RxJava in Android
ReactiveX has created libraries for almost all programming languages. It has also extended this to frameworks, such as Android. This has brought the functional reactive paradigm to the languages and frameworks we use. <!--more-->
In Android, RxJava helps bring efficiency to application performance. It also ensures we have a clean and maintainable code. This article will go through the basics of RxJava and how to use it in Android development.
To follow through this article, you'll need:
- Android Studio installed
- Basic understanding of Android development using Kotlin
- Experience with retrofit and room
What we'll look at :
Like the other ReactiveX libraries, RxJava uses the observable pattern. This pattern involves an observer
who subscribes to an observable
. The observer then receives data emitted by the observable and performs actions on it.
An observable is an object or entity that emits data. We have five types of observables in RxJava, but we will look at only four. This is because the Maybe
observable is not encouraged in Android applications.
These observables have some standard methods in their classes to help manage the emissions. The methods are onNext
, onCompleted
, onSuccess
and onError
onNext - The observable invokes this method when it receives data. The result contains data that it has received. It's available in observable and flowable types since they can emit data more than once.
onSuccess - As the name states, it's called when an operation is successful. It's mostly used in
observables because they emit data only once. -
onCompleted - Observables call this method once it finishes emitting data or doing a task. It's available in all observable types.
onError - This is called when an error occurs. It emits a
through which a developer can get the error details.
This is the primary observable type. It emits data as it receives it. It can be data from a collection like a list or a map. It has the onNext
, onError
, and onCompleted
methods. It calls the onCompleted
once onNext
emits that last piece of data.
Flowable works the same way as an observable but with one extra capability - it’s backpressure-aware. Sometimes the observable may emit data at a faster rate than the observer can consume. This can cause the application to crash or get an OOM (Out Of Memory) exception. Because of this, we use the flowable observable, which handles backpressure on behalf of the developer. A common way to get a backpressure issue is by loading a massive list of data from a local database.
As the name suggests, this observable emits data only once. It doesn’t have the onNext
callback since it emits data once. It has the onSuccess
instead. It emits the single piece of data in that callback. It’s used best when making network calls or retrieving a single entity from a local database.
This observable doesn’t emit any data, and so it doesn’t have the onNext
or onSuccess
callbacks. We use it to check the completion of a specific action by calling the onCompleted function. It’s used for tasks like writing to a local database, uploading an image to a server, etc.
Threading is a crucial factor to consider when creating an application. One needs to handle operations on threads carefully. In Android, we have the main thread and UI thread, which do most of the work. It’s therefore not advisable to run extra operations like network calls on them.
RxJava comes in handy to manage how we deal with threads as we add observers to the application. Schedulers allow us to define where to perform actions and where to receive the data from observables. To specify where an event is to occur, we call the subscribeOn
method and pass in the thread. We have several options to pass into the subscribeOn method. They are:
We call Schedulers.newThread()
to specify that the task needs to be done on a new thread. This creates a new thread dedicated to that specific task. However, it should be done carefully to prevent having many threads created and running at the same time. That will lead to low performance and higher CPU usage by the application.
This creates a new thread, that perform tasks that do not require a lot of computational power. The observable can also reuse these threads, and if none are available, it'll create a new one. We call the Schedulers.io()
to specify this scheduler be used. It handles tasks like making network calls and file system tasks.
works similar to the io scheduler, only that we use it for intensive CPU work. However, it creates a limited number of threads according to the number of cores in the Android device.
We use it for tasks like reading local databases, and should be used carefully. Due to the limited number of threads, if a job finds all the threads in use, it has to wait for them to finish the current tasks. Observables use Schedulers.computation()
to run tasks using this scheduler.
This is not a scheduler available in RxJava but is found in RxAndroid. It deals explicitly with Android-based threads like the UI thread and the main thread. You should only use it when observing the data rather than running the task.
To define where the scheduler should emit the data, we call the observeOn()
method and pass it into the scheduler. To observe data on the main thread, we call observeOn(AndroidSchedulers.mainThread())
. Notice that the method resides in the AndroidSchedulers class and not the original Schedulers
Application in Android
In Android applications, we normally define the thread on which the task will run and where to receive the data. To get the data, we call the subscribe
method. It gives us either the emitted data or the throwable.
The code structure resembles the one below.
{ /** it = emitted data **/ },
{ /** it = throwable **/ })
You can also define other methods as fallback mechanisms. For instance, you can call the doOnError
method to specify what action to be taken once an error is received. RxJava is widely used in Android in that most libraries come with RxJava support.
This means we can attach RxJava observables to the various operations in the libraries. We'll look at how to use the integrated RxJava support in Retrofit and Room. You can find the source code for the tutorial on Github.
Go ahead and clone it to follow along.
We use retrofit to make network calls in Android applications. It has support for RxJava so we can observe data from the network. There is an adapter that converts the Retrofit calls to RxJava observables. We add the support library in the app-level build.gradle.
// RxJava retrofit support
implementation 'com.squareup.retrofit2:adapter-rxjava2:2.8.1'
You only need to add it when initializing retrofit. We also initialize the RxJava call adapter with a Scheduler. This is because all network calls are not CPU intensive, so we use the io
scheduler. We need not define the scheduler when getting the data. We define the return of our retrofit calls as Single
since we get one entity.
// In the Service.kt file
// In the Endpoints.kt file
fun getUsers(): Single<Users>
AndroidX Room also has support for RxJava. It helps us create observables for the actions performed on the local database. With Room, you need to be careful, because getting huge lists of data requires more computation power.
Once we get data from the network in the application, we save it to the database. Once data insertion is successful, we send a Toast to the user to notify them. We observe completion using completable.
It adds the support library using the dependency below.
//RxJava room support
implementation "androidx.room:room-rxjava2:2.2.5"
Then in the Dao.kt
file, we insert the entire list of data and check for completion. Then, once the Room
button is clicked, we get one random User
item from the local database's data.
We'll use Single since we are getting only one value.
// In the Dao.kt file
@Query("SELECT * FROM user WHERE id=:id")
fun getOneUser(id: Int): Single<List<User>>
@Insert(onConflict = OnConflictStrategy.REPLACE)
fun addUsers(users: Users): Completable
Those are some of the ways to integrate RxJava to common tasks in an application. But there is a new word in the MainViewModel
file, i.e., CompositeDisposable
. A compositedisposable holds multiple disposables. When we subscribe to an observer, we create a disposable.
A disposable is a link between the observable and the observer. This disposable needs to be destroyed if it’s no longer in use. If not disposed, it leads to memory leaks, which is terrible for an application.
We dispose them using the .dispose()
method. The preferred time to dispose them is after it destroys the activity. Once an activity is destroyed, the onCleared
method in the viewmodel is called. That method is where we dispose our disposables. But what if we had 100 disposables.
It would lead to 100 statements to clear each disposable. That is where compositedisposables come in. Once a compositedisposable is disposed, it also disposes all the disposables in it. We use it to hold all our disposables and have only one method call to clear all our disposables.
With that, we have gone through the basics of RxJava and some of its observables. You’ll notice that the code is clean and readable. It also ensures better thread management to avoid memory leaks present with Async tasks.
Go ahead and clone the repo to try out different observables. We can find an installation package for the demo application on Google Drive. Next up we will look at the different RxJava operators and their different roles.
Peer Review Contributions by: Peter Kayere