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Face Recognition using Wavelet Features

Face Recognition using Wavelet Features

Face recognition is a system that can match human faces from images to video frames against those in a database. Wavelets are oscillations, having amplitudes beginning from zero, increases or decreases, then back to zero. <!--more--> Wavelet coefficients are used to extract features from hyperspectral data. These extracted features are called wavelet features.

In this tutorial, a face detection scheme is implemented using the wavelet features. We use wavelet features to extract facial features and use principal component analysis to reduce the wavelet feature vectors.

The proposed scheme is very robust and capable of recognizing the faces even if some changes occur in the face, such as growing beards, mustache, etc ...


To follow along with this tutorial, you need to have:

Face image database preparation for training and testing

In this tutorial, we use faces94. This database consists of 153 individuals with 20 face images of each individual. This database has three folders: male stuff, female, and male.

For training, 16 images for the 50 selected individuals are used. This totals to 800 images that are used for training.

The remaining 4 images per person of the 50 individuals are used for testing. All these images are kept in one folder. These images must be named as 1.jpg, 2.jpg, .... They are of the dimension 200x180.

Note that all the MATLAB scripts for training and testing should be in the same folder.

Finding the wavelet features

The image shown below is the basic algorithm for finding these features:

Finding wavelet features

  1. The input image is binarized to get the binary image.
  2. Perform DWT of 1-level to get the approximated coefficients(cA), Horizontal detailed coefficients(cH), Vertical detailed coefficients(cV), and detailed diagonal coefficients(cD). The dimensions of this matrix are half that of the input image (100x90).
  3. We get the row-wise and the column-wise standard deviation to get these features.
  4. Combining the row-wise and column-wise standard deviation, we get the corresponding wavelet feature vector.

The wavelet feature vector will be of the size 380. Because this dimension is too big, we need to reduce it to conserve memory space. Therefore, we use the principal component analysis(PCA) to reduce this dimension.

Principal component analysis for size reduction of the wavelet feature vector

Principal component analysis (PCA) is an unsupervised machine learning technique for dimension reduction. Look at the principal component analysis journal for more information.

The general algorithm is shown below:

PCA algorithm

Our large size feature vector is projected in the PCA space, giving a small size PCA representation. This PCA representation is the eigenvalues.

The general PCA formula is:

fvpca = [fvstd-m]*Ppca


  • fvstd - Is the input feature vector, which in our case is the vector of size 380.
  • M - Is the mean of all the feature vectors.
  • Ppca - Is the transformation matrix.
  • fvpca - Is the reduced feature vector.


It involves getting the wavelet features and projecting them to the PCA space.

Training process

The first step is reading all the images and getting their corresponding wavelet features (fvstd) of the size 380. It gives a matrix of 380x800 since there are 800 images. This matrix is passed through the PCA space to get a matrix of 70x800.

Matlab code for training

Step 1 - Defining values

The first step is defining the number of training images, the number of dominant eigenvalues selected for the required dimensions, and initializing the dataset matrix.

n = 800; %No. of training images
L = 70; %No. of dominant eigen values selected
M = 200; N = 180; %Required image dimensions
X = zeros(n, (M+N)); %Initialize data set matrix[X]

Next, we use a for loop to read the images one by one. First, the images are read using the imread() function. The read images are then converted to grayscale using the rgb2gray() function and then resized to the required dimensions using the imresize() function.

Finally, we get the binary image by converting the resized image to binary type using the imbinirize() function. This function considers the threshold level.

for count = 1:n
    I = imread(sprintf('%d.jpg', count)); %Reading images
    I = rgb2gray(I); %RGB to grayscale
    I = imresize(I, [M, N]); %Resize all images to specified MxN
    level = graythresh(I);
    Ibin = imbinarize(I, level); %Getting binary image.

The graythresh() function is the global thresholding method. level is a normalized intensity value.

Step 2 - Finding the discrete wavelet transform

We first set the image for the discrete wavelet transform mode dwtmode function. After this, we find the discrete wavelet transform using the dwt() function.

This function gives four outputs i.e approximated coefficients(cA), horizontal detailed coefficients(cH), vertical detailed coefficients(cV) and diagonal detailed coefficients(cD). These coefficients are then arranged into a single matrix wc.

%Finding discrete wavelet transform
dwtmode('per', 'nodisp');
[cA, cH, cV, cD] = dwt2(double(Ibin), 'db10');
wc = [cA, cH; cV cD]; %wavelet coefficients arranged

Step 3 - Finding the standard deviation of the wavelet coefficient

Here, we find the standard deviation column-wise and row-wise. It is done using the std() function.

The column vector is stored in the stdcol variable. Those stored in the stdrow variable are the row vector.

When combining these two matrices, stdcol and stdrow, we get the feature vector fvstd. Afterwards, we store these feature vectors in the X matrix we initialized earlier.

%Finding standard deviation of wavelet coefficients
stdcol = std(wc); %Column wise
wcc = (wc');
stdrow = std(wcc); %row wise
fvstd = [stdcol stdrow]; %Feature vector using STD
X(count, :) = fvstd; %Saving all feature vector

Step 4 - Projecting all the feature vectors to the PCA space

This is done to reduce the size of our matrix. In projection in the PCA space, we find the mean of the X matrix using the mean() function. We modify the X matrix by subtracting the mean from each feature vector.

% Projecting all the feature vectors to PCA space
m = mean(X); %Mean of all feature vectors
for i = 1:n
    X(i, :) = X(i, :)-m; % Subtracting mean from each feature vector.

Following that, we find the covariance matrix. A covariance matrix defines the relationship in the entire dimensions as the relationships between two random variables.

Using the eig() function, we get the eigenvalues Evalm and the eigen matrix Evecm. Next, extract the eigenvalues using diag(Evalm) and the values stored in the Eval variable.

Finally, sort these eigenvalues in a descending order using the sort() function. The sort() function gives the sorted eigenvalues Evalsorted and their index.

Using these indexes, we find their corresponding eigenvectors. Taking these sorted eigenvalues, Evalsorted, and considering the number of dominant selected eigenvalues L, we get the transformed matrix pca.

Multiplying our matrix X and the pca matrix is the position of the feature vector projection to the PCA space.

Q = (X'*X)/(n-1); %Finding covariance matrix
[Evecm, Evalm] = eig(Q); %Getting eigen values and eigen vectors of matrix Q
Eval = diag(Evalm); %Getting eigen values
[Evalsorted, Index] = sort(Eval, 'descend'); %Sorting eigen values
Evecsorted = Evecm(:, Index); %Getting corresponding eigen vectors
Ppca = Evecsorted(:, 1: L); % Reduced transformation matrix Ppca
T = X*Ppca; %Projecting each feature vector to a pca space

After the training process, we save n, M, N, m, Ppca, and T. We need them for the testing process.

To save them, go to the workspace, select them, right-click, and select save. You should save them with any name. For our case, we saved it as wpcadt.mat.

Matlab code for discrete testing

Step 1 - Load the wpcadt.mat file

We use the load() function to load this file. After loading this file, we need to select the image to which the loaded data will be implemented.

To select images from different folders in our PC, we use the uigetfile() function. strcat takes the image path and the name and converts them into the string data type.

These converted variables are used to read the image. We use the imread() function in reading the image and provide the converted variables as the arguments.

The image matrix is stored in the img variable. Since we need this image matrix for display, we copy imgo = img.

% Program for face recognition(Discrete testing)
load('wpcadb.mat', 'n', 'M', 'N', 'm', 'Ppca', 'T');
% Number of total training images[n], Image size [M, N], mean image[m]
%Reduced eigen vectors transformation matrix[Ppca]
%Transformed dataset matrix[T]

[filename, pathname] = uigetfile('*.*', 'Select the input face image');
filewithpath = strcat(pathname, filename);
img = imread(filewithpath);
imgo = img; %Copying image for display

Step 2 - Converting image to binary

We need to convert our image to binary (black and white). This is because these image processing functions work on binary images.

We convert our input image img to a grayscale using rgb2gray() function. This image is resized to the MxN dimensions using imresize function.

Next, we binarize the image while considering the threshold using the imbinarize() function as shown below:

img = rgb2gray(img);
img = imresize(img, [M, N]);
level = graythresh(img);
Ibin = imbinarize(img, level);

Step 3 - Finding the discrete wavelet transform

This discrete wavelet transform (dwt) is found the same way we did when training the images.

%Finding discrete wavelet transform
dwtmode('per', 'nodisp');
[cA, cH, cV, cD] = dwt2(double(Ibin), 'db10');
wc = [cA, cH; cV cD]; %wavelet coefficients arranged

Step 4 - Finding the standard deviation of wavelet coefficients

We also use the same code we used when training our image.

%Finding standard deviation of wavelet coefficients
stdcol = std(wc); %Column wise
wcc = (wc');
stdrow = std(wcc); %row wise

Let us project the feature vector fvstd to the PCA space for reduction. It is done by subtracting the mean from the feature vector and the output multiplied by the Ppca matrix.

Also, we initialize the difference array.

fvstd = [stdcol stdrow]; %feature vector using STD
fvpca = (fvstd-m)*Ppca; % Projecting fv to PCA space
disarray = zeros(n, 1); %Initialize difference array

The difference array is the eigen distance with each stored feature vector. Use a for loop to find this distance between all the images. This helps us to get the right image.

for i = 1:n
    distarray(i) = sum(abs(T(i, :)-fvpca)); %finding L1 distance

Step 5 - Displaying first five matches

Before displaying those matches, we do the sorting using the sort() function. This distance is done in consideration with the difference array.

The arrangement is made in ascending order. It means images close to the input image are sorted first.

[result, indx] = sort(distarray);

This sort() function gives the result and the index indx of the image in the database. These images are then read from the database depending on its index. imshow() shows the output.

%--------------Displaying first five matches---------%
resultimg1 = imread(sprintf('%d.jpg', indx(1)));
resultimg2 = imread(sprintf('%d.jpg', indx(2)));
resultimg3 = imread(sprintf('%d.jpg', indx(3)));
resultimg4 = imread(sprintf('%d.jpg', indx(4)));
resultimg5 = imread(sprintf('%d.jpg', indx(5)));

subplot(231); imshow(imgo); title('input test image')
subplot(232); imshow(resultimg1); title('First Matched image')
subplot(233); imshow(resultimg2); title('Second Matched image')
subplot(234); imshow(resultimg3); title('Third Matched image')
subplot(235); imshow(resultimg4); title('Fourth Matched image')
subplot(236); imshow(resultimg5); title('Fifth Matched image')

We need to use images that we did not use for training when we run this program. Therefore, the output is as follows:

Image without distortion

When we use a distorted image to test the robustness of our image. We realize that the program is capable of making the recognition.

For example, a sample with a distorted image is shown below:

Distorted image

Distorting some image parts:

Distored image


In this tutorial, we have discussed how the wavelet feature is used to make a face recognition system. This method as we have seen is a very robust method. Even if the image is distorted, it is still possible to recognize the faces accurately using these features.

Also, the algorithm that this method uses is very effective. The PCA algorithm also effectively reduces the dimensions of multiple images easily.

Happy coding!

Peer Review Contributions by: Dawe Daniel

Published on: Feb 9, 2022
Updated on: Jul 15, 2024

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