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Deserialization in C#

Deserialization in C#

Serialization in C# is the process of bringing an object into a structure that is composed in memory. Deserialization is the opposite of serialization. It involves retrieving the serialized object so that it can be stored in memory. <!--more--> In other words, it re-establishes the state of the object by setting properties, fields, and so forth.


To follow along, you need to:

  • Have visual studio 2019 IDE installed in your machine.
  • Be familiar with C# and .NET programming.

Table of content

Deserialization syntax

The following code shows the syntax for deserializing an object in c# using XmlSerializer:

FileInputstream fileInputstream = new FileInputstream(fileInputpath,;
XmlSerializer = new XmlSerializer();
ClassName objectName = (ClassName)XmlSerializer.Deserializer(fileInputstream);

How deserialization works in C#

Deserialization in C# depends on several libraries as discussed below:

Firstly, you import System.IO namespace which is then used to open the file containing data.

Secondly, import System.Xml.Serialization when working with XmlSerialize class. When working with binaryformatter class, use System.Runtime.Serialization.Formatters.Binary.

The JsonSerialize class requires one to import the NewtonSoft.Json library.

In C#, an object can be deserialized in three major ways:

  • XML deserialization.
  • Binary deserialization.
  • JSON deserialization.

Deserialization examples in C#

Xml serialization and Deserialization

Serialization and deserialization of data using XML require the System.Xml.Serialize namespace.

The following code shows how an object is serialized and deserialized using XmlSerialize class:

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Net.Http;
using System.Text
using System.Threading.Threading;
using System.IO;
using System.Xml.Serialization;//Xml serializer namespace.
namespace ConsoleApp1
   //serializable attribute makes this class serializable.
  [Serializable] class Person {
    public static void XmlSerializeData() {
      string Name = "Teresia Wambui";
      Stream stream1 = new FileStream(@"D:Example.txt", FileMode.Create);//creating file to store data.
      XmlSerializer xmlSerializer = new XmlSerializer();//xmlSerializer object.
      xmlSerializer.Serialize(stream1, Name);//serialize stream1 object.
      stream1.Close();//close stream1.
    //xml deserialization.
    public static void XmlDeserializeData(){
     Stream stream1 = new FileStream(@"D:Example.txt", FileMode.Read);//open and read contents of the file
     XmlSerializer xmlSerializer = new XmlSerializer();
     string content = "";//we are going to deserialize the xml file here.
     content = (string)xmlSerializer.Deserialize(stream1);//deserialize data.
     stream1.Close();//close stream1
     Console.WriteLine("Deserialized object: ");//dispay data.
     Console.WriteLine(content)//display deserialized data.
    static void Main(string[] args){

In the program above, we serialized and deserialized an object using the XML serialize class.

We first created the string Name = "Teresia Wambui" object and specified a file to store it; Stream stream1 = new FileStream(@"D:Example.txt", FileMode.Create).

Next, we created the XML serializer object XmlSerializer xmlSerializer = new XmlSerializer(), and then serialized the object by invoking the xmlSerializer.Serialize(stream1, Name) function.

During deserialization, we read the contents of the file using Stream stream1 = new FileStream(@"D:Example.txt", FileMode.Read).

Then we created a new object by initializing an empty string string content = "". The content variable will store our deserialized data.

Finally, we used content = (string)xmlSerializer.Deserialize(stream1) to deserialize data in the file. The deserialized data was displayed using Console.WriteLine(content).

Binary serialization and deserialization

The method involved in converting an object to binary format is called binary serialization. Therefore, binary deserialization involves changing a binary object back to a human-readable format.

To perform binary serialization in C#. We use the System.Runtime.Serialization.Formatters.Binary namespace.

The following code showcases serialization and deserialization of binary objects. This process is dependent on the binary formatter class:

using System;
using System.Linq;
using System.IO;
using System.Runtime.Serialization;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using System.Text;
using System.Runtime.Serialization.Formatters.Binary;//binary serialization namespace.
namespace ConsoleApp1
  //serializable attribute make the class serializable.
  [Serializable] class Person {
    public static void BinarySerializeData() {
      string Name = "Teresia Wambui";
      Stream stream2 = new FileStream(@"C:Example.txt", FileMode.Create);//creating file to store data.
      Formatter format = new BinaryFormatter();//format object.
      format.Serialize(stream2, Name);//serialize stream2 object.
      stream2.Close();//close stream2.
    //binary deserialization.
    public static void BinaryDeserializeData(){
     Stream stream2 = new FileStream(@"C:Example.txt", FileMode.Read);//open file and read the contents.
     Formatter format = new BinaryFormatter();
     string content = "";//we are going to deserialize the binary file here.
     content = (string)format.Deserialize(stream2);//deserialize.
     stream2.Close();//close stream2.
     Console.WriteLine("Deserialized object: ");//display.
     Console.WriteLine(content)//display the deserialized data.
    static void Main(string[] args){

In the code above, we have serialized and deserialized an object using the binary formatter class.

During serialization, We first created the string Name = "Teresia Wambui" object.

Next, we created a file to store the object using Stream stream2 = new FileStream(@"C:Example.txt", FileMode.Create).

Finally, we serialized the object by invoking the format.Serialize(stream2, Name) function and passing in the required parameters.

After serialization, we proceeded to deserialize the object. We used Stream stream2 = new FileStream(@"C:Example.txt", FileMode.Read) to read the contents of the file.

Data was then deserialized using the (string)format.Deserialize(stream2) method. The results were stored in the content variable. The deserialized object was displayed using Console.WriteLine(content).

JSON serialization and deserialization

JSON serialization is the process of converting an object into JSON format.

JSON deserialization, on the other hand, involves converting the JSON file back to an object.

To achieve JSON serialization and deserialization, we use the NewtonSoft.Json namespace.

The following code shows how an object is serialized and deserialized in C# using Json serialize class:

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Net.Http;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using System.IO;
using NewtonSoft.Json;//Json serializer namespace
using NewtonSoft.Linq.Json;

namespace ConsoleApp1
  [Serializable] class Person {
    public static void JsonSerializeData() {
      string Name = "Teresia Wambui";
      Stream stream3 = new FileStream(@"C:Example.txt", FileMode.Create);//creating file to store data.
      JsonSerializer jsonSerializer = new JsonSerializer();//object for jsonSerializer
      jsonSerializer.Serialize(stream3, Name);//serialize stream3 object
      stream3.Close();//close the stream1
    public static void JsonDeserializeData(){
     Stream stream3 = new FileStream(@"C:Example.txt", FileMode.Read);//open and read the contents in the file
     JsonSerializer jsonSerializer = new JsonSerializer();
     string content = "";//we are going to deserialize the Json file here
     content = (string)Json.Deserialize(stream1);//deserialize
     stream3.Close();//close stream3
     Console.WriteLine("Deserialized object: ");//output
     Console.WriteLine(content);//output name
    static void Main(string[] args){

In the code above, we have serialized and deserialized data using a JSON class serializer.

We initialized an object using string Name = "Teresia Wambui" and then created a file to store the data by calling Stream stream3 = new FileStream(@"C:Example.txt", FileMode.Create).

Next, we used JsonSerializer jsonSerializer = new JsonSerializer(); to create an object for jsonSerializer. We then invoked jsonSerializer.Serialize(stream3, Name) to serialize the object.

During deserialization, we accessed the contents of the file using Stream stream3 = new FileStream(@"C:Example.txt", FileMode.Read).

We then created a new object (content) and initialized it to an empty string, string content = " ".

Finally, we deserialized the object by invoking content = (string)Json.Deserialize(stream1) and then displayed the results using Console.WriteLine(content).


In this article, you have learned serialization and deserialization in C#. We have also discussed the three major techniques of deserializing an object; XML deserialization, binary deserialization, and JSON deserialization.

Note that deserialization is performed after serialization.

You can therefore use this knowledge to craft other quality C# applications.

Happy coding!

Peer Review Contributions by: Wanja Mike

Published on: Dec 17, 2021
Updated on: Jul 15, 2024

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