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Implementing Realtime Search using React and Laravel

Implementing Realtime Search using React and Laravel

Modern data-driven applications usually contain terabytes of searchable data. Users expect search queries to produce concise results in milliseconds. <!--more--> Developers build such functionality using technologies such as AJAX, Single-Page Applications, and Caches.

In this tutorial, you will build a real-time movie search application using React and Laravel.

You will also learn about query optimization and how to reduce an app's query search time using Redis.


To follow along, you should have some basic understanding of React and Laravel.

Frontend requirements: Node.js

Next.js powers the frontend of this application which in turn, runs on Node.js.

Ensure that you are running Node.js version 12 or higher. If you have a lower version, install the latest LTS version from the official website.

Backend requirements: PHP, Composer and MySQL

Laravel, a PHP framework, powers the backend of the application. It uses Composer for dependency management. To set up the backend, ensure that you have:

  1. PHP version 7.4 and greater. Install the latest version here.
  2. Composer version 2.1 and greater. Install the latest version here.
  3. MySQL version 5.7 and greater. Install the latest version here.

If you are on windows, consider installing XAMPP. It contains PHP and MYSQL in one package.


Redis is an in-memory key-value store used for quick data retrieval and cache management. Applications with time-sensitive query requirements use Redis.

This movie search application will use Redis as a cache to reduce query time for already performed operations.

Follow the instructions here to install Redis on your machine.

For windows users, use these instructions instead.

Frontend setup

The frontend code can be found on this Github repo. Follow the instructions below to clone the repo and install dependencies.

git clone
cd movie-search-frontend
npm i

After installing dependencies, start the local server:

npm run dev

Backend setup

The backend code is available on this Github repo. To set it up, follow these steps:

  1. Clone the repo:
git clone
  1. Change directory into the repo:
cd movie-search-backend
  1. Install dependencies:
composer install
  1. Set up the application key:
php artisan key:generate
  1. Create a .env file:
cp .env.example .env
  1. Create the database in the MySQL shell:
CREATE DATABASE movies_search_app;

Ensure that the database configuration in the .env file corresponds to your local database settings.

  1. Run the migrations:
php artisan migrate --seed

The migrations create a film table that contains fictional movies. The original source of the data is the sakila MySQL sample database.

  1. Start the application:
php artisan serve

If the backend server runs without crashing, you should be able to make requests on the frontend.

Frontend architecture

The front-end is a basic page component with an input box. Whenever you type a letter in the search box, the app makes an API call to the search endpoint.

Frontend Architecture

Frontend code walkthrough

The movie search page starts with an empty movies state, a query state for the typed text, and an input box component.

function Index() {
  const [query, setQuery] = useState("");

  return (
      placeholder="Search by title, e.g. Bird"
      onChange={({ target }) => setQuery(target.value)}
      width={{ base: "90vw", md: "600px" }}

To keep the codebase organized, a searchByTitle function is defined in the api/movies.ts file.

import http from ".";

export const searchByTitle = async ({ title, fetchCached }) => {
  const searchParams = new URLSearchParams({
    fetchCached: String(Number(fetchCached)),

  const { data } = await http.get(`/movies?${searchParams}`);
  return data;

The function calls the /movies endpoint with the given title and an option to fetch cached items in the URL search parameters.

The method uses the global http configuration defined in api/index.ts. The http object is an axios instance that contains the base URL and the timeout request.

import axios from "axios";

const http = axios.create({
  baseURL: process.env.NEXT_PUBLIC_API_URL,
  timeout: 90000,

export default http;

A useEffect hook is then added which fires a callback when the page mounts and when the query state changes.

import { searchByTitle } from "../api/movies";

function Index() {
  const [query, setQuery] = useState("");
  const [movies, setMovies] = useState([]);

  useEffect(() => {
    if (query) {

      searchByTitle({ title: query, fetchCached })
        .then(({ data }) => {
        .catch((error) => {
  }, [query]);

  return (

The server response contains a movies array and the query duration in milliseconds. Below is the base state of the server's response:

  "movies": [],
  "duration_in_milliseconds": 0

Backend architecture

The backend follows a simple flow of running search queries on the database. Whenever the frontend sends a request to the backend, it processes it and sends it to the database.

Sending database responses for every request

Backend code walkthrough

The two most important files in the backend are:

  1. app/Http/Controllers/MoviesController.php contains the query logic.
  2. routes/api.php contains the API routes.

The API endpoint for fetching movies calls the index method in the movies controller:

Route::get('/movies', [MoviesController::class, 'index']);

The index method in the MoviesController.php validates the request data and resolves the request to either fetch data from the database or from the cache.

class MoviesController extends Controller
    public function index(Request $request)
        $validatedData = $request->validate([
            'title' => ['required'],
            'fetchCached' => ['boolean'],

        $fetchCached = $validatedData['fetchCached'];
        $title = $validatedData['title'];

        if ($fetchCached) {
            return $this->fetchFromCache($title);
        } else {
            return $this->fetchFromDB($title);

When you make a request without specifying the fetchCached query parameter or setting its value to "0", the index method resolves to the fetchFromDB method.

This method uses the eloquent Film model to perform a query with the sql "LIKE" operator under the hood.

It also records the start and end time of this query and returns it as a response object.

    public function fetchFromDB($title)
        $start_time = now();
        $movies = Film::where('title', 'like', "%{$title}%")->get();
        $finish_time = now();

        return response()->json([
            'data' => [
                'movies' => $movies,
                'duration_in_milliseconds' => $finish_time->diffInMilliseconds($start_time)

Testing the application

With both the frontend and backend servers running, navigate to http://localhost:3000 in a browser. You should be presented with the following results:.

Base Frontend View

Make a query with bird as the input in the search box. It should return 9 results in an average time of 60 milliseconds.

Initial Search Results

If you analyze the current situation, you'll notice that each character entered by the user invokes the searchByTitle function which makes the HTTP call.

If it takes an average of 60ms to make one HTTP request. This means that we will take roughly 240ms for four HTTP requests. These requests correspond to the number of characters in the word bird.

Improving query time with Redis

Redis helps to transform the backend architecture, as shown below:.

Redis Architecture

The fetchFromCache method in MovieController.php contains the code that interacts with Redis.

First, the start time is saved to a variable, then the function attempts to retrieve movies that correspond to the search title from Redis.

If cached data exists, the function records the request's end time and returns a serialized object of the cached movies alongside the duration in milliseconds.

If there's no cached data for the corresponding request, the fetchFromCache function fetches movies directly from the database, records the finish time, and sets the search title and response as key-value pairs in Redis.

    public function fetchFromCache($title)
        $start_time = now();
        $cached_movies = Redis::get($title);

        if ($cached_movies) {
            $finish_time = now();

            return response()->json([
                'data' => [
                    'movies' => json_decode($cached_movies),
                    'duration_in_milliseconds' => $finish_time->diffInMilliseconds($start_time),
        } else {
            $movies = Film::where('title', 'like', "%{$title}%")->get();
            $finish_time = now();
            Redis::set($title, $movies);

            return response()->json([
                'data' => [
                    'movies' => $movies,
                    'duration_in_milliseconds' => $finish_time->diffInMilliseconds($start_time)

Testing the application with Cache

To test the app, turn on the fetch cached filter in the filters dropdown.

Enabling Redis cache filter on the frontend

Now, make a query with bird as input. You should still get a query time close to 60 seconds because the backend still fetches data from the database while caching the result.

Initial Query with Cache Enabled

If you repeat the bird query, you should see query time as low as 10 milliseconds. This is an 80% average decrease in the query time.

Subsequent query with cached enabled


Modern systems with search functionality have to produce results in milliseconds. You can build such a system using a Single Page Application, AJAX requests, and a cache such as Redis.

In this article, you learned about the components and architecture of a real-time search system.

You also learned how to optimize queries using Redis. You can, therefore, use this knowledge to craft more quality web applications.

Further learning

Peer Review Contributions by: Wanja Mike

Published on: Nov 3, 2021
Updated on: Jul 12, 2024

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