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Custom Animations and Transition Effects Between Fragments in Android

Custom Animations and Transition Effects Between Fragments in Android

The Navigation component is part of the Android Jetpack Library and allows you to implement navigation, from simple button clicks to more complicated patterns. This makes it easier for a user to navigate from one destination to another. <!--more--> Navigating back and forth between Fragments can sometimes be confusing. With custom transition animations, if a user is heading to a new destination, we can add the respective and descriptive transition animation. Also, when navigating back to the previous Fragment, we can animate the action.

We can add custom transitions to animate the appearance and dismissal of dialog Fragments. Also, we can include shared transition elements in our app to open an image in a new destination.

Transition animations generally improve the app's user experience (UX) which helps to retain users.

Table of contents


To follow through this tutorial, you should have:

  • Android Studio installed on your machine.
  • Good knowledge of creating and running Android applications.
  • Basic information of the Kotlin programming language.
  • Basics of setting up and using Navigation Components, you can learn how to use navigation components in this tutorial.

Transition animations

Transition animations can be of 4 types:

  • Enter - bringing a new Fragment to NavHostFragment.
  • Exit - removing the currently displayed Fragment from NavHostFragment.
  • Pop Enter - when navigating back, this will bring the previous Fragment.
  • Pop Exit - this will exit the Fragment to give room for the previous Fragment to be visible.

We can also define shared element transition which animates the movement from a clicked image to a new destination. This is useful when you have images and you want to navigate to the details of a particular image. The image expands into a new destination.

With dialogs, we can animate their movement when they are being displayed and when dismissing. We can define slide-up and slide-down transition animations.

While translating different elements i.e from left, right, up, and down, we can use the following attributes in our animation resource files:

  • fromXDelta - indicates from what X-axis value we are transitioning from.
  • toXDelta - indicates to what position in the X-axis.
  • fromYDelta - indicates from what value of the Y-axis.
  • toYDelta - indicates to what value of Y-axis we are transitioning to.
  • duration in milliseconds - this is the time taken for an animation to happen.

Transition animation graph

Navigation Graph

From the graph above:

Horizontal Transitions (X-axis)

At 0%, we can move to the right which is 100%, or we can move to the left which is -100%:

  • Moving from -100% to 0% means that our fragment impends from the left. We will use this to enter our Fragment.
  • Moving from 0% to 100% means that our Fragment is moving to the right side. You can use this to exit our Fragment.
  • Moving from 0% to -100% means that our Fragment is moving to the left side. We will use this to remove the current Fragment from NavHostFragment.
  • Moving from 100% to 0% means that our fragment will come from the right side. This will be used to bring back the initial Fragment.

Vertical Transitions (Y-axis)

At 0% percent, we can move to the top which is 100%, or we can move downwards to -100%:

  • Moving from 100% to 0% means that our DialogFragment will enter from the bottom. We can use this to create a slide in animation.
  • Moving from 0% to 100% means that our DialogFragment will move from the center to the bottom. We can use this to create a slide-down animation.
  • Moving from -100% to 0% means that our DialogFragment will appear from the top.

Step 1 - Creating an animation directory

First, create a new resource directory and name it anim, this will hold our transition animations.

Step 2 - Creating transitions

Entering a Fragment

This involves bringing a new Fragment into view. This new Fragment will enter from the left side. We therefore need to create an anim called from_left. To do so, right-click the anim directory and select new >> animation layout file.

<set xmlns:android="">
    <translate android:fromXDelta="-100%" android:toXDelta="0%" android:duration="700"/>

We remove the current Fragment from NavHostFragment so that the new Fragment can be visible. The Fragment will exit towards the right side, we'll create an anim called to_right.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<set xmlns:android="">
    <translate android:fromXDelta="0%" android:toXDelta="100%" android:duration="700"/>

First, we'll need to remove the Fragment that is currently being displayed. We'll create an anim called to_left that will remove the Fragment towards the left side.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<set xmlns:android="">
    <translate android:fromXDelta="0%" android:toXDelta="-100%" android:duration="700"/>

Bringing back the initial Fragment on NavHostFragment. This Fragment will come from the right side, we'll create an anim called from_right.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<set xmlns:android="">
    <translate android:fromXDelta="100%" android:toXDelta="0%" android:duration="700"/>

Navigating back to the previous Fragment is helpful as the top back button is also animated.

Adding animations to Fragments

To add the transition animations, in your NavGraph, click on an Action which you want to animate its transition. On your right, you will see a pane that has a section for adding animations:

Animation Pane

For the home Fragment, we'll need to specify the popEnterAnim and popExitAnim to animate the ActionBar/Toolbar accordingly.

  • In the enterAnim attribute, pass from_left anim.
  • In exitAnim pass to_right anim.
  • In popEnterAnim pass from_right anim.
  • In popExitAnim pass to_left anim.

For other Fragments whose actions are not navigating to new destinations, a back button is called explicitly.

In the animation panel, you will include:

  • In popEnterAnim pass from_right anim.
  • In popExitAnim pass to_left anim.

Step 3 - Creating dialog animations

In this step, we will look at how to animate DialogFragments.

Showing the dialog

We'll create an anim called slide_up to animate our dialog from the bottom to the center of the screen.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<set xmlns:android="">
    <translate android:fromYDelta="100%" android:toYDelta="0%" android:duration="300"/>

Dismissing the dialog

We'll create an anim called slide_down to animate our Dialog as it dismisses by moving from the center to the bottom of the screen.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<set xmlns:android="">
    <translate android:fromYDelta="0%" android:toYDelta="100%" android:duration="300"/>

Adding the animations to a dialog

Adding the animations to a DialogFragment is a little bit different from that of normal Fragments.

First navigate to your res >> values. In your theme, define the following style:

<style name="DialogFragmentAnimation">
    <item name="android:windowEnterAnimation">@anim/slide_up</item>
    <item name="android:windowExitAnimation">@anim/slide_down</item>

Then in your DialogFragment, override the onActivityCreated method and add the style that we have defined to the Dialog.

override fun onActivityCreated(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {
        dialog!!.window!!.attributes.windowAnimations =

Step 4 - Creating shared element transition

Here, we will navigate to another Fragment once an image is clicked. The image will expand to a larger image in the other Fragment.

In our first Fragment layout, add an ImageView.

We must give the ImageView a transitionName - when using the shared transition element, each View needs to have a unique transitionName so that Android can determine the views it should perform the transitions on.

    app:layout_constraintTop_toBottomOf="@+id/buttonDialog" />

In our second Fragment layout, we'll also include an ImageView - an expansion of the image in the previous Fragment.

We will also give it a different transition name i.e. large image and give it different dimensions so that it can cover 3/4 of the screen.

    app:layout_constraintTop_toTopOf="parent" />

Logic for the first Fragment

In the first Fragment, we will set an onClickListener to the ImageView and add the following code to initiate the transition.

binding.image.setOnClickListener {
        val extras = FragmentNavigatorExtras(binding.image to "large_image")

        findNavController().navigate( action_FragmentOne_to_FragmentThree, null, null, extras)

We create extras of the type FragmentNavigatorExtras where we pass the id of the ImageView that is clicked, and then pass the name of transition that we need to transition to. Finally, we perform the navigation and pass the extras.

Make sure you have created an action in your NavGraph that links the first Fragment to the one we're navigating to.

Logic for the second Fragment

In the other Fragment, we need to indicate when our animation enters or leaves. Inside the onCreateView, include the following lines of code.

val animation = TransitionInflater.from(requireContext()).inflateTransition(android.R.transition.move)

sharedElementEnterTransition = animation
sharedElementReturnTransition = animation




In this tutorial, we have learned what transition animations are, and how to add animations when navigating through destinations. We have also looked at how to animate a DialogFragment's transition, and finally, how to create a shared element transition.

Go ahead and enhance your Android projects with these transitions to increase your app's interactivity. You can visit this repository for reference FragmentsTransitionsDemo.

Happy coding!

Peer Review Contributions by: Eric Gacoki

Published on: Oct 29, 2021
Updated on: Jul 15, 2024

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