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    Integrating Bing Maps in a Spring Boot Application Using Angular

    Integrating Bing Maps in a Spring Boot Application Using Angular

    We often find ourselves in a position to integrate maps in our applications. This tutorial will show you how to integrate Bing Maps with Angular, Spring Boot, and relational databases. <!--more--> Users will be able to play around with the map to show different site properties at different times.

    Table of contents


    This tutorial will walk you through everything you need to know about MS Bing Maps, how to integrate it using Angular 11, Spring Boot backend, and H2/Postgres relational databases.


    To follow this article, you'll need to have;

    • Basic knowledge of Angular, especially designing RESTful endpoints.
    • Background knowledge of using the Spring Boot framework.
    • Java Persistence API(JPA) for persisting data between Java objects and relational databases.
    • Bing maps portal account to generate API keys for our application maps.
    • Basic liquibase knowledge.

    It's also important to note that this is not an introductory tutorial to Angular and Spring Boot. To follow along this tutorial, you should have an application up and running. Additionally, you can clone the source code from my GitHub repository.

    Setting up the project backend

    Since we will need a database for this project, we are going load our data from liquibase for testing.

    We will also create a repository that will be used to set different dates to filter data. For example, if we need data for 2010, we set it there and so on.

    Let's look at an example:

    // defining how to retrieve site data from a repo
    public interface SiteRepository extends JpaRepository<Site, Long>{
     @Query("select cs from CompanySite cs where lower(cs.title) like %:title% and cs.atDate >= :from and cs.atDate <= :to")
     List<Site> findByTitleFromTo(@Param("title") String title, @Param("from") LocalDate from,  @Param("to") LocalDate to);

    In the above snippet, we query data from our database to retrieve the name and the date.

    With this repository, we can create a service to load the data as shown below:

    public Collection<Site> findSiteByTitleAndYear(String title, Long year) {
      if (title == null || title.length() < 2) {
       return List.of();
      // define beginning year of type LocalDate and endOfYear
      LocalDate beginOfYear = LocalDate.of(year.intValue(), 1, 1);
      LocalDate endOfYear = LocalDate.of(year.intValue(), 12, 31);
      //return the result
      return this.SiteRepository.findByTitleFromTo(title.toLowerCase(), beginOfYear, endOfYear);

    Now that we've defined our repository and services, we can proceed to create a controller and design our RESTful endpoints for the application.

    // in this section, we inject the previously created service in the controller
    public SiteController(SiteService SiteService, EntityDtoMapper entityDtoMapper) {
      this.SiteService = SiteService;
      this.entityDtoMapper = entityDtoMapper;
     // RequestMapping to get api data
     @RequestMapping(value = "/title/{title}/year/{year}", method = RequestMethod.GET, produces = MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON_VALUE)
     public ResponseEntity<List<SiteDto>> getSiteByTitle(@PathVariable("title") String title,
       @PathVariable("year") Long year) {
      List<CSiteDto> SiteDtos = this.SiteService.findSiteByTitleAndYear(title, year)
        .stream().map(Site -> this.entityDtoMapper.mapToDto(Site)).collect(Collectors.toList());
      return new ResponseEntity<List<SiteDto>>(SiteDtos, HttpStatus.OK);

    In the above code, we import the service and inject it into our controller.

    We then proceed to define our RESTful endpoints using the RequestMapping annotation. We return the result using the ResponseEntity with a HTTP status of 200 i.e OK.

    Do not forget to update the as shown below:


    Get the complete backend code here.

    Setting up the frontend for Bing map

    This part assumes you have gone through the documentation of Bing maps. Otherwise, get the full tutorial here.

    This frontend is designed using the Angular Material to display locations and properties as shown below:

    bing map application screenshot

    Let's add the HTML content that we will use to display the Bing map for our site.

      <!-- the form fields(inputs)-->
        <!-- BEGIN company site input field-->
        <mat-form-field class="example-full-width">
            placeholder="Pick one"
          <!-- this is a material feature for input autocomplete -->
              *ngFor="let option of companySiteOptions | async"
      <!-- END company site input field-->
        <!-- BEGIN year slider -->
        <span class="my-year" i18n="@@companysite.slideryear">
          Year: {{ componentForm.get('sliderYear').value }}</span
      <!-- END year slider -->

    In the above markup, we use the Angular Material to design our page layout, starting with the company site input which has an autocomplete feature and an output field for year slider.

    It's important to note that the Angular form group in the above HTML won't work until we define it in the ts file as shown below:

    //manipulte DOM elements
     bingMapContainer: ElementRef;
    //get new locations
     newLocations: NewLocation[] = [];
     map: Microsoft.Maps.Map = null;
     resetInProgress = false;
    //an observable to get company options
     companySiteOptions: Observable<CompanySite[]>;
        //a form builder for reactive forms
     componentForm ={
      companySite: ['Finkenwerder', Validators.required],
      sliderYear: [2020],
      property: ['add Property', Validators.required]

    In the above code, we define bingMapContainer to wrap our DOM elements to inject the map. We've also added the form builder to create reactive forms for our Bing application.

    Get the complete frontend code in this GitHub repository.


    In this tutorial, we have built an Angular 11 project with Spring Boot and a JPA H2 database. We have seen how to integrate Bing Maps into the application and display them on the browser.

    You can clone the project and test its functionality. The project is configured to use Gradle which may take a while to build as well as Kubernetes and docker.

    Full application Screenshot

    Happy coding!

    Peer Review Contributions by: Peter Kayere

    Published on: Jul 16, 2021
    Updated on: Jul 15, 2024

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