TCP and UDP, it is highly recommeded to go over this article before continuing to read.

    With these protocols, PAT can map multiple private addresses to one or more public addresses by ensuring that devices use different TCP and UDP port numbers for each session.


    Port Address Translation

    NAT configuration

    In the first half of this article, we learned briefly about NAT and the different types of NAT.

    In the second part, we will cover how to implement static NAT, dynamic NAT, and PAT on a Cisco router.

    Static NAT

    Steps to configure static NAT

    Static NAT can be configured using the following two steps.

    They are:

    1. Creating a mapping between the private internal address and public global address using the ip nat inside source static [private-address] [public-address] global configuration command.

    2. After the mapping is made, the interfaces taking part in the NAT translation are configured as either inside or outside with respect to NAT.

    The router interface associated within the LAN is assigned the inside interface using the ip nat inside interface mode command.

    Similarly, the router interface associated with the internet is assigned the outside interface using the ip nat inside interface mode command.

    Static NAT topology

    Static NAT topology

    In the figure above, the Gigabit 0/0 (g0/0) interface is the inside interface because it is connected to the LAN. In contrast, the S0/0/0 interface is configured as the outside interface because it is connected to the internet.

    Configuring static NAT

    To configure a static NAT between the private address and public address

    • Map the server's private address to the public routable address using the command ip nat inside source static
    • Enter the "interface serial s0/0/0/" command and identify the interface as the outside interface using the command ip nat outside.
    • Enter the "interface gigabitethernet g0/0" command and identify it as the inside interface relative to NAT using the ip nat inside command.

    Static NAT configuration on a router

    Static NAT configuration

    Dynamic NAT

    Steps to configure dynamic NAT

    Dynamic NAT still requires that both the inside and the outside interfaces be configured.

    For allocation, it uses an access control list (ACL) to specify which private addresses are subject to translation and a NAT pool of registered IP addresses.

    1. Create an ACL using the access-list 1 permit address wildcard mask command.
    2. Create a NAT pool using the ip nat pool [name] [first-address] [last-address] [netmask] [subnet mask] global configuration command.

    This pool will contain the public addresses for the translation. Because, ISP assigns the public addresses contiguous to the organizations.

    The first address is the least in the given address range. And, the last address is the highest address of that range.

    The netmask identifies the network to which of these addresses belong to, using the ip nat inside source list [access-list] [number] pool [name] command to bind the ACL and the NAT Pool created.

    In this case, the ACL number is 1, and the NAT POOL is LAN.

    NOTE: Different ACL numbers and pool names can be created and used, but ACL 1 and pool name LAN will be used throughout this tutorial for simplicity.

    1. Use the ip nat inside interface command to enable the inside interface for NAT translation
    2. Use the ip nat outside interface command to enable the outside interface for NAT translation.
    Configuring dynamic NAT

    An organization is assigned with two public addresses: and It wants to allow its internal hosts, in the private network and to reach the internet using dynamic NAT.

    Dynamic NAT topology

    Dynamic NAT topology

    To configure the dynamic NAT for the network topology above:

    • Create an access list that will specify the private addresses that are allowed to be translated using the access-list 1 permit
    • Creates a pool that will contain the public addresses to be utilized for translation using the ip nat pool LAN netmask
    • Bind the access list and the pool together using the ip inside source list 1 pool LAN. This allows for the dynamic translation of the private addresses and the public addresses in a NAT pool named LAN.
    • Enter the interface serial 0/0/0/ command and identify it as an outside interface using the ip nat outside command.
    • Enter the interface gigabitethernet g0/0 command and identify it as the inside interface using the ip nat inside command.

    Dynamic NAT configuration on a Cisco router

    Dynamic NAT configuration on a Cisco router

    PAT with multiple addresses

    If an organization is to be assigned more than one public address by an Internet Service Provider (ISP), then configuring PAT looks exactly like a dynamic NAT, except that the ip nat inside source list--- pool command in step 3, with an overload keyword added at the end.

    Steps to configure PAT with multiple public addresses

    1. Create an ACL using the access-list 1 permit [address][ wildcard mask].
    2. Create a NAT pool using the ip nat pool [name] [first-address] [last-address] [netmask] [subnet mask] global configuration command. This pool will contain the public addresses to be used for the translation.
    3. The ip nat inside source list [ACL] [number] pool [name] overload The full command is ip nat inside source list 1 pool LAN overload.
    4. Use the ip nat inside interface command to enable the inside interface for NAT translation
    5. Use the ip nat outside interface command to enable the outside interface for NAT translation.

    Configuring PAT with multiple public addresses

    An organization is assigned to two public addressees: and, and it wants to allow its internal hosts, in the private network - to reach the internet using PAT.

    PAT topology

    PAT topology

    To configure PAT for the network topology above, the following steps are applied:

    1. Create an ace list that will specify which private addresses are allowed to be translated using the access-list 1 permit
    2. ip nat pool LAN [netmask] creates a pool that contains the public addresses to be used for translation.
    3. Bind the access list and the pool together using the ip inside source list 1 pool LAN overload. This allows for the dynamic mapping of the private addresses and the public address in the NAT pool named LAN. The overload keyword used here is the only configuration difference between PAT and dynamic NAT.
    4. Enter the interface serial 0/0/0/ to identify the interface as the outside interface using the ip nat outside command.
    5. Enter gigabitethernet g0/0 using the interface gigabitethernet g0/0 command and identify it as the inside interface relative to NAT with the ip nat inside command.

    PAT with multiple public address configuration on as Cisco router

    PAT with multiple public address configuration

    PAT with single public address

    Steps to configure PAT with a single address

    If an organization is assigned a single public address by an ISP. Then, PAT can be configured with a little changes when compared to PAT with multiple addresses.

    In this situation, a NAT pool is not created, but an outside interface used for the translation is used in place of the NAT pool as mentioned in step 3 above.

    1. Create an ACL using the access-list 1 permit [address] [wildcard mask].
    2. PAT is enabled using the ip nat inside source list [ACL] [number] interface [interface-type/number] overload. The interface used for this is an outside interface, and it's configured as the single public address assigned to the organization by an ISP.
    3. Use the ip nat inside interface command to enable the inside interface for Nat translation.
    4. Use the ip nat outside interface command to enable the outside interface for NAT translation.

    Configuring PAT with one public address

    An organization is assigned one public address, and it wants to allow its internal hosts in the private network - to reach the internet using PAT.

    PAT topology

    PAT topology with one public address

    To configure PAT for the topology above, the following steps will be applied:

    1. Create an ace list that will specify which private addresses are allowed to be translated, using the access-list 1 permit command.
    2. Bind the access list and the outside interface together using the ip inside source list 1 interface s0/0/0 overload.
    3. Enter the interface serial 0/0/0/ command to identify it as an outside interface relative to NAT using the: ip nat outside command.
    4. Enter the interface gigabitethernet g0/0 command and identify it as an inside interface relative to NAT using the ip nat inside command.

    PAT with one public address configuration on a Cisco router

    PAT with one public address configuration

    The figure above shows the configuration of PAT using one public address on a Cisco router.


    The introduction of private addressing, public addressing, and Network Address Translation has helped slow down the exhaustion of Internet Protocol version 4 (IPv4).

    But implementing NAT also had unintended consequences, that was providing a layer of security to the internal network by hiding their internal IP address.

    To summarize:

    • The reader learned what network address translation is.
    • The reader understood different types of NAT and how to configure them on a Cisco router.

    Activity files

    For a better understanding of Network Address Translation, the following files are provided for practice.

    Further reading

    Peer Review Contributions by: Srishilesh P S

    Published on: Mar 5, 2021
    Updated on: Jul 15, 2024

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