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Building Data Driven Applications in React

Building Data Driven Applications in React

In a data-driven application, the data that is processed in the application is governed by the application flow. The data-set input may change your applications behavior. This means data influence your decisions. <!--more--> This article will focus on data-driven applications in React.

It would be unsuitable to have to reform our application components every time we have a change in our application data. We need more data to have a credible data-driven application that is captivating to an extensive variety of business users.


To follow along the reader will need the following:

  • A suitable IDE such as VS Code, IntelliJ, or NetBeans.
  • Basic knowledge of React.
  • Basic understanding of Relay framework.

Key takeaways

In this article the reader will learn the following:

  • What are data driven applications.
  • Data-driven components.
  • How to build data-driven applications.

Examples of React frameworks used to build Data-driven applications

  1. Relay - Relay helps with the management of data-fetching, the number of components in your application does not matter.

  2. React-admin - This a react framework used to build data-driven applications. React-admin component guesses the format to apply based totally on the records fetched from the API. React-admin needs a data provider function for it to translate data.

  3. Data-driven forms - Data driven forms is an open source react library that allows you to store complex forms in the database so you can reuse them in numerous developer environments.

How to build data-driven components in React

In this section we will showcase how to build data-driven app header. React permits us to send data to an element within the same syntax as HTML, using attributes or properties on a factor.

When building our components we will be using static JSX templates. We will be adding our React code within our HTML code.

We will begin by adding the following HTML code:

    <meta charset="utf-8" />

Then we will add the React library cdn.js using the code below followed by babel:

<!-- Script tags including React -->
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>

Let's now add a font and icon toolkit by linking the font awesome to our code and then adding a <body> which will contain class demo, class notificationsFrame and an id-app.

Then a <script> tag as shown below:

   <link href=""
   rel="stylesheet"type="text/css" />
    <div class="demo">
      <div class="notificationsFrame">
        <div id="app"></div>
    <script type="text/babel">

Lets now build our app header using the two components:

  1. Header component
  2. App component

The Header component

To create the component, add the following code:

   class Header extends React.Component {
        render() {
          return (
            <div className="header">
         <span className="title">Profile</span>

App Component

We will use the Header component by placing it in App component as shown below:

      class App extends React.Component {
        render() {
          return (
            <Header  title="Profile" />

Going data-driven

Now let's add some features in our app header by adding the code below in our header component, below the className header:

      <div className="menukey"></div>
      <div className="dashTop"></div>
      <div className="dashBottom"></div>
      <div className="circle"></div>

Lets add data in our component. When we look at our Header as it is right now, the header component only has profile as our title.

This means we can not set the title to anything else. It would be satisfactory for us to reuse it in different elements/components of our page, the title of profile is not suitable for every use. Subsequently we could tell react what we want to set the title to something else like settings, chat, etc.

We could change our <span className="title">Profile</span> by passing it as a prop using the code below:

      <span className="title">{this.props.title}</span>

This allows us to pass in our title as an attribute on the <Header/>. The attribute calls title to a string, like so <Header title="Profile" /> this makes it possible for us to call our header component as many times as we wish.

Hence this will allow the user to choose the header of his/her preference according to the task he/she wants to carry out.

Let's now add a search bar and search icon in our app header to make it more interactive:

      <input type="text"
       placeholder="Search .../>
      <div className="fa fa-search searchIcon"></div>

Now call our Header component three times by adding the following code inside the div in our App component as shown below:

    <Header  title="Profile" />
    <Header title="Settings" />
    <Header title="Chat" />

Don't forget to add the closing tags and call react.Dom to place your app on the page:

   ReactDOM.render(<App />,

This results in three Header components to mount like this.

Now we are able to reuse the header component with a dynamic title property.

Some examples of data-driven React GitHub projects you can practice

Other examples of data-driven real-world applications

  • Survey monkey where you can make a questionnaire and have people answer. The output you see is driven by data. Data in this case is what has been inputted and its processing “drives” the result.
  • Quora - data in general is input. Quora is a data-driven application but in a different way. It has statistics but the value of the application is not particularly in what is written but rather in what is read. Hence the output is not entirely driven by data.
  • Login form - here the data (username, password) is transferred from database of that particular website (vice-versa).
  • Twitter which is data-driven, in a case that you input data in the app e.g by posting tweets. Then the data you add allows you to create an account and login. Also Twitter uses data-driven practices for ads.


"Data-driven programming can probably have different meanings, but here is the one I use it for: it is a style of programming in which specialization is done through data structures and not boilerplate code." ~ Pierre Chapuis.

I hope you found this article helpful.

Happy coding!

Peer Review Contributions by: Monica Masae

Published on: Nov 3, 2021
Updated on: Jul 12, 2024

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