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    Building a Simple Nest.js Application using Redis

    Building a Simple Nest.js Application using Redis

    Nest.js is a JavaScript framework used for building efficient, scalable, and static server-side applications. Nest.js is built on top of React for better rendering and abstraction. This enables you to build powerful React applications. <!--more--> Nest.js allows you to build React applications that support server-side rendering. Traditionally with React, you can only render on the client-side which impacts SEO negatively.

    With server-side rendering, pages are rendered during the build-up phase. The content is then served ahead of time to the user or search engine bots.


    This tutorial will show you how to build a Nest.js microservice application that uses Redis as a message transporter.

    An overview of a microservice

    A microservice is an architectural design that allows one to create small modules/components of an application that can scale on demand. Each component is packaged independently and can communicate and interact with each other through APIs.

    Nest.js comes with in-built support for microservice architecture and multiple transport layers. These transport layers are in charge of transferring messages between microservice instances.

    We can use Redis as a transport layer protocol for end-to-end connectivity. Redis allows flow control and segmentation between different microservices. As a result, each microservice can connect to different channels, and every channel can have various microservices connected to it.

    Let's now build a Nest.js microservice application using Redis as the transporter.


    • We are going to bundle Nest.js CLI using a Node.js package. Therefore, ensure that you have Node.js installed to have NPM on your computer. The Node.js installer can be downloaded from here.

    • Nest.js is bundled and backed by Typescript. So a basic knowledge of Typescript is required.

    • To implement a microservice architecture, we are going to use Redis as the transporter. So make sure Redis is installed on your computer.

    Let's get started.

    Step 1: Setting the application environment

    We will begin by installing the Nest.js CLI using the Node.js package manager.

    The Nest CLI is a command-line GUI framework that aids you in configuring, creating, and maintaining your Nest.js applications. This helps with several activities including scaffolding a Nest.js project, serving it in a development context, as well as creating and packaging the production application.

    The following command will help us install Nest CLI globally:

    npm i -g @nestjs/cli

    Now that we have Nest.js CLI ready, we can go ahead to create a Nest.js application template.

    Here is a command to set that up:

    nest new nest-ms

    We need to turn our newly created project into a monorepo. A monorepo refers to a single repository hosting different microservices.

    Change directory to nest-ms.

    To generate the monorepo in the app, we run the following command inside the nest-ms folder:

    nest generate app new_app

    After running the command above, you will observe that an apps folder will be created. This will scaffold our project and generate controllers, providers, and services for a Nest.js project.

    Step 2: Adding microservices and Redis packages

    Install the microservices and redis packages using the following NPM command:

    npm install @nestjs/microservices redis
    • @nestjs/microservices - It will allow you to set various configurations for our microservice.

    • redis - It will help connect with redis currently installed locally.

    Step 3: Adding transporter configurations

    We will add the configuration for the transporter as follows:

    First, navigate to the new_app that you generated with the nest generate app command.

    Then go to apps/new-app/src/main.ts and replace the main.ts with the lines of code shown below:

    import { NestFactory } from '@nestjs/core';
    import { NewAppModule } from './new-app.module';
    import { Transport } from '@nestjs/microservices';
    async function bootstrap() {
      const app = await NestFactory.createMicroservice(NewAppModule, {
        transport: Transport.REDIS, //setting transporter
        options: {
          url: 'redis://localhost:6379',
      await app.listen();

    In the code above, we are creating a microservice and setting the transporter as Redis.

    Step 4: Adding client service configurations

    In the apps/nest-ms/src/app.service.ts file, add the following code:

    import { Injectable } from '@nestjs/common';
    import {
    } from '@nestjs/microservices';
    export class AppService {
      private client: ClientProxy;
      constructor() {
        this.client = ClientProxyFactory.create({
          transport: Transport.REDIS,
          options: {
            url: 'redis://localhost:6379',
      getHello(): string {
        return 'Hello World!';

    In the code above, we are setting up the client with a Proxy Factory and using redis as the transporter.

    Step 5: Running and testing the application

    We use the following command to initiate the Redis server:

    sudo systemctl start redis

    We can start the application by executing the following command from the project's root directory:

    npm start

    We then open another terminal and run the command below:

    npm start new-app

    In your browser, navigate to http://localhost:3000.

    The content of the page should be nearly identical to the image below.



    You now have a Nest.js microservice application that uses Redis as a transporter. You can utilize the knowledge and skills gained from this tutorial to craft other powerful applications.

    Happy coding!!

    Peer Review Contributions by: Mohan Raj

    Published on: Aug 2, 2021
    Updated on: Jul 15, 2024

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