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Creating User Authentication UI with Compose for Desktop

Creating User Authentication UI with Compose for Desktop

Desktop applications are used almost everywhere. For example, in a school management system. Before Jetpack Compose, the Java SWING library was used to develop most desktop applications. <!--more--> With the introduction of Compose for Desktop, we now have a choice of which technology to use when we want to develop a desktop app.

Compose for Desktop allows us to develop desktop apps with lovely user interfaces like the ones in Android apps. This framework can be used to create desktop applications for Windows, macOS, or Linux platforms.

Kotlin multi-platform also allows users to build Compose Web Applications, as well as Multi-platform Applications.

Table of contents


To best understand this tutorial, the reader must have:

Getting started

In this tutorial, we will learn how to use Compose for Desktop by building simple user authentication screens. We will create some basic views like TextField and Button in a Compose Desktop app.

IntelliJ IDEA has built-in Kotlin plugins and Compose for Desktop libraries. Therefore, there is no need to add them manually.

Step 1 - Creating the project

To create a Compose Desktop application, open your IntelliJ IDEA then follow the steps below:

  1. Right-click on Files.
  2. Select New Project.
  3. Choose Kotlin programming language on the left pane.
  4. Assign a name to your project.
  5. Select Compose Desktop Application in the Project Template.
  6. Click the Next button.

creating project

Ensure that the JDK is at least JDK 11, then click on Finish to create your project.

JDK version

Step 2 - Understanding Compose Desktop application project structure

To get us started, we will first look at the project structure of a typical Compose project. After you have created the app successfully, you will realize that JetBrains compose plugins and libraries are included in the build.gradle.kts file by default.

id("org.jetbrains.compose") version "1.0.0"

You will also realize that a directory is created with the name that you assigned to your project. Inside the directory, there are various sub-directories like .gradle, .idea, build, gradle and src. These directories contain libraries useful when building a Compose desktop app.

The src directory is where we will write our code. This directory has a sub-directory main that has two sub-directories which are kotlin and test.

The kotlin directory has a file named Main.kt. This is the file that contains the App Composable and the Main function from which the execution of the program begins.

// App composable
fun App() {
    // A variable for holding the field state
    var text by remember { mutableStateOf("Hello, World!") }
    MaterialTheme {
        Button(onClick = {
            text = "Hello, Desktop!"
        }) {
// Main funtion where the execution of the program begins
fun main() = application {
    Window(onCloseRequest = ::exitApplication) {

Step 3 - User Login class

In this step, we will learn how to create a Compose Desktop screen with views. Right-click on the kotlin folder then select New and then Kotlin Class/File to create a new class and name it LoginScreen.

This class will act as our login screen interface where the user can enter login details.

class LoginScreen {
    fun LoginScreen(){
        val scaffoldState = rememberScaffoldState()
        var textFieldStateEmail by remember {
        var textFieldStatePassword by remember {
        val scope = rememberCoroutineScope()
            modifier = Modifier.fillMaxSize(),
            scaffoldState = scaffoldState
        ) {
                horizontalAlignment = Alignment.CenterHorizontally,
                verticalArrangement = Arrangement.Center,
                modifier = Modifier.fillMaxSize().padding(horizontal = 24.dp)
                    value = textFieldStateEmail,
                    label = {
                        Text("Enter your Email")
                    onValueChange = {
                        textFieldStateEmail = it
                    keyboardOptions = KeyboardOptions(
                        capitalization = KeyboardCapitalization.None,
                        autoCorrect = false,
                        keyboardType = KeyboardType.Email,
                        imeAction = ImeAction.Next
                    singleLine = true,
                    modifier = Modifier.fillMaxWidth()
                Spacer(modifier = Modifier.height(16.dp))
                    value = textFieldStatePassword,
                    label = {
                        Text("Enter your Password")
                    onValueChange = {
                        textFieldStatePassword = it
                    // Enable user input from the keyboard
                    keyboardOptions = KeyboardOptions(
                        capitalization = KeyboardCapitalization.None,
                        autoCorrect = false,
                        keyboardType = KeyboardType.Password,
                        imeAction = ImeAction.Next
                    // Enable password input type by showing dots for password security
                    visualTransformation = PasswordVisualTransformation(),
                    singleLine = true,
                    modifier = Modifier.fillMaxWidth()
                Spacer(modifier = Modifier.height(16.dp))
                Button(onClick = {
                    scope.launch {
                        scaffoldState.snackbarHostState.showSnackbar("Button Clicked $textFieldStateEmail")

This class has a single composable function LoginScreen that implements the login screen layout.

  • Scaffold - Compose layout that allows for already existing material design components like a ToolBar.
  • Column - Composable that allows views to be arranged on top of each other.
  • TextField - Composable that allows us to create a text input field.
  • Spacer - Composable for creating a space between views.
  • Button - Composable for creating a button.
  • Text - Composable for holding texts.

These Composable have different functions that allow unique actions when triggered. For instance, the onClick function in the button triggers a click listener when the button is clicked.

Note: The function is annotated by the @Composable that shows that we are using JetBrains compose for desktop.


Step 4 - User Registration class

In this class, we will create a Composable function RegisterScreen to implement the register screen interface.

class RegisterScreen {
    fun RegisterScreen(){
        var scaffoldStateRegister = rememberScaffoldState()
        var textFieldStateFName by remember {
        var textFieldStateLName by remember {
        var textFieldStatePhone by remember {
        var textFieldStateREmail by remember {
        var textFieldStatePassword by remember {
        var scope = rememberCoroutineScope()
            modifier = Modifier.fillMaxSize(),
            scaffoldState = scaffoldStateRegister
        ) {
                horizontalAlignment = Alignment.CenterHorizontally,
                verticalArrangement = Arrangement.Center,
                modifier = Modifier.fillMaxSize().padding(horizontal = 24.dp)
                    value = textFieldStateFName,
                    label = {
                        Text("Enter your First Name")
                    onValueChange = {
                        textFieldStateFName = it
                    keyboardOptions = KeyboardOptions(
                        capitalization = KeyboardCapitalization.None,
                        autoCorrect = false,
                        keyboardType = KeyboardType.Text,
                        imeAction = ImeAction.Next
                    singleLine = true,
                    modifier = Modifier.fillMaxWidth()
                Spacer(modifier = Modifier.height(16.dp))
                    value = textFieldStateLName,
                    label = {
                        Text("Enter your Last Name")
                    onValueChange = {
                        textFieldStateLName = it
                    keyboardOptions = KeyboardOptions(
                        capitalization = KeyboardCapitalization.None,
                        autoCorrect = false,
                        keyboardType = KeyboardType.Text,
                        imeAction = ImeAction.Next
                    singleLine = true, modifier = Modifier.fillMaxWidth(),
                Spacer(modifier = Modifier.height(16.dp))
                    value = textFieldStateREmail,
                    label = {
                        Text("Enter your Email")
                    onValueChange = {
                        textFieldStateREmail = it
                    keyboardOptions = KeyboardOptions(
                        capitalization = KeyboardCapitalization.None,
                        autoCorrect = false,
                        keyboardType = KeyboardType.Number,
                        imeAction = ImeAction.Next
                    singleLine = true, modifier = Modifier.fillMaxWidth(),
                Spacer(modifier = Modifier.height(16.dp))
                    value = textFieldStatePhone,
                    label = {
                        Text("Enter your Phone Number")
                    onValueChange = {
                        textFieldStatePhone = it
                    keyboardOptions = KeyboardOptions(
                        capitalization = KeyboardCapitalization.None,
                        autoCorrect = false,
                        keyboardType = KeyboardType.Number,
                        imeAction = ImeAction.Next
                    singleLine = true, modifier = Modifier.fillMaxWidth(),
                Spacer(modifier = Modifier.height(16.dp))
                    value = textFieldStatePassword,
                    label = {
                        Text("Enter your Password")
                    onValueChange = {
                        textFieldStatePassword = it
                    keyboardOptions = KeyboardOptions(
                        capitalization = KeyboardCapitalization.None,
                        autoCorrect = false,
                        keyboardType = KeyboardType.Password,
                        imeAction = ImeAction.Next
                    visualTransformation = PasswordVisualTransformation(),
                    singleLine = true, modifier = Modifier.fillMaxWidth(),
                Spacer(modifier = Modifier.height(16.dp))
                Button(onClick = {
                    scope.launch {
                        scaffoldStateRegister.snackbarHostState.showSnackbar("Button Clicked $textFieldStatePassword")

The Register class implementation is just the same as the LoginScreen but with more text fields. We will, therefore, use the same explanation.


Step 5 - Main class

In this class, we will create the objects of our classes and use the objects to invoke the composable methods.

fun App() {
    MaterialTheme {
        // LoginScreen object
        val login = LoginScreen()
        // RegisterScreen object
        val register = RegisterScreen()
fun main() = application {
    Window(onCloseRequest = ::exitApplication) {

Kotlin is considered a multi-platform language. This means you can build an app that runs on multiple platforms.

This project can be downloaded from this GitHub repository.


In this tutorial, we learned how to build desktop apps using Jetpack Compose and Kotlin.

To supplement the content from this article you can follow up on some of the links listed below.

Happy coding!

Further reading

Peer Review Contributions by: Wanja Mike

Published on: Jul 5, 2022
Updated on: Jul 25, 2024

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