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Creating a Custom Animated Shimmer Effect with Jetpack Compose

Creating a Custom Animated Shimmer Effect with Jetpack Compose

The shimmer effect gives an appealing appearance on specific parts in an application. It is used as a placeholder when the content of the app is loading. <!--more--> This content could be from the internet or from the device's local storage. When the data is fetched, the shimmer effect stops, and the data is displayed.

In this tutorial, we will create an animated shimmer effect in Jetpack Compose.


To follow along with this tutorial, the reader should:

  • Have Android Studio installed.
  • Have an understanding of the Kotlin programming language.
  • Have an understanding and experience of building Android apps using Jetpack Compose.


By the end of this tutorial, the reader will be able to:

  • Create Shimmer effect with Jetpack Compose.
  • Create Shimmer grid items.
  • Customize Shimmer's time, color, and animate it.


In this tutorial, you will encounter the following Compose terminologies:

  • Modifier - This property is used to change a component's appearance.
  • Composables - Functions that programmatically define an app's UI. They describe how it should appear.
  • Spacer - It is a component that displays an empty space between objects on the UI.
  • Row - In Compose, a row aligns items horizontally.
  • Column - Aligns items vertically.
  • Easing - Easing is a way to adjust an animation's fraction. It determines the acceleration of the animation during the start-end interoperation.

Let's get started.

Step 1 - Creating a new Compose project

To create a new Compose project, launch Android Studio and select New Project then Compose Activity. Name it ShimmerDemo and click on finish to build the project.

Wait till the building is finished.

Create Project-1

Create Project-2

Step 2 - Creating a new Kotlin file

Right-click on the app's package folder and create a new Kotlin file. Name this file Shimmer or any other name of your choice.

In the Shimmer file, we will create a composable function that will define how the Shimmer will appear.

We'll declare a list of colors to be used for our brush tool in a function. The colors are arranged in such a way that the lighter color is at the center. This gives some visual appeal.

In this tutorial, we will use grey color but for your project, you can use colors of your choice.

The composable LoadingShimmerEffect() function will look as follows:

fun LoadingShimmerEffect(){

   //These colors will be used on the brush. The lightest color should be in the middle

   val gradient = listOf(
       Color.LightGray.copy(alpha = 0.9f), //darker grey (90% opacity)
       Color.LightGray.copy(alpha = 0.3f), //lighter grey (30% opacity)
       Color.LightGray.copy(alpha = 0.9f)
   val transition = rememberInfiniteTransition() // animate infinite times

   val translateAnimation = transition.animateFloat( //animate the transition
       initialValue = 0f,
       targetValue = 1000f,
       animationSpec = infiniteRepeatable(
           animation = tween(
               durationMillis = 1000, // duration for the animation
               easing = FastOutLinearInEasing
   val brush = linearGradient(
       colors = gradient,
       start = Offset(200f, 200f),
       end = Offset(x = translateAnimation.value,
       y = translateAnimation.value)
   ShimmerGridItem(brush = brush)

The rememberInfiniteTransition() is a composable function that animates the shimmer infinitely. The translateAnimation will animate the shimmer with the provided values.

translateAnimation takes in initialValue, targetValue and animationSpec parameters. The animation will run from initialValue to targetValue and repeat.

During the animation, if the initialValue changes, the animation will restart with the new value. This also applies when the targetValue changes. The animation will thus, have no consistency.

You can customize the delay time for your shimmer effect using durationMillis. In our case, we specified the value to 1000 milliseconds. That is equal to 1 second.

For the animation specifications, you can use any animationSpec of your choice. You can specify the data type to be animated, as well as the animation configuration.

For easing, you can choose any type you wish to apply in your application. To expand more of this, read on Jetpack Compose animations.

Step 3 - Creating Shimmer grid items

Start by creating a Composable function named ShimmerGridItem(). This function will define how our single shimmer item will appear on the screen.

We are going to create a single row containing several shapes. We'll then use these shapes for our shimmer effect.

The code will be as follows:

fun ShimmerGridItem(brush: Brush) {
   Row(modifier = Modifier
       .padding(all = 10.dp), verticalAlignment = Alignment.Top) {

       Spacer(modifier = Modifier
       Spacer(modifier = Modifier.width(10.dp))
       Column(verticalArrangement = Arrangement.Center) {
           Spacer(modifier = Modifier
               .fillMaxWidth(fraction = 0.5f)

           Spacer(modifier = Modifier.height(10.dp)) //creates an empty space between
           Spacer(modifier = Modifier
               .fillMaxWidth(fraction = 0.7f)

           Spacer(modifier = Modifier.height(10.dp)) //creates an empty space between 
           Spacer(modifier = Modifier
               .fillMaxWidth(fraction = 0.9f)

In the above function, we have created a single row containing all the items we needed. These items are a shape to represent an image placeholder and three more rounded shapes to act as text placeholders.

Make sure you call the ShimmerGridItem() method inside the LoadingShimmerEffect() function.

Upon preview, the row we just created will appear as follows:

Row preview


Previewing on the screen is done as follows:

@Preview(showBackground = true)
fun ShimmerPreview(){
   ShimmerGridItem(brush = linearGradient(
           Color.LightGray.copy(alpha = 0.9f),
           Color.LightGray.copy(alpha = 0.4f),
           Color.LightGray.copy(alpha = 0.9f)

NOTE: All the above functions are in the same Kotlin file we created. ie. Shimmer.kt.

@Preview feature is provided by the Android Studio to offer composable previews. Setting it to true will make the composable function to appear on the design screen.

If the preview doesn't render, add the following dependency in the app-level build.gradle.

implementation "androidx.compose.ui:ui-tooling:1.0.5"

Sync your project and wait for the build to finish. You will be able to see a preview of your design on the design screen. This offers interaction between you and the composables.

This interactive mode has some limitations though. Some of them are:

  • There is neither network nor files access.
  • Not all Context APIs are available.

Step 4 - MainActivity.kt

To run our app on a physical device/emulator, make sure you add the following in the MainActivity.kt file.

class MainActivity : ComponentActivity() {
   override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {
       setContent {
           ShimmerTheme {
               Column {
                   repeat(8) {

NOTE: ShimmerTheme is created by Android Studio. If you gave your app another name, it will appear as YourAppNameTheme

Inside the ShimmerTheme we created a column and repeated the Shimmer eight times. This will display our single shimmer grid items eight times.

After the data is fetched successfully, make sure you stop the shimmer effect. This will allow the data to be displayed on the screen.


Creating a shimmer effect in Jetpack Compose is easy. You can create a shimmer effect of your own design, colors, and delay time to make your app more appealing to users.

Happy Composing!

Peer Review Contributions by: Eric Gacoki

Published on: Jan 19, 2022
Updated on: Jul 12, 2024

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