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Implementing Flask API Using Linked List Data Structure

Implementing Flask API Using Linked List Data Structure

Understanding data structures is an important aspect when developing applications. Real-world applications consider space and time complexities when designing applications. This improves the efficiency on the memory and time taken to run specific programs. <!--more--> Despite the useful trade-offs they offer to the pool of developers, most rarely use them.

This makes these programs and software to be of low quality and may not meet the expected standards.

Organizations as a result incur huge losses in storage budgets and consumer loading time of these applications.

In this article, we'll build a hands-on Flask API using a linked list data structure. In the process, we will see how applicable this data structure is and the benefits a user can acquire by using it.

Table of contents

  1. Prerequisites
  2. Introduction to Flask
  3. Understanding Linked List data structure
  4. Implementing Flask API using Linked List
  5. Testing the API using Postman
  6. Conclusion


Before we start building the application, you should have the latest version of Python installed or at least version 3.6+.

To help install the necessary packages and dependencies, you should have pip installed. If not, check out the link to have it in your machine depending on your operating system.

We'll be using the DB Browser for SQLite to visually check the database and its tables. You can download it from here.

For testing APIs, you will need Postman. Depending on your preference, you can use a text editor of your choice.

There are a number of text editors such as Visual Studio Code, Atom, Sublime, Vim, among others.

For this tutorial, I'll be using Ubuntu 20.04 and Vim text editor.

Introduction to Flask

Flask is a micro-framework of Python that is used to create custom web applications. It is lightweight and does not come with any bundled packages and dependencies. This enables developers to be on the wheel while building any application on it.

If you want to get into more details to understand how Flask works, check the official documentation.

Understanding linked list data structure

A linked list is a linear data structure that includes a chain of connected nodes. Each node stores the data and address of the next node.

You have to start at a certain point, so we give the address of the first node a special name head. The last node in the linked list can also be identified as it points to Null.

Linked lists are of multiple types: singly, doubly and circular linked list. For this article, we will focus mainly on singly-linked lists.

For more in-depth discussions on various types of linked lists, visit this article.

Let's dive into implementing the linked list.

Open the terminal and create a directory called FlaskAPI. Change into the directory and create a linked list file as shown below:

mkdir FlaskAPI
cd FlaskAPI

In the linked list file, write the code below:

class Node:
def __init__(self, data=None, next_node=None): = data
self.next_node = next_node

class LinkedList:
def __init__(self):
self.head = None
self.last_node = None

def to_list(self):

def insert_beginning(self, data):

def insert_at_end(self, data):

def print_ll(self):

We first begin by creating a Node class which is initialized by three parameters: self, data, and next_node. The self keyword in Python represents a specific instance of a class, and is used to access the attributes and methods of the class in Python.

The and self.next_node either default to None, or equals the value pass to data or next_node during the time of instantiation.

The __init__() method is a constructor and it allows the class to initialize its attributes.

The LinkedList() class constructor takes head and last_node as its attributes and assigns them to None. We then create four methods to_list(), insert_beginning, insert_at_end, and print_ll; which we'll implement in a moment.

With that said, let's visualize how a linked list works:


The rectangles in the image above represent nodes in a linked list, and each node has two separate compartments.

The left compartment represents the data, and has the string value Data in it. The right compartment represents the pointer that points to the next node.

If we look at our Node class, we see it has the data and next_node pointer as well. The LinkedList() wrapper class only helps us keep track of the head of our linked list.

From the image above, the first node in the linked list represents the head.

For instance, if we want to add to the head of our linked list, as we'll see in a bit, it will be easier to do so.

The toList() method takes a linked list object and converts it into a list.

The implementation is shown below:

def to_list(self):
  l = []
  if self.head is None:
    return l
  node = self.head
  while node:
    node = node.next_node
  return l

First, we create an empty list. Then proceed to check if the head of the linked list is None.

If so, we return the empty list. Otherwise it is appended onto the list and the node is assigned to the node's next node. The list is then returned.

The insert_beginning() implementation is as shown below:

def insert_beginning(self, data):
new_node = Node(data, self.head)
self.head = new_node

The insert_beginning() takes self and data as arguments. This means that if data is added at the beginning of our linked list, it assumes being the head and the current head becomes the next_node pointer.

We then assign new_node as the head using self to instantiate it.

We will write a function to print the test-cases later.

For now, let's implement the insert_at_end():

def insert_at_end(self, data):
if self.head is None:
return self.insert_beginning(data)

node = self.head
while node.next_node:
node = node.next_node
node.next_node = Node(data, None)

The code above checks if the current head is none. If so, it calls the insert_beginning() to insert data and return it.

The head value is assigned to a node variable and it performs a while loop.

If the node's next node is true, it assign it to the node. Otherwise, it adds data to the node using the Node class.

Let's now write a function to test the linked list functions:

def print_ll(self):
ll_string = ''
node = self.head
if node is None:
while node:
ll_string += f'{str(} ->'
node = node.next_node
ll_string += ' None'

From the snippet above:

We started by creating an empty string called ll_string, we then assign the head to a variable node. If the node is empty, the console prints None.

The while loop iterates through the block if the node is true. Data passed will be concatenated to the ll_string variable.

-> is just for visualizing our linked list when it is printed.

That particular node will become the node's next node. If the while loop is terminated, None is appended to our linked list and the string is printed.

We test this by creating a linked list instance as shown below:

ll = LinkedList()


The output:

7 -> 3 -> 11 -> None

The linked list file now looks like this:

class Node:
def __init__(self, data=None, next_node=None): = data
  self.next_node = next_node

class LinkedList:
def __init__(self):
  self.head = None
  self.last_node = None

def insert_beginning(self, data):
  new_node = Node(data, self.head)
  self.head = new_node

def insert_at_end(self, data):
  if self.head is None:
      return self.insert_beginning(data)

  node = self.head
  while node.next_node:
      node = node.next_node
  node.next_node = Node(data, None)

def print_ll(self):
  ll_string = ''
  node = self.head
  if node is None:
  while node:
      ll_string += f' {str(} ->'
      node = node.next_node

  ll_string += ' None'

ll = LinkedList()

With the fundamentals of linked list grounded, let's now create the API endpoints.

Implementing Flask API using linked List

The Flask API will have four endpoints defined, that is: get_all_users_descending(), get_all_users_ascending(), get_user(), and delete_user().

First, we'll configure the database and import the necessary packages to get our application started.

In the FlaskAPI directory, create a file named It will hold the functionality of the API endpoints.

Before we get to it, let's install Flask and Flask_SQLAlchemy as displayed below:

pip install Flask Flask-SQLAlchemy

The code below shows the basic structure of our Flask app:

from sqlite3 import Connection as SQLite3Connection
from flask import Flask, request
from sqlalchemy import event
from sqlalchemy.engine import Engine
from flask_sqlalchemy import SQLAlchemy

#app initialization
app = Flask(__name__)

app.config["SQLALCHEMY_DATABASE_URI"] = "sqlite:///sqlitedb.file"

# configure sqlite3 to enforce foreign key constraints
@event.listens_for(Engine, "connect")
def _set_sqlite_pragma(dbapi_connection, connection_record):
if isinstance(dbapi_connection, SQLite3Connection):
  cursor = dbapi_connection.cursor()
  cursor.execute("PRAGMA foreign_keys=ON;")

db = SQLAlchemy(app)

class User(db.Model):

@app.route('/user', methods=['POST'])
def create_user():

@app.route('/user/descending_id/', methods=['GET'])
def get_all_users_descending():

@app.route('/user/descending_id/', methods=['GET'])
def get_all_users_ascending():

@app.route('/user/<user_id>', methods=['GET'])
def get_user():

@app.route('/user/<user_id>', methods=['DELETE'])
def delete_user():

if __name__ == '__main__':

Database setup and API skeleton

In the file, first import sqlite3, Flask, sqlalchemy, Flask_SQLAlchemy, and datetime.

The Flask_SQLAlchemy acts as an extension of SQLAlchemy to the application.

It allows us to play with the ORM and use the database in our application.

The SQLAlchemy is the Python Object Relational Mapper (ORM) that gives the application full power and flexibility of SQL.

The event and Engine imported from sqlalchemy are python database API that enables core performance of event hooks to a particular connection.

For more in-depth on how the ORM works check the SQLAlchemy documentation.

We now use sqlite3 as our database, we import it and give it an alias SQLite3Connection.

Let's initialize the application by assigning the Flask instance to the app variable. This creates a flask object that implements the WSGI application and acts as the central registry for the application packages and modules.

Setting the configuration dictionary allow specification of the database path to our database using the SQLALCHEMY_DATABASE_URI.

The SQLALCHEMY_TRACK_MODIFICATIONS is set to True as Flask-SQLAlchemy tracks the modification of objects and emits signals.

The configuration of the database takes a listens_for decorator from the event API which accepts the Engine and connect as arguments.

The connect identifies the event to be intercepted, and a user-defined listening function.

The _set_sqlite_pragma() creates a connection based on our sqlite3 database, enables the foreign key constraints, and closes the connection.

For more on event registration, check the event documentation.

The db variable creates the instance of the database.

Our application will have one model named User which we'll add its attributes in a few.

We define five functions that will handle various logic and takes different parameters.

The create_user() function takes the route decorator and passes two arguments: the /user, and POST HTTP request.

The HTTP method uses the request module imported from the Flask package to create a user.

The get_all_users_descending(), get_all_users_ascending(), and get_user() functions take the GET HTTP request to get particular users with the given id in a descending and ascending order.

The get_user() fetches a single user of any given id.

The delete_user() function deletes a specified user with given id and uses the DELETE HTTP request.

The file ends by setting the debug mode to True. This provides a useful debugger tool to track any errors in the application.


The User model has various attributes as shown below:

class User(db.Model):
  __tablename__ = 'users'
  id = db.Column(db.Integer, primary_key=True)
  name = db.Column(db.String(50))
  email = db.Column(db.String(200))
  address = db.Column(db.String(50))
  phone = db.Column(db.String(50))

The __tablename__ overrides and sets the table name of our model.

The Column keyword defines a column in the database table.

The id attribute takes the type Integer since a primary key cannot be of any other type. It is marked True as the primary_key.

The name, email, address, and phone take the String type. The String() type takes the size parameter of maximum length.

We can now generate our database based on the model we created by running our file through the python shell.

Let's save the file and head to the terminal to execute the commands below:

from server import db

By executing the word python in the terminal, the terminal enters into an interactive shell with the chevron symbols like >>>. The python shell then executes the preceding commands.

If we now list the contents of the FlaskAPI directory, we're able to see a sqlitedb.file file which is our database.

We can go ahead and open it using the DB Browser for SQLite by clicking the open database tab. The User model is visible with its corresponding tables.


Let's begin by defining the get_user() function:

@app.route('/user', methods=['POST'])
def get_user():
  data = request.get_json()
  new_user = User(
          name = data['name'],
          email = data['email'],
          address = data['address'],
          phone = data['phone']
  return jsonify({"message": "User created"}), 200

We had earlier covered what the decorator does. The data will hold requests being parsed in JSON format using the get_json() Flask API function.

The new_user variable is the instance of the user model. It is assigned properties to the data in dictionary format.

We then add the instance to the database and commit it.

If the user is created successfully a JSON formatted response will be displayed with the status 200. We will then import the jsonify from the Flask's flask.json module.

It serializes data to JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) format. We'll test this in a bit using Postman in the next chapter.

For now let's create the routes.

In the get_all_users_descending(), get_all_users_ascending(), and get_user(), we'll be using the linked list file that we created by importing the LinkedList class.

In your file, import the LinkedList using:

from linked_list import LinkedList

Let's implement the endpoints:

@app.route('/users/descending_id', methods=['GET'])
def get_all_users_descending():
  users = User.query.all()
  all_users_ll = LinkedList()
  for user in users:
  return jsonify(all_users_ll.to_list())

The users variable holds all the queried users from the database. The all_users_ll will be the instance of the LinkedList().

We use a for loop to iterate through all the users, and use the insert_beginning() function from the LinkedList() to insert a dictionary that contains user data at the beginning.

We then return the linked list by converting it into a list using the to_list() function. This returns users with the highest id on top.

The get_all_users_ascending() is similar to the get_all_users_descending() but uses the insert_at_end() and returns the user's id in ascending order.

The implementation is as shown below:

@app.route('/users/ascending_id', methods=['GET'])
def get_all_users_ascending():
  users = User.query.all()
  all_users_ll = LinkedList()
  for user in users:
  return jsonify(all_users_ll.to_list())

To get a specific user, we'll use the get_all_users_ascending() with a get_user_by_id() that we'll create in a moment to retrieve that particular single user.

Let's go ahead and write the program:

@app.route('/user/<user_id>', methods=['GET'])
def get_user(user_id):
  users = User.query.all()
  all_users_ll = LinkedList()
  for user in users:
  user = all_users_ll.get_user_by_id(user_id)
  return jsonify(user), 200

The get_user() function takes in user_id as an argument. After querying the users and iterating the data to a dictionary, it passes the data to the get_user_by_id() and also the same arguments.

It then returns the variable storing that particular user and serializing it to JSON format. The status 200 shows a success message.

Now let's implement the get_user_by_id() and add it to file:

def get_user_by_id(self, user_id):
  node = self.head
  while node:
    if[id] is int(
    node = node.next_node
  return None

In this function, if the linked list has a head, it checks the id of that node's data to the passed, then returns that data. If not, it moves to the next node. If the loop evaluates to false it returns None.

The last endpoint, delete_user() is pretty direct. It checks the passed user_id to the one filtered from the database. It is stored in a user variable.

The variable is passed to the delete instance of the database and deletes it upon commit. It returns an empty JSON with the status 200.

The implementation is as shown below:

@app.route('/user/<user_id>', methods=['DELETE'])
def delete_user(user_id):
  user = User.query.filter_by(id = user_id),first()
  return jsonify({}), 200

Next, we'll test our endpoints using Postman.

Testing the API using Postman

To begin testing the endpoints, fire up Postman, and file using the python command.

Next, add a request called create_user and a POST request to it.

To begin testing the create_user(), copy the running server and paste it to Postman and add the /user to appear like

We then choose the body tab and enable raw. This allow us to select the JSON format for writing our data.

We write our request payload in the canvas space using the user model attributes, name, email, address, and phone.

The image below shows a snap of that endpoint:


We create at least five users to enable us to test other endpoints.

In order to avoid running into sqlite3.OperationalError, close the DB Browser for SQLite when sending requests.

Performing the payload request get_all_users_descending(), get_all_users_descending(), and get_user() is easier as we just only specify the routes and select the GET request and send. This performs the logic implemented in each function.

The get_all_users_descending fetches the users in descending order, and get_all_users_ascending perform the same in ascending order.

The get_user() function returns the payload of that particular id specified. The delete_user() deletes a user with the specified ID passed.

For example, if you want to delete a user with the ID of 3, you pass with the DELETE request and send. If you check it in the DB Browser it won't be available.


To recap on what this article has covered, we first introduced what Flask is and a few reasons why it is most preferred. We then got a better understanding of what linked lists are and implemented some of its use-cases.

Afterwards, we implemented the Flask API by first going through a basic Flask script and adding models and routes to it. Finally, we implemented the core API endpoints using the LinkedList class.

We later tested the endpoints created with Postman and used DB Browser for SQLite to visually check our database tables.

I hope you find this article beneficial.

Happy coding!

Peer Review Contributions by: Monica Masae

Published on: Oct 1, 2021
Updated on: Jul 15, 2024

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