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    Handling Web App authentication using Auth0, ASP.NET Core and Nuxt.js

    Handling Web App authentication using Auth0, ASP.NET Core and Nuxt.js

    Modern applications have implemented several mechanisms to authenticate and verify their visitors. Each developer tends to devise their methods of authenticating and verifying the users accessing the system. <!--more--> It might seem like a simple approach, but building own authentication system or even integrating it with third parties social media platforms like Google and Facebook can be tedious, time-consuming, and at times complex.

    A better approach would be to use an already dedicated authentication platform to verify and authenticate users into the system. A good example is Auth0, which relieves the developers of dealing with sensitive user data as it handles the authentication. The platform is backed by a dedicated team of security experts specializing in handling user data privacy.

    This guide will use the Auth0 platform to authenticate and verify the users into the system using ASP.NET Core API and Nuxt.js.

    Table of contents


    Understanding the concept of Auth0

    Auth0 deals with the user management in a given system. Its purpose is to authenticate and verify requests in a system. Auth0 comes with many features used in authentication. Some of these features include social media sign-in using Facebook or Google, Single-Sign-On (SSO), and also supports Multi-Factor Authentication.

    How Auth0 authentication works

    The user will login from the client-side application using their correct username and password or social media platforms. Next, the sign-in request is then forwarded to the Auth0 platform, and upon successful authentication, it responds with an access token.

    The client application can then request data from the backend, which it sends along with the previous access token. On receipt of the request, the backend API will first verify the token with Auth0 to confirm that it is valid, and upon successful verification, it responds with the requested data.

    Setting up Auth0

    We will first create the Auth0 account by visiting this link. We will access our Auth0 after signing in and then navigate to the Application tab. Click on Create Application option and click on the Single Page Web Application option to create it as shown below:

    create auth0 app

    Next, go to the setting tab of our new Auth0 application and note down the Domain and Client ID that we will use later in this tutorial.

    auth0 domain

    On the same application page, locate the Application URLs and fill the following fields as below:

    Origins (CORS) = http://localhost:3000
    Web Origins = http://localhost:3000
    Callback URL = http://localhost:3000/login

    Then we save the changes done.

    Note that the link http://localhost:3000 will be the URL of our Nuxt application. Also, one can change port 3000 if they are using a different port as per their preferences.

    Next, we need our Auth0 to connect to our API. First, we navigate to the APIs and click on Create API button. Then we input the required details: Name and an Identifier and click the Create button as shown below. We should note the Identifier since we will need it later.

    auth0 API

    Creating an ASP .NET Core backend API

    In this section, we will create a new project using Visual Studio ASP.NET Core API project templates. We first launch our Visual Studio application, create a new project, select ASP.NET Core Web Application, and click on the API option.

    The below NuGet packages have to be pre-installed in the Visual Studio:


    Since we will have to verify access tokens using Auth0, our ASP.NET API must know the Domain and Identifier values we earlier got from Auth0 API. We are going to use User Secrets variables to ensure enhanced security in our application.

    Browse to the ASP.NET Core project directory and execute the below commands in the terminal:

    dotnet user-secrets init
    dotnet user-secrets set "Config:Auth:Audience" "<The Auth0 API Unique Identifier>"
    dotnet user-secrets set " Config:Auth:Authority" "<The Auth0 API Domain>"

    Note that Domain and Identifier values should be substituted with the Domain and Identifier we earlier got from the API we created in Auth0.

    Next, edit the ConfigureServices method inside the Startup Class as below:

    public void ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection config_serv)
        config_serv.AddAuthentication(auth_opt =>
            auth_opt.DefaultChallengeScheme = JwtBearerDefaults.AuthenticationScheme;
            auth_opt.DefaultAuthenticateScheme = JwtBearerDefaults.AuthenticationScheme;
        }).AddJwtBearer(jwt_opt =>
            var config_auth0 = Configuration.GetSection("Config:Auth");
            jwt_opt.Audience = config_auth0["Audience"];
            jwt_opt.Authority = config_auth0["Authority"];

    In the above code snippet, we have configured ASP.NET Core to authenticate the requests with a JWT Bearer's help and validated them against Auth0 using the values we previously stored in the User Secrets variables.

    We also edit our Configure method as we configure the middleware pipeline property as below:

    public void Configure(IApplicationBuilder config_app, IWebHostEnvironment env)
        config_app.UseCors(builder =>
        config_app.UseEndpoints(my_end_point =>

    In the above code snippet, we have added a CORS policy that forwards the requests to the backend API from the Nuxt application running on the address http://localhost:3000.

    Next, we have invoked the function config_app.UseAuthentication() allows the application to use the configuration we earlier defined in the ConfigureServices method.

    Finally, we'll protect one of the controllers in our application. In this case, since we used Visual Studio ASP.NET Core Web template, we already have a WeatherForecastController in place. To protect that controller, we will add the [Authorize] attribute on the top of that class: the WeatherForecassController class.

    Creating the Nuxt client application

    In this section, we will create the Nuxt client application. Start by running the below command in the terminal:

    yarn create nuxt-app <the-application-name>

    The command will prompt for options to select, and we will leave them as they are to keep things simple.

    Then, we install several dependencies and modules that our client Nuxt application requires. First, browse to the Nuxt project root folder and execute the below commands:

    yarn add @nuxtjs/auth @nuxtjs/dotenv @nuxtjs/axios

    The above command fetches the Axios package, which assists in making the requests to our backend API. The Auth module handles authentication on the Nuxt client application. The Dotenv module saves the secret Auth0 values in environment variables stored inside a .env file.

    Declare the environment variables and store them in a .env file in the Nuxt project directory as below:


    Note that the values My_Domain, My_ClientID, and My_Identifier will come from Auth application we earlier created in the Auth0 account.

    Edit the file nuxt.config.js as below for Nuxt application to make use of previously installed modules:

    modules: [
      '@nuxtjs/auth', '@nuxtjs/axios',
    buildModules: [

    Next, Axios needs to be set up in order to connect to our backend. Note that the base URL of the ASP.NET Core Web will be, by default, the https://localhost:5001. Also, note that it can be different depending on the developer’s project configuration.

    axios: {
      baseURL: 'https://localhost:5001'

    Then, we will set up the Nuxt router so that if the application user is not authenticated by Auth middleware one cannot access secure pages in the application and instead will be redirected to the sign-in page. The below configuration ensures all the routes in our client application are protected:

    router: {
      middleware: ['auth'],

    Finally, we will make the Auth middleware to fetch the Auth0 values from environment variables stored in the .env file we earlier created and store them in a strategy with the name auth0 as below:

    auth: {
      strategies: {
        auth0: {
          audience: process.env.CONFIG_AUTH_AUDIENCE,
          client_id: process.env.CONFIG_AUTH_CLIENTID,
          domain: process.env.CONFIG_AUTH_DOMAIN

    We have successfully configured the file nuxt.config.js. Next, in the store folder, we will add an empty file, index.js. The reason being Auth middleware utilizes the Nuxt store to save authentication details. The file also assists in activating the store.

    Finally, we will add more pages to our frontend application. First, we will add an index.vue page in the new directory named pages that fetches data from our backend API and renders it in our client-side application. The user has to be authenticated before accessing the page, and if not, the user will be redirected to the sign-in page.

    As discussed earlier, we have also secured our backend, meaning any unauthorized users who may visit our frontend will not get any data since the backend will not allow it.

    Note that this is an essential principle in web application development, whereby you protect the front end of the application and its backend.

    We will start by creating the file index.vue as below:

      export default {
        data() {
          return {
            res_display: []
        async mounted() {
          const res_display = await this.$axios.$get('weatherforecast')
          this.res_display = res_display
        <h2>Index Page</h2>
        {{ res_display }}

    The sign-in page will display a sign-in button that loads the default sign-in with the Auth0 page when clicked.

    We will create the file login.vue inside the pages folder as below:

    export default {
      methods: {
        name: 'LoginButton',
        btn() {
        <h2>Sign-In Page</h2>
        <button @click="btn">Auth0 Sign-In</button>

    In the above code snippet, the login method will send the sign-in request according to the earlier set-up in the Auth module

    We will then proceed to run both the API and the Nuxt client projects. To run our API, we browse to the API project root directory and execute the below commands:

    dotnet build
    dotnet run

    To execute the Nuxt client project, browse to the Nuxt project root directory and run the below commands in the terminal:

    yarn build
    yarn start

    Browse to the base URL of our Nuxt application: http://locahost:3000, and a login page will be displayed as below:

    login page

    Then, we will click the login button, which will redirect us to the Auth0 sign-in page as below:

    auth0 login

    Then we will sign in with any method we specified when setting up the Auth0 account. Upon successful authentication, we will then be redirected to the index page of our client application.

    This makes it possible for the frontend to send a request for data from the backend and request a bearer token from Auth0. The API then verifies if the token is valid against Auth0, and on successful verification, it returns the weather forecast data as shown below:


    Wrapping up

    As we have seen, it is possible to restrict access to a Nuxt frontend application and a backend API using a third-party yet secure authentication platform, Auth0. Developers should embrace the use of Auth0 to authenticate their applications’ users. This will help them avoid the hassle and complexity of developing their authentication system.

    In addition, third-party authentication platforms such as Auth0 provide a secure, fastest and easy way of authenticating and managing the users in a given system. The code used in this tutorial can be found at my GitHub Repo.

    Further reading

    The following links can be used as the references by developers and learners to expound more on the topic:

    Peer Review Contributions by: Daniel Katungi

    Published on: Nov 19, 2021
    Updated on: Jul 15, 2024

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