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Comparing RxKotlin to Kotlin Coroutines

Comparing RxKotlin to Kotlin Coroutines

RxKotlin is a kotlin library built on top of RxJava that adds a basic lightweight extension function to RxJava, making it easier to work with in Kotlin. <!--more--> Kotlin Coroutines, on the other hand, are little threads that make asynchronous code execution easier.

RxKotlin's main feature is its ability to prevent memory leaks up to 90% by replacing normal Android techniques, which is similar to garbage collection in C.


To follow along with is the tutorial, you need to:

  • Have a basic understanding of the Kotlin programming language.
  • Have a basic understanding of Android development.
  • Be familiar with the implementation of Room database concepts.


This article will walk the reader through the concept of RxKotlin and how it is used in Android applications, its benefits, drawbacks, and the features that distinguish it from kotlin coroutines.

Features of RxKotlin

  • Observable - These are the sequence of data or events that are reacted to the data from web service or introduced by the user.
  • Subscriber - This is an extension function that is used on an observable variable to ensure that the observer sends an event.
  • Flowable - This is a framework on RxKotlin that is used when observables emit a huge amount of data.
  • Maybe - This is a programming strategy for RxKotlin that emits an error, single value, or no value. It is a good strategy for the database concept which requires things like update and deletion.
  • Disposable - It is an interface within the RxKotlin library that provides the method dispose() used to cancel the subscription.

Advantages of Rxkotlin to Kotlin Coroutines

  • It is possible to unsubscribe from an observer in RxKotlin using the built-in class Disposable which isn't available in the Kotlin coroutine.
  • To deal with backpressure, RxKotlin makes use of Flowable. Backpressure occurs when an observable produces a huge amount of data that the user's device can't handle.
  • With the help of the maybe programming method, RxKotlin can provide one output at a time.

Disadvantages of RxKotlin

  • observerOn() and subscriberOn() are used in RxKotlin to assign tasks, which can be confusing to most programmers.
  • The concept of callback, which is present in Kotlin coroutines is not considered in RxKotlin.
  • Background thread substitution is not obvious in RxKotlin since its implementation makes the code less clean and verbose.

Getting Started with RxKotlin

To understand the concept and implementation of RxKotlin we'll be using a room database to store and retrieve data using RxKotlin.

Step 1: Start a new project

Launch the Android Studio IDE and create an empty activity project as shown below:

new project

Step 2: Adding RxKotlin and Room database dependencies

Navigate to the project and select the package Gradle scripts. Next, select build.gradle app-level and add the following dependencies and sync the project.

implementation "io.reactivex.rxjava3:rxandroid:3.0.0"
implementation "io.reactivex.rxjava3:rxkotlin:3.0.1"

// Room Database
def room_version = "2.4.1"
implementation "$room_version"
kapt "$room_version"

Ensure you add the Kotlin-Kapt within the plugins.

Step 3: Creating the User Interface

Let's create a user interface that will allow us to display data in a recyclerview as well as add data to our room database. We'll use edit text and a button to add data.

once you design the user interface it should appear as shown below:

  • Displaying data:

display data

  • Adding Data:

add data

Step 4: Setting Up Room Database

To work with room, we must first set up all of the required properties, which include Entity, Dao, and Database.

Entity class

This is a data class that is used to represent a table and all the content it holds. It is implemented as shown below:

@Entity(tableName = "Details_table")
data class DetailsEntity(
    @PrimaryKey(autoGenerate = true)
    val id: Int = 0,
    val name: String? = null,
    val weight: String? = null

The data access object (DAO)

This is a class that contains all of the methods that will be used to interact with the database. It is implemented as follows:

interface DetailsDao {
    fun insertDetails(details: DetailsEntity)

    fun deleteDetails(details: DetailsEntity)

    @Query("SELECT * FROM Details_table ORDER BY id ASC")
    fun getAllDetails(): List<DetailsEntity>

    fun updateDetails(details: DetailsEntity)
    abstract fun findCheese(s: String): List<DetailsEntity>

Database class

The database is in the application's backend. The code below illustrates how the application database should be designed and implemented.

@Database(entities = [DetailsEntity::class], exportSchema = false, version = 1)
abstract class DetailsDatabase :RoomDatabase() {
    abstract val detailsDao: DetailsDao

    companion object {

        private var INSTANCE: DetailsDatabase? = null

        fun getInstance(context: Context): DetailsDatabase {
            synchronized(this) {
                var instance = INSTANCE

                if (instance == null) {
                    instance = Room.databaseBuilder(context.applicationContext,

                    INSTANCE = instance
                return instance

Step 5: Creating adapter class

The adapter class is used to connect the entity of the room database to the views to effectively show data. It's done as shown below:

class DetailsAdapter : ListAdapter<DetailsEntity, DetailsAdapter.MyViewHolder>(DiffUtilCallback) {

    // Compare old and new data
    object DiffUtilCallback : DiffUtil.ItemCallback<DetailsEntity>() {
        override fun areItemsTheSame(oldItem: DetailsEntity, newItem: DetailsEntity): Boolean {
            return oldItem == newItem

        override fun areContentsTheSame(oldItem: DetailsEntity, newItem: DetailsEntity): Boolean {
            return ==

    // Connect the data with the views
    inner class MyViewHolder(private val binding: RxRowBinding) : RecyclerView.ViewHolder(binding.root) {
        fun bind(details: DetailsEntity?) {
            binding.tvName.text = details?.name
            binding.tvWeight.text = details?.weight

    override fun onCreateViewHolder(parent: ViewGroup, viewType: Int): MyViewHolder {
        return MyViewHolder(
            RxRowBinding.inflate(LayoutInflater.from(parent.context), parent, false)

    override fun onBindViewHolder(holder: MyViewHolder, position: Int) {
        val note = getItem(position)

Step 6: Implementing RxKotlin to add data to Room

When conducting data addition, we have the option of using coroutines or RxKotlin, both of which allow us to do it in the background. To accomplish this in RxKotlin, we'll create a function to assist us in performing this procedure and load the subscription into the onCreate method. The following is an example of how it's done.

private fun addingDetails(context: Context): Flowable<List<Long>> {
        return Maybe.fromAction<List<Long>>(){
            // creating database instance
            val database = DetailsDatabase.getInstance(context = context).detailsDao

            // Adding data using the data class
            val details = DetailsEntity(0,binding.edtName.text.toString(),binding.edtWeight.text.toString())
            // inserting data
        }.toFlowable() // using flowable to handle huge data emission
            .observeOn(AndroidSchedulers.mainThread())  //placing observer to the main thread
            .subscribeOn( //subscribing to the IO thread
            .doOnComplete {
                Toast.makeText(context, "Completed", Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show()
            .doOnError {
                Toast.makeText(context, "A error ocurred", Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show()

Loading subscription

override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {
    binding = ActivityAddDetailBinding.inflate(layoutInflater)

    //creating database instance
    detailsDatabase = DetailsDatabase.getInstance(applicationContext)
    detailsDao = detailsDatabase.detailsDao

    // adding click listener button
    binding.btnAdd.setOnClickListener {
        if (binding.edtName.text.toString().isEmpty()){
            binding.edtName.error = "Required"
        } else if (binding.edtWeight.text.toString().isEmpty()){
            binding.edtWeight.error = "Required"
            // load subscription using disposable
            val loadDisposable = addingDetails(this).subscribe()

            // shifting to the next activity
            val intent = Intent(this,

Step 7: Using RxKotlin to display data

Data should be presented once it has been entered into the database. To display data, we follow the steps outlined below:

// setting data to the recyclerview
private fun dataDisplay(context: Context): Flowable<List<Long>> {
    return Maybe.fromAction<List<Long>>(){

        //creating and submitting list to the recyclerview
        val myList = detailsDao.getAllDetails()
        binding.detailsRecycler.adapter = adapter

        .doOnComplete {
            Toast.makeText(context, "Added", Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show()
        .doOnError {
            Toast.makeText(context, "Error Ocurred", Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show()

Upon running the app, you should expect the following output:



In this tutorial, we have discussed the differences between RxKotlin and Kotlin Coroutines, RxKotlin's advantages and downsides, terms used in the RxKotlin implementation as well as how to use RxKotlin.

You can get the full code on this GitHub repository.

Peer Review Contributions by: Eric Gacoki

Published on: Mar 2, 2022
Updated on: Jul 12, 2024

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