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    How to Create an Automatic Slider in Android Studio

    How to Create an Automatic Slider in Android Studio

    Sliders are found on cross-platforms such as website pages, desktop, and mobile apps. They are usually used to highlight important features on home screens. <!--more--> A perfect use-case is an e-commerce app. As a developer, you want to show off new products without messing with the user's interactions.

    Slides are an excellent way to display such items to the consumer.


    This tutorial will teach you how to create and implement sliders in Android Studio.


    The following principles would be used to create a Slider.

    • The PagerAdapter to populate an ArrayList of slides into a ViewPager.
    • A tabbed interface to build a list of slide presentations.
    • Set a timer task to control the flow of the slides.


    To follow this tuorial along, it would be helpful to have a basic understanding of Android ViewPager, PagerAdapters, and TabLayout.

    Getting Started

    Launch Android Studio and create a new empty project. Note that I have modified the predefined parent theme. To do the same, navigate to the res directory → valuesstyle.xml and adjust the style theme to the one shown below.

    <style name="Theme.AnAutomaticAndroidSlider" parent="Theme.AppCompat.Light.DarkActionBar"></style>

    Putting the slider in place

    Go ahead and create the items_layout.xml file inside the Layout directory. Two major elements make up the slide.

    They include:

    • The TextView shows a caption or the tagline of a slide.
    • The ImageView shows an image to the user.
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    <androidx.constraintlayout.widget.ConstraintLayout xmlns:android=""
            android:src="@drawable/item1" />
            android:text="The Caption Title"
            tools:ignore="MissingConstraints" />

    This GitHub repository includes all of the drawable resources used in this project. Go over and check any assets and code fragments listed in this tutorial.

    RecyclerView uses a list_item layout. The same concept applies here. An item layout represents a single row of the list items.

    In our case, a row will represent a single view of one slide. The item layouts are reused by setting up adapter objects that will display the data sets dynamically.

    Setting a ViewPager and TabLayout

    The application's main layout includes a ViewPager and TabLayout, as shown in the XML code below.

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>

    We'll populate the slider layout items into a ViewPager. The ViewPager is a layout widget that hosts several children's views.

    It also controls the slides' movement. An individual slide represents each child's view. These items will be displayed once we link up the ViewPager to a PagerAdapter.

    Setting up PagerAdapter

    ViewPager and TabLayout depend on one another. TabLayout controls the movement between sliders. It also provides an overview of all the slides.

    ViewPager gets its data from a PagerAdapter. The PagerAdapter stores the slides in the memory, making it lightning fast to switch between already loaded slides.

    Before we implement the PagerAdapter, we need a model class.

    Setting up a model class

    A model class is made up of a collection of data objects that we will feed into the adapter. These are the header image and the slider caption. Create a model class and name it

    In this file, we will:

    • Declare an integer for the hero image and a string for the slider title (variables).
    • Generate the respective constructor, getters, and setters.
    public class The_Slide_Items_Model_Class {
        private int featured_image;
        private String the_caption_Title;
        public The_Slide_Items_Model_Class(int hero, String title) {
            this.featured_image = hero;
            this.the_caption_Title = title;
        public int getFeatured_image() {
            return featured_image;
        public String getThe_caption_Title() {
            return the_caption_Title;
        public void setFeatured_image(int featured_image) {
            this.featured_image = featured_image;
        public void setThe_caption_Title(String the_caption_Title) {
            this.the_caption_Title = the_caption_Title;

    Create a custom PagerAdapter

    Create a new class and name it This class should extend PagerAdapter.

    public class The_Slide_items_Pager_Adapter extends PagerAdapter {

    PagerAdapter controls the actual swiping between the different slides.

    To implement the PagerAdapter, use the mouse to hover over The_Slide_items_Pager_Adapter extends PagerAdapter, then right-click, and navigate to generate and import.

    1. A Constructor of The_Slide_items_Pager_Adapter with parameters Context and List<The_Slide_Items_Model_Class> and set the parameter globals using this keyword.
    public The_Slide_items_Pager_Adapter(Context Mcontext, List<The_Slide_Items_Model_Class> theSlideItemsModelClassList) {
        this.Mcontext = Mcontext;
        this.theSlideItemsModelClassList = theSlideItemsModelClassList;
    1. Override methods - import the following override methods.
    • instantiateItem Inflates the slider root items layout and initialize each item in the layout by the item id. This sets the position of the respective ViewGroups by mapping the data objects to respective view items. The instantiateItem method will add this item list into the parent ViewGroup

    • getCount Overriding getCount will return the number of slides in the list. This will return the slide at each position.

    • isViewFromObject This method is required by the instantiateItem method. instantiateItem returns an Object as the key when the slider pager changes to another slider pager. This key becomes the View (the current displaying slider). isViewFromObject will check if the View == Object and return a boolean value. If true, the View will be displayed as the current slide.

    • destroyItem PagerAdapter saves every slide it creates in a memory. This makes it faster to switch between one slider to another. However, this can take a lot of memory, especially if you have a larger number of slides. It becomes a heavy and expensive task for the PagerAdapter to manage. The destroyItem override method solves this problem by destroying and recreating the slides as needed.

    Here is the complete The_Slide_items_Pager_Adapter code:

    public class The_Slide_items_Pager_Adapter extends PagerAdapter {
        private Context Mcontext;
        private List<The_Slide_Items_Model_Class> theSlideItemsModelClassList;
        public The_Slide_items_Pager_Adapter(Context Mcontext, List<The_Slide_Items_Model_Class> theSlideItemsModelClassList) {
            this.Mcontext = Mcontext;
            this.theSlideItemsModelClassList = theSlideItemsModelClassList;
        public Object instantiateItem(@NonNull ViewGroup container, int position) {
            LayoutInflater inflater = (LayoutInflater) Mcontext.getSystemService(Context.LAYOUT_INFLATER_SERVICE);
            View sliderLayout = inflater.inflate(R.layout.the_items_layout,null);
            ImageView featured_image = sliderLayout.findViewById(;
            TextView caption_title = sliderLayout.findViewById(;
            return sliderLayout;
        public void destroyItem(@NonNull ViewGroup container, int position, @NonNull Object object) {
        public int getCount() {
            return theSlideItemsModelClassList.size();
        public boolean isViewFromObject(@NonNull View view, @NonNull Object o) {
            return view == o;

    Hook everything together

    Declare the following variables in your MainActivity class.

    private List<The_Slide_Items_Model_Class> listItems;
    private ViewPager page;
    private TabLayout tabLayout;

    Create an instance of viewPager and tabLayoutIndicator inside the onCreate method.

    page = findViewById( ;
    tabLayout = findViewById(;

    Preparing the slider adapter

    This consists of:

    • An ArrayList of the slider items, an image, and a title describing each slide.

    Check image resources(drawable) in this GitHub repository.

    // Make a copy of the slides you'll be presenting.
    listItems = new ArrayList<>() ;
    listItems.add(new The_Slide_Items_Model_Class(R.drawable.item1,"Slider 1 Title"));
    listItems.add(new The_Slide_Items_Model_Class(R.drawable.item2,"Slider 2 Title"));
    listItems.add(new The_Slide_Items_Model_Class(R.drawable.item3,"Slider 3 Title"));
    listItems.add(new The_Slide_Items_Model_Class(R.drawable.item4,"Slider 4 Title"));
    listItems.add(new The_Slide_Items_Model_Class(R.drawable.item5,"Slider 5 Title"));
    listItems.add(new The_Slide_Items_Model_Class(R.drawable.item6,"Slider 6 Title"));
    listItems.add(new The_Slide_Items_Model_Class(R.drawable.item7,"Slider 7 Title"));
    listItems.add(new The_Slide_Items_Model_Class(R.drawable.item8,"Slider 8 Title"));
    listItems.add(new The_Slide_Items_Model_Class(R.drawable.item9,"Slider 9 Title"));
    listItems.add(new The_Slide_Items_Model_Class(R.drawable.item10,"Slider 10 Title"));
    • Hook the Viewpager to the The_Slide_items_Pager_Adapter (PagerAdapter) using setAdapter.
    The_Slide_items_Pager_Adapter itemsPager_adapter = new The_Slide_items_Pager_Adapter(this, listItems);

    This will populate the available list of slides into pager views.

    • Hooking up a TabLayout to the ViewPager setupWithViewPager. You need a single method (setupWithViewPager) to set the TabLayout into the ViewPager. With that, you get a sliding view with a tabular indicator.

    You can now run the application to test if everything is working.


    Swiping on the screen will change the displaying slide, and tapping on the slide's tab will change the slide pages - as you'd expect.

    Setting up the timer

    Create a method named SliderTimer that extends TimerTask.

    public class The_slide_timer extends TimerTask {

    Hover over it → right-click → generate → implement methods → run():void and include the following code block.

    public class The_slide_timer extends TimerTask {
        public void run() {
            MainActivity.this.runOnUiThread(new Runnable() {
                public void run() {
                    if (page.getCurrentItem()< listItems.size()-1) {

    Initialize the Timer task and set the delay and period parameters in milliseconds within the onCreate method.

    // The_slide_timer
    java.util.Timer timer = new java.util.Timer();
    timer.scheduleAtFixedRate(new The_slide_timer(),2000,3000);

    Here is the MainActivity full code.

    public class MainActivity extends AppCompatActivity {
        private List<The_Slide_Items_Model_Class> listItems;
        private ViewPager page;
        private TabLayout tabLayout;
        protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
            page = findViewById( ;
            tabLayout = findViewById(;
            // Make a copy of the slides you'll be presenting.
            listItems = new ArrayList<>() ;
            listItems.add(new The_Slide_Items_Model_Class(R.drawable.item1,"Slider 1 Title"));
            listItems.add(new The_Slide_Items_Model_Class(R.drawable.item2,"Slider 2 Title"));
            listItems.add(new The_Slide_Items_Model_Class(R.drawable.item3,"Slider 3 Title"));
            listItems.add(new The_Slide_Items_Model_Class(R.drawable.item4,"Slider 4 Title"));
            listItems.add(new The_Slide_Items_Model_Class(R.drawable.item5,"Slider 5 Title"));
            listItems.add(new The_Slide_Items_Model_Class(R.drawable.item6,"Slider 6 Title"));
            listItems.add(new The_Slide_Items_Model_Class(R.drawable.item7,"Slider 7 Title"));
            listItems.add(new The_Slide_Items_Model_Class(R.drawable.item8,"Slider 8 Title"));
            listItems.add(new The_Slide_Items_Model_Class(R.drawable.item9,"Slider 9 Title"));
            listItems.add(new The_Slide_Items_Model_Class(R.drawable.item10,"Slider 10 Title"));
            The_Slide_items_Pager_Adapter itemsPager_adapter = new The_Slide_items_Pager_Adapter(this, listItems);
            // The_slide_timer
            java.util.Timer timer = new java.util.Timer();
            timer.scheduleAtFixedRate(new The_slide_timer(),2000,3000);
        public class The_slide_timer extends TimerTask {
            public void run() {
                MainActivity.this.runOnUiThread(new Runnable() {
                    public void run() {
                        if (page.getCurrentItem()< listItems.size()-1) {

    Run the app on your mobile phone to see if this works.

    Automatic slider timer


    I hope this guide helped you to create and implement sliders in your app. For further reference, download or clone this project from here.

    Happy coding!

    Peer Review Contributions by Wanja Mike

    Published on: Apr 2, 2021
    Updated on: Jul 15, 2024

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